In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Fugitive warlord claims U.S. facing Soviet-style defeat in Afghanistan

The Associated Press
Published: January 23, 2007

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: The United States faces a Soviet-style humiliation in 
Afghanistan, a fugitive Afghan warlord claimed in a video message while 
taunting Pakistan for aiding U.S.-led counterterrorism operations.

In a recording obtained by The Associated Press in Pakistan, Gulbuddin 
Hekmatyar also accused Washington of fomenting conflict among Afghan ethnic 
groups on a scale comparable with the strife in Iraq.

"Everyone knows that the American aggressors are faced with defeat in every 
part of the country," Hekmatyar said. "They were unable to achieve their 
goals by bombing innocent Afghans, their villages and homes. They are 
preparing to leave like the Soviet troops."

Hekmatyar leads a militant faction blamed along with Taliban and al-Qaida 
fighters for an intensifying insurgency in Afghanistan, despite the 
presence of an expanding number of foreign troops.

U.S. and NATO officials insist they can still defeat the insurgents, while 
calling for an acceleration of reconstruction projects and warning that 
time is running out to persuade ordinary Afghans that the country is 
heading for a stable, democratic future.

In a video message publicized Monday, al-Qaida deputy leader Ayman 
al-Zawahri also contended that al-Qaida and Taliban were regaining control 
in Afghanistan.

The 24-minute recording from Hekmatyar was undated. It was also unclear 
where it was recorded. However, Hekmatyar refers to the Muslim celebration 
of Eid al-Adha at the turn of the year.

In comments aired on Pakistani television earlier this month, Hekmatyar 
claimed his fighters helped al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden and al-Zawhri 
escape intense U.S. bombardment in Afghanistan's Tora Bora mountains five 
years ago.

Seated before a dark backdrop in a black turban and apparently reading from 
text positioned off-camera, Hekmatyar repeatedly invoked Islam to urge 
Afghans to unite in order to expel foreign soldiers, topple President Hamid 
Karzai and install an Islamic government.

He complained that Washington ­ along with Russia, Iran and India ­ was 
favoring the Tajik-dominated Northern Alliance, which helped U.S. forces 
drive out the Taliban in late 2001, over ethnic Pashtuns.

That, he forecast, could lead to a conflict similar to the civil war that 
engulfed Afghanistan after Soviet troops ended their 10-year occupation in 
1989 and pitched Hekmatyar's Pashtun-dominated Hezb-i Islami faction 
against ethnic Tajik rivals.

He claimed that Washington and others had filled the Afghan army and police 
with Shiites, members of a Tajik faction and communists.

"This is the same thing that they did in Iraq," Hekmatyar said. "They want 
non-Pashtuns to fight against the Pashtuns and Shiites to fight Sunnis."

Afghan and U.S. officials deny that claim, saying its fledgling security 
forces fairly reflect the ethnic and religious balance of Afghanistan.

Taking aim at Pakistan, Hekmatyar said Islamabad could deploy all its 
troops to the troubled border region, clamp down on religious schools 
suspected of supplying militant recruits, and still "America will not be 
pleased with you."

Pressing the case for foreign troops to leave, he cited the withdrawal in 
October of British troops from Musa Qala, a town in southern Afghanistan, 
under an agreement with tribal elders that they would keep out Taliban 



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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