And now the good news:


Press Release: 
UC Berkeley offers courses and symposia through Google Video
By Yasmin Anwar, Media Relations | 26 September 2006

"BERKELEY - In another innovative move to share its intellectual treasures
with the public, the University of California, Berkeley, announced today
(Tuesday, Sept. 26) that it is delivering educational content, including
course lectures and symposia, free of charge through Google Video."


Press Release: Announcement
September 26, 2006
University Complutense of Madrid and Google to Make Hundreds of Thousands of
Books Available Online

"Browsing the library stacks of the University Complutense of Madrid is like
taking a trip through the great moments of Spanish and Latin American
literature with Miguel de Cervantes, Quevedo, Caldersn, Sor Juana de la Cruz,
Garcilaso de la Vega and many more."

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