Someone asked (sorry i forgot the name...)

does anyone have any experience with the sharp MT-15 portable recorder? i
have a chance to pick one up, and wonder if its a good unit. i have a sony
mz-r30 now, that i've never had a single problem with. i was looking to
pick up another unit to use as a player, and this one came up, so i fugired
why not get a back up recorder too. im wondering about battery life, atrac,
TOC errors, level control, basically anything pertinant to the unit. i know
its an older unit, but so's my sony, and its been bulletproof so far.

I posted this mail 2 days ago to the MD-LIST, but i'll post it again, 'coz i 
this is informative to you.

I got the MT15 some weeks ago, and i am very happy with it.
It has a good sound quality, all edit-functions (including name-stamp)
and Digital input, headphones out, and mic input. 24bit atrac, but
it comes without any accesoires (remote, adapter, battery).
The MT20 is about the same as the MD15, but it comes with all the
accesoires.. The recording level is adjustable.

Greetz, Joost (don't mind my bad English...)

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