> One more question, I found mdb 1.0 comes with solairs 8 has very
> limited print capability for my own data structure. I also tried to
> move kernel dump from solaris 8 to 10, and use mdb 1.1 to debug it, but
> solaris 10 mdb can not recognize the dump from solaris 8. I used to use
> adbgen to
I just tried the last detailed procedure. it works very well on soalris 10 with
MDB 1.1.
One more question, I found mdb 1.0 comes with solairs 8 has very limited print
capability for my own data structure. I also tried to move kernel dump from
solaris 8 to 10, and use mdb 1.1 to debug
Jay Jain wrote:
> I want to check the state of all the MDBs, is there is any command
> or any other way to do this. Pls let me know.
> I want to check my all the MDBs are running properly or not !
your question is unclear. What is it that you are really trying to
There is one mdb,