Hi all,

        Wow I have not posted here in well over a year
        but with a promotion in work I dont have to look over my
        shoulder as much when I am writing mail or surfing so Im back.

        I eventually got rid of my Sony R-30 portable and tried to
        get my hands on a black or silver R-90. Every place I went
        they said sure but when it came down to it they could not get
        any off Sony. I ended up with the pale blue R91 which I love 
        but still prefer my R-30.
        R91 takes a long time to >> << and is slow from disc insertion to playing.

        I recently bought some high space 80min blanks from Richer Sounds
        for 98p (Irish Pound) each that is a big price drop as when they came 
        out first they were 37 pounds for 5 and a tenner each.
        After recording onto them with the R91 in work I brought them home
        and tried to play them on my Sony MDS38. But not a hope the first track
        jammed and would not play. I stuck in a dreaded lens cleaning disc
        but that did not help. I put the recorderd disc back into the R91
        and it played fine.

        I then went to record from the MDS38 onto a 74 min TDK MD-RXG
        (those lovely ones with the alaminiuium)
        (digitally) and it started to add phantom track marks and
        had 29 track marks when the CD had only 12.
        once I played the recorded disc it started to stick as well.
        (The CD I used I had alread copied to MD previously with no porblems)

        SO the problem has to be with the MDS38 not the discs.
        Previous recordings I have made with the MDS38 (last year)
        play fine on it. It just seems to be certain discs.

        Any one got any input on what might be wrong?
        maybe the slide where the lens runs along sticks?
        maybe it has problems with cheap/newer discs?

        I also have the MDS38 turn on bug where in the middle of the 
        night the machine turns itself on and tries to eject a disc
        over and over again even though there is no disc inserted.
        this is caused by a dodgy sensor and Ive found If I insert a disc
        and leave the unit off with the disc in then it does not occur.

        Id love a new deck but with a morgage its a no can do at the moment.



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