In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===


ISRAEL.  HOMELAND.  JEWS. What IS this all about?  First we should attempt
to determine what a Jew is, or isn't. Is a Jew a person who embraces a
particular religion traditionally known to the world as 'Judaism'? Or, is
it a Semitic person who traces his/her bloodline to the ancient tribe of
Judah?  Or is it both? One would assume the answer to that question would
be: "both".

Not so. The religion known to most of us as 'Judaism' is in fact Talmudism.
It is the religion of the ancient Pharisees. It is a violent and racist
religion, and its priests the Pharisees (today called rabbis) were exposed
by Jesus as being of their "father, the Devil"; a "murderer and a liar". He
referred to them as "whited sepulchres filled with dead men's bones" and
"liars" who "steal the homes of widows". He accused them of all manner of
evil, and for 'bearing witness unto the truth', Jesus was falsely accused
by the Pharisees and killed.

Moses Mendelsohn, a learned Jew, said of that religion that:

"Judaism is not a religion. It is a law, religionized".

To more fully understand Mendelsohn's assertion, if you don't understand,
read the book in progress titled Jewish Persecution on line

Judahites, in those ancient times were Semites. However, over the past
2,500 years they have intermarried and melded into the mass of humanity.

So who are the Jews, then? The majority of people who call themselves Jews
today (we will call them Jews also, because that's what they call
themselves), and the majority of the people who live in the land now called
Israel CANNOT trace their lineage to that ancient Semitic tribe of Judah.

ISRAEL -- that parcel of land so violently wrested from the true Semites
whose ancestors tilled the soil for centuries -- is not a gift from the
Jewish god, Jehovah. It was given them by UN mandate in 1948 with a lot of
help from their wealthy and influential Jewish friends in high places in
the governments of the U.S. and Britain.

That transfer of land from the Palestinians to the present inhabitants, was
a giant leap for the ancient priesthood which has planned for centuries to
gain World Dominion. And the majority of people who live in Israel are not
Semites. Nor are their ancestors Semites. Nor have their ancestors ever set
foot in that 'Holy Land' of the Jews.

By their own admission, the majority of 'Jews' in Palestine (over 90%) are
ancestors of the tribe known as Khazars, from the land of Khazaria, whose
Kagan (king) adopted the religion of the Pharisees -- Talmudism, not
Judaism -- in 740 A.D. There were millions of them who adopted Talmudism.

These Khazars are of Turko-Mongolian descent, a warlike tribe that lived
deep in the heart of Asia. Their ancestors were so violent and barbaric
they were driven out of Asia into eastern Europe. They settled in the area
between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea. The Khazarian kingdom was the
biggest country in all of Europe, comprised of 800,000 square miles. There
was no 'country' called Russia at that time.

Alfred Lilienthal, an Orthodox Jew of Khazarian descent, wrote a piece
titled "What Cost Holocaustomania?", which appeared in the Washington
Report on Middle East Affairs, April 1998. He stated that:

"Even Arabs can be labeled 'anti-Semitic', although they are in fact
Semites and do not have to link any claim to the Holy Land to descent from
seventh century converts to Judaism, as do the Ashkenazi Jews of Europe
from whom half the Israelis and most American Jews, including this writer,
are descended."

My using the above quote was for the purpose of confirming their awareness
of their Turko-Mongolian blood and non-Semitic lineage. That should NOT be
construed as intent to place Dr. Lilienthal in a positive and credible
light. He downplays the number of Jews today who are in fact of Khazarian
descent and -- as do many (or most) Orthodox Jews -- gives credence to the
Holocaust (better known today as the Holo-hoax), as well as giving credence
to the lies about Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein.

He stated in that same article that Saddam had defied a UN resolution to
allow the UN inspectors to search for weapons of mass destruction, when it
is a well-known fact that it was the Zionist controlled governments of the
U.S. and U.K. who 'withdrew' the inspectors.
<>Scott Ritter, a former UN
inspector shed the light on that lie promulgated by the
media. And he certainly avoided the fact that the Israeli government has
defied nearly a hundred UN mandates since 1948!

