My opinion is that any system other than Windows is hard to get into. People
may call me a lazy bugger for not learning other OS's, but I think learning
Guitar, and also having 6 hours of school a day is a lot of learning,
without the added "bonus" of getting Linux working.

I am experienced with computers, been using them for 13 years (and I'm 16
years old), and I have a system which has Windows and Linux on. I decided to
put Linux on because I was sick of Windows error messages, but it seems
everytime I start up Linux, theres another problem with it. It wont
recognise my soundcard full-stop, even though I have the right drivers, and
followed the instructions for putting them on down to the last letter, and
the last time I started it up, it wouldn't recognise my main hard drive
(running linux on a partition on my 2nd hard drive), so I couldn't add some
other drivers I found for the sound card.

Now, I dont know if its just that Linux is in a mess, or that my hard-drive
is not in a condition for working with Linux. Most will say that if its not
in condition, its your own fault.....but it works in Windows, so guess what
I use? You use what works with what you have.

Now, I aint saying that Windows is the best, far from it, I would rather run
Linux, but my soundcard is the most important thing in my PC (as in what I
get the most pleasure out of, not more important than having my CPU in
there.....) and if it aint gonna work in Linux, I aint gonna use Linux,

I would try and troubleshoot it, except that I dont know how, which is the
main difference in Windows and Linux, either me or my dad (and he aint some
daft sod, he's a Network Administration Consultant or something to that
effect) can sort Windows....but not Linux, as neither of us have the
experience. I dont know, maybe I just need someone who has the experience to
help me, but I know no-one that does, so I'm stuck to be quite honest.

Anyway, sorry for the long rambling, maybe half of this was a cry for help,
but I had to get everything out of my system.

Stuart Howlette
"There are many questions in life, but is the right answer only correct
because the majority believe in it?"
This is from a chat i had with someone a while ago (and this was him being
"NoNaMeR 2KuK: say we dont need computers
NoNaMeR 2KuK: we could use cheese instead "
For more from this chat, visit

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