Recording Interviews/Speeches for Internet Use

1. I truck around the world giving speeches on the Internet and 
democracy/politics <>. I meet lots of 
interesting people and would like to record interviews, conference 
discussions, and do some real-time Internet webcasting from time to 

2. My Base computer equipment on the road - I have a Sony Vaio SR5 
with 128 MB memory running Windows 2000.  I like to use small devices 
whenever possible.  My computer has a Firewire plug, USB, and a 
memory stick slot.

3. MP3 Recorders

A. Are you aware of a MP3 Player/Recorder with an external mic jack?

B. I see that many offer voice recording with built in mics and that 
the Nomad Jukebox has line-in plug that would required a pre-amped 
mic.  Are small portable mics with the pre-amp built-in available?  

C. What about Sony, will they have a MP3 recorder with an external 
mic jack that uses their memory stick?

4.  Portable Mini-Disc Recorders - My research thus far leads me 
toward some sort of Mini-disk solution with a decent PC connection.  
I am more interested in uploading interviews quickly to my computer 
than downloading MP3 to a player.  What are my options? What do you 
recommend?  Should I wait for the MDLP versions to reach the U.S.?
I want to avoid taking 30 minutes to get a 30 minute interview onto 
my computer.

5.  Microphones - I'd like to be able to set a microphone(s) on a 
table to record discussions or interviews.  Are 
teleconferencing/meeting recording like mics suitable (the ones that 
are all connected to be scattered across a table)?  What about two 
person discussions, how should two lapel mics be connected?

6.  Webcasting - When I have the proper net connection and power 
source, I plan to use my laptop to audio cast events via streaming 
MP3 using Shoutcast and  Any tips here?  Can I both 
webcast live and record at the same time?

7.  Video??? - Should I just scrap the audio-only recorder option and 
put the money toward a fancy digital camcorder?  Why not just use the 
camera to record the sound and strip the audio from the video?  What 
kind of sound quality can these Firewire/memory stick compatible 
camcorders record?  What software would you need to strip out the 
audio digitally? 


Steven Clift
-   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -   -
  Steven Clift - E: [EMAIL PROTECTED] T:+1.612.822.8667   
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