Those of you Judeo-Christians -- or Christian Zionists -- who will try with
all your might to deny the truth here, are encouraged to also read the lead
article in our section titled THE GREATEST HOAX. The section features an
essay by Charlie Samples under that same title:
<>The Greatest
Hoax.  Mr. Samples takes us on a guided tour through the bible, leaving
little doubt that the apocalyptic events prophesied were fulfilled during
the same generational period when Jesus was on this earth.

Fundamentalist Christians have now embraced the Kingdom on Earth/End Times
message, promulgated by
<>Cyrus Scofield.
Scofield was a scam-artist who -- after serving a prison sentence for
swindling his widowed mother-in-law out of her money -- was taken under
wing by <>Samuel
Untermeyer, a wealthy and influential Jew. The Scofield Reference Bible was
financed by a group of Untermeyer's friends and published by the Oxford
Press, a Rothschild tool. The Scofield Reference bible is used in nearly
every seminary in the U.S. to 'train' the Christian clergy.

The word 'seminary' should maybe be pronounced 'cemetery', as it buries the
Spirit of the Christ.

While I do not embrace the every-word-is-the-word-of-God in the bible, I
know we have been given truth.  Much of that truth is in coded or esoteric
language for the adepts of the secret brotherhoods; much of it is remnants
of history entwined in the stories of the Pharisee priests, and some is in
plain language for those who have 'ears to hear and eyes to see'.

So. . . if the people in Israel are not Jews what, then, is Israel all about?

IS(Isis)-RA(Ra)-EL(El) (three gods in one) --  is a phantom nation, whose
phantom 'Jewish' citizens claim all the land ceded them by their phantom
god, Jehovah. The high priests (today called rabbis) claim it is their
'biblical heritage'.  From its beginnings the 'lesser brethren' -- as the
Zionist elite call the 'common' Jews -- have been brainwashed into
believing every jot and tittle of the lies fed them from birth.

They firmly believe they are the 'chosen' of their god and have an inherent
right to that property, and it was never intended they stop at the borders
given them by the UN mandate. Unfortunately, the Christian Zionists /
Judeo-Christians have been led to believe the same fable by their churches.

What are the ultimately intended borders of Israel? Here's an excerpt from
Barbarians Inside The Gates, by Donn de Grand Pre' that gives us a big clue
for starters.
As Seymour Hersh revealed in his book, The Samson Option, Israel has
stockpiled weapons of mass destruction in underground caverns in the Negev
Desert for at least 30 years; weapons equipped with not only nuclear, but
chemical and bacteriological warheads, all ready to go.

Do they have the will or power actually to use these weapons? Perhaps they
already have.  There is the danger, however -- certainly recognized by
Hersh -- that they, like Samson, could pull the temple down upon
themselves.  In order to grasp this concept fully, we must turn once more
to Israel Shahak's monumental work, Jewish History, Jewish Religion.

Shahak, who arrived in Palestine in 1945, became an admirer of David
Ben-Gurion. He explains how he became his dedicated opponent:
"In 1956, I eagerly swallowed all of Ben-Gurion's political and military
reasons for Israel initiating the Suez War, until he (in spite of being an
atheist, proud of his disregard of the commandments of Jewish religion)
pronounced in the Knesset [Israel's Congress] on the third day of the war,
that the real reason for it is 'the restoration of the kingdom of David and
Solomon' to its Biblical borders."

Shahak defines those borders as being: all of Sinai and a part of northern
Egypt; all of Jordan and a large chunk of Saudi Arabia; all of Kuwait and a
part of Iraq south of the Euphrates; all of Lebanon and all of Syria;
together with a huge part of Turkey; and the island of Cyprus.

Is this vast territory still the ultimate goal of Israeli expansionism?
Shahak further states that in May 1993 Ariel Sharon formally proposed in
the Likud Convention that Israel should adopt the Biblical borders concept
as its official policy. Shahak sees the alternatives that face
Israeli-Jewish society:
"It can become a fully closed and warlike ghetto, a Jewish Sparta supported
by the labour of Arab helots, kept in existence by its
on the U.S. political establishment and by threats to use its nuclear
power, or. . . it can become an open society.

The second choice is dependent on an honest examination of its Jewish past,
or the admission that Jewish chauvinism and exclusivism exist, and on an
honest examination of the attitudes of Judaism towards the non-Jews."

