Koss headphones may be purchased form J&R Music World (www.jandr.com or 
1-800-221-8180), direct from Koss (www.koss.com), or from many other sources. 
The best 'phones Koss offers for portable use are the KSC-35 "Sport Clip" 
phones (which clip COMFORTABLY on the ears, and have NO headband...perhaps 
the most comfortable 'phones ever made), the Porta Pro (with headband, and 
tension adjustment), The Porta Pro Jr. (same EXACT 'phone, without the 
tension adjustment), and the Sporta Pro (basically a Porta Pro, but with a 
two position headband (over the head, or behind), and no tension adjustment. 
ALL of these headphones use EXACTLY the same driver elements, and all sound 
quite similar, though not identical (full, VERY extended bass, smooth (though 
slightly recessed) midrange, and clear, though somewhat "distant" sounding 
treble. These are VERY accurate, high quality 'phones, though not as bright 
as, say the Grado SR-60. In my opinion this is a GOOD thing, because the 
Grados GREATLY exaggerate the upper midrange frequencies with audible 
"peakiness". This gives them the "hyper detailed" sound, but is actually a 
liability, not a plus (unless, of course you appreciate a peaky frequency 
response!). The Koss models are FAR smoother, not to mention CHEAPER!

Mike Walker
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