
My MZR55 finally bit the dust so I repeatedly smashed it against the
concrete until I was quite certain the evil thing that lived in the
optical block was dead. But, just like in "Jumanji" may God have mercy
on the poor soul that finds it. I also smashed the power supply,
depriving the beast of its lifeblood.

In any event, a similar fate did not meet various accessories included
with the unit. The guy who wanted the battery attachment bought that
part, but there are more available. What I have left are two of the soft
leather cases from Argentina -one fits the unit with the AA battery pack
attached, the other without it, remote controls, manuals, at least one
of the NiMh batteries, maybe two-some other stuff as well, I
guess-whatever came with them (I had a bunch as they kept on dying and
being replaced while under warranty-see story below.) I also have the AC
adapter for the Sharp 702 and the external battery pack for the MZ-E3
that houses the lithium-ion battery, the credit card remote control for
the ZS-M1, etc. If you're interested in any of this stuff, E me.

The MZR55 was supposedly repaired by Sony a few weeks ago-the charge was
$100 which I didn't pay because I told them not to do it (it was sent in
along with a tripod and the MDS-JA20ES) they did it anyway and sent it
back to me-evidently they didn't do a very good job or it couldn't be
repaired anymore so I'm certainly glad I didn't pay for it. I used it a
lot for titling whenever the MDS-JA20ES would return  a disc labeled "No
Name" after extensive editing when the titles would still be there but
the JA20ES was unable to read them (at least it never returned a TOC
error, which would have been much worse)-whereupon I would insert the
disc into the MZR55 and retitle everything by writing the same titles
back which the R55 could read. I would just push the buttons through the
title without changing anythng and then write the new title onto the
discs TOC-whereupon the JA20ES could read the titles again-but it was a
real pain in the ass and the R55 did not like the process very much.
Without a doubt, the R55 is the WORST of the many MD recorders I have
owned-I think I fried five or six of them under warranty (mostly by
renaming discs) without even trying. I hope the R90 fares better-it
seems to be a more solid machine anyway. I will never, never, never
again buy an R55.

Incidentally, the D-VHS machine works much like a DAT or MD-it records
video and audio data (not a video signal like a standard VCR) perfectly
which the HDTV decoder displays on the HDTV.  

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