Next, let us look at the 'Biblical borders' as spelled out in the Old
Testament - the Talmudist's Torah: This can be found in Numbers 34: 1-13:
And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Command the children of Israel, and
say unto them, When ye come into the land of Canaan; (this is the land that
shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan with the
coasts thereof):

Then your south quarter shall be from the wilderness of Zin along by the
coast of Edom, and your south border shall be the outmost coast of the salt
sea eastward; And your border shall turn from the south to the ascent of
Akrabbim, and pass on to Zin; and the going forth thereof shall be from the
south to the Kadeshbarnea, and shall go on to Hazaraddar, and pass on to
Azmon; and the border shall fetch a compass from Azmon unto the river of
Egypt, and the goings out of it shall be at the sea.

And as for the western border, ye shall even have the great sea for a
border; this shall be your west border.

And this shall be your north border; from the great sea ye shall point out
for you Mount Hor: From mount Hor ye shall point out your border unto the
entrance of Hamath; and the goings forth of the border shall be to Zedad;
And the border shall go on to Ziphron and the goings out of it shall be at
Hazarenan; this shall be your north border.

And ye shall point out your east border from Hazarenan to Shepham: And the
coast shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and
the border shall descend, and shall reach unto the side of the sea of
Chinnereth eastward. And the border shall go down to Jordan and the goings
out of it shall be at the salt sea; this shall be your land with the coasts
thereof round about.

And Moses commanded the children of Israel saying, This is the land which
ye shall inherit by lot, which the Lord commanded to give unto the nine
tribes, and to the half tribe.

That's quite a piece of real estate isn't it?  From coast to coast -- and
to hell with all the inhabitants therein. Do they intend to stop at those
borders?  Consider this: if they are indeed adopting the 'Biblical borders
concept', as Ariel Sharon suggested, it appears the whole planet earth is
to be taken over by them.

Returning to the Old Testament (Torah / Talmud), we should first establish
just who is to be the receiver of this 'blessing' from Jehovah, and also
consider who or what is Jehovah / Yahweh.

In the following quotes from the Old Testament, we are using the Masoretic
Text, which the rabbis and learned Jews claim to be the most faithful
translation from the ancient writings. Comparing each of these quotes with
the King James version - which is based on the Masoretic Text - we see
subtle yet distinct word replacements for the 'Judeo-Christians'. Where it
seems relevant to me, the words from the King James version will be in
[black font brackets].

You can check this out for yourself, from the on-line version of the
Masoretic Text at:
. I have no way of knowing whether or not this is a faithful translation.
It is copyrighted by someone named Mechon Mamre.

The biblical references are used here because all the killing and
slaughter, all the chaos and insanity is being promulgated by the Zionist
elite, most of whom are avowed atheists, and who use the Torah/Talmud to
control their lesser brethren. As you read further, you will see that the
plan for World Dominion is indeed a political program wrapped in a cloak of

There are Orthodox Jews today who disclaim the Zionist movement, and yet
adhere religiously to the Torah/Talmud.  Until they disclaim the entire
chosen people myth, and give the hook to their Torah/Talmud, they are and
will remain part of the problem. Why? They sincerely believe that the land
called ISRAEL is their inherent homeland, and that one day -- when their
Messiah comes -- the land can be legitimately claimed by them. ALL the
land! And to hell with the inhabitants therein.

Some Jews claim that they are not Talmudist, and adhere only to the Torah.
Oh, my. The Old Testament IS the Torah. The Old Testament is a story of
wars and destruction and killing and sacrificing animals and humans and of
incestuous relationships and of a jealous and vengeful deity who picks and
chooses his favorites upon whom he will rain down blessings and curses
depending on whether or not they obey his nasty statutes. . . and I am not
referring to the Ten Commandments. The Old Testament scribes and pharisees
turned the commandments on end throughout the books of the O.T.

The Old Testament is a political program for World Dominion, wrapped in a
cloak of religion.

