I received my Sharp MD-C on Tuesday.  I have it at my office and really haven't
had much time to "play" with it.

So far it appears that if you press the CD to MD button, it will copy CD #1 to MD
#1 and so forth.  I don't think that it will continue to copy CD #1 to MD #2 if
MD #1 is full.  At least it didn't in the test that I performed.

The specific ATRAC version is not given.  I guess that the unit was originally
designed for release in Europe because the equipment browser gives the price in

The overall sound quality is what you would expect from an inexpensive mini
system.   Actually considering that it sold on Mercata for under $200 this system
offer's a lot for the money.  The speakers are made from particle board rather
than plastic.

It has the typical "juke box" look as far as the lights go that you have come to
expect from a teenager/young adult mini system.  But being able to copy 3 CDs to
3 MDs digitally is impressive.

I would expect that the copies are at least as good as you will get from a
portable.  In many respects this unit is more impressive than a high speed
dubbing unit.  While a 4X unit will finish a disc faster, you still have to be
around to change the disc.

Here you can load 3 CDs and just leave them.  When you come back later, you will
have 3 MD copies.

On the down side, this is strictly a self contained unit.  The only jacks are for
one AUX input.  There are no digital or even analog outputs (just a headphone
jack).  But this a unit like this, why would you want to bother making copies to
a separate unit?

The tape day is a dead give away that this is no high end system.  On the other
had there are still many people out there that need the use of a cassette deck so
one is included.

As always, I'm sure that the weak links are the converters.  But where you plan
to listen to your MD is important.  As I have stated many times, I can't see
making MD copies to listen to on your $10,000 system when you have the original
CD (or a friend burned a copy for you on his computer).

For the car and jogging, the quality of the MDs made from this unit or any
portable are fine for me.

I tried to compare the original CD to the MD copy, but you can't do an instant
A/B switch so the lag time makes it a little more difficult to be precise.  Both
the CD and Md sounded about the same to me considering the limits of this system.

The unit is rated at 50 watts per channel RMS.  That's not too bad.  Most units
of this type will list the wattage at the point just before the unit explodes,
not RMS.

Why back when RMS was adapted as a standard to force component manufactures to
compare apples to apples.  Before that, you often saw numbers like 500 watts!!!
That number was the number the unit could reach nano seconds before you house
burned down.

BTW, when they came out with RMS they were still using cps!


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