Hi all.  I apologize if my replies seem even longer winded than usual.
The last one in my nest just left to start her second year at college
and I guess that I am a little depressed.

Don't mean to use the list as a release.  All of my replies were on
topic.  Maybe just a little too long.

It's kind of a mixed feeling (like seeing your mother in law going off a
cliff in your brand new Mercedes <G>).  I really like it when it is just
my wife and I.   But I enjoy having my daughter around for the summer.
On the other hand, when she is at school I have know way of knowing if
she is staying out late, etc.  When she is home and she does, I worry.

Don't get me wrong.  This is probably my best behaved of the 4 ( and the
others were not that bad).  She is a real worrier and can drive you nuts
with that too.  So this is a real mixed blessing with mixed feelings for

"How can you laugh when you know I'm down"

Again my apologizes.

But I did think of something while I was writing all the BS.  If the
MiniDisc org had a small membership fee (I'm not saying that you had to
pay it to be on the list, don't misunderstand me) maybe we could afford
to do some of the research that we are always arguing about.  Also,
maybe we could have an annual meeting.

Another thought.   Colleges and universities are always looking for
bullshit ( once again don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying that I
think doing testing and comparing CD, MD, MP3 etc. is bull, just when
compared to finding a vaccine for AIDS, it isn't really important)
research projects.

Maybe the MD org could convince some colleges to do some research on the
things that we are debating here.


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