Listening to an Orthodox rabbi on a radio broadcast about a year ago, it
was clear that either he has been as bemused and befuddled as the Christian
clergy today, or he is intentionally deceiving his flock as well as all the
gullible goyim who were listening. The talk-show host praised him for his
stand against Zionism, and totally missed the important point. I have
wondered if the anti-Zionist Jews are sincere, or once more part of the
controlled opposition.

The rabbi claimed that they are commanded by their god to be 'good
neighbors' in any and every nation wherein they live during the Diaspora
(dispersion). Anyone who reads the old testament, whether that be the
Masoretic text or the KJV, or whatever, can see the writing on the wall.
They are commanded by their god to destroy and rule over every piece of
ground the soles of their feet touch, including the inhabitants therein.

If you will continue on, hopefully it will become clear. However, for those
of you steeped in religious doctrine and dogma, there must be a willingness
to set aside what you believe to be true, and read with an open mind. Let
the facts persuade you, and let your inner voice give you discernment. Your
'inner' voice would be that of the Holy Spirit, and Jesus did tell us that
the "kingdom of God is within you", didn't he?

Remember, these quotes are from the Masoretic Text, with certain words and
phrases from the KJ version in [brackets]. In Exodus 6:3 Jehovah said:
"And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, as God Almighty,
but by My name YHWH [Jehovah] I made Me not known to them.  And I have also
established My covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the
land of their sojournings, wherein they sojourned, [the land of their
pilgrimage, wherein they were strangers]."

In the Masoretic Text, which is claimed to be the true version of the Old
Testament from which the King James version was written, the name 'Jehovah'
is spelled 'YHWH'. Our 'Jewish' friend who went through Hebrew school and
was Bar Mitzvahed before rejecting the Pharisaical/Talmudic religion,
explained that there is no letter 'W' in Hebrew. It is a 'V'.  (YHVH) He
pronounces those letters from the Torah as 'Ya-Ha-Vay'. He says it is not
Yahweh, nor is it Jehovah. Je-Ho-Vah is the English translation of Ya-Ha-Vay.

It appears that the name 'Jehovah' is a  derivation of the main Greek god,
Zeus. To the ancient Greeks, Zeus was 'god the father', or ZeusPater.  The
Romans named him Jupiter (ZeusPater), and Jupiter and Jove were one and the
same. Next, I will excerpt from section 8 of the book Jewish Persecution.
Please stay with this and follow it to its completion, if you will. For us
to understand the hoax that has been perpetrated upon us, and which has led
us to where we are today is possibly the second most important discovery we
can make.

Actually, it is two sides of the same coin, in a sense, for when we discard
the lies, the truth shines brilliantly, lighting up our minds and hearts.
What is left when the lies are dispelled is that: We are not physical
bodies made of mud, and when we 'die' we either go to heaven or hell. We
are Spiritual beings, inhabiting physical bodies. We are of our Father
Creator, light eternal and loved and lovable and loving, for God/Creator is
Love, and God/Creator doesn't make mistakes. He is not mistaken about us
either. We are the mistaken ones. We are mistaken about whom and what we
really are.

Here is the excerpt from Section 8 of
Persecution. I hope you will take time to read the on-line portion of the
book that is completed to date.
"A guest on the Sweet Liberty broadcast informed us that
Jupiter/Jove/Jehovah were one and the same. A search on the internet (using
'Jove' and 'Jehovah') brought astounding results. (All emphasis in these
excerpts are added)
The first item on the list was: A Masonic Song - 'A performance of this
song in New York City was reported in Gaine's Mercury, July 2, 1781':

[verse 1] "By sacred influence hurl'd, From chaos rose the world, Great
will of Jove. Grand architect supreme, Fountains of wisdom stream, Receive
our humble theme, Duty and love.
[verse 3] Jehovah we implore Peace to his realms restore . . ."

It was stated that this song was sung to the tune of 'God Save the King',
which is the exact tune to which Americans sing 'My country tis of thee;
sweet land of liberty...' Oh, my... have we been duped!

Another reference to Jove/Jehovah was titled '666 in Ancient Religions'.
The explanation of a group of symbols, signs, and codes stated in part:
"...The Hebrew-Chaldee JHVH (Jehovah forming the crossbar of the H could
also be translated JOVE, a minced form of Jehovah and a name of the sun-god

Here is the first verse of The Universal Prayer, by