
Couple of questions:

>Note, that from the previous sections of the AHRA
>which you can look up yourself, only home recording
>equiptment that contains SCMS and analog devices that
>comply with the law are covered by the previous quote
>(this excludes MP3's and computer CD-R drives).

Does that mean makin MP3 versions and copying a CD
using CD-ROM recordable drives is, strictly speaking,

>Copying tapes is legal, Copying CDs to tapes is legal,
>Copying a CD to a CD (using a home Audio CD-R deck) is
>legal, Copying CD to MD is legal, Copying a MD to a MD
>is legal, Recording off the radio is legal.  I think
>you are beginning to get the idea.

Here's what someone I know does:  He buys lots CDs,
makes CD copies using his audio-CD recorder, and then
sells off the original for a lower price.  He claims
that he consulted a lawyer to ensure that he was doing
nothing illegal.  Is he--and his lawyer--right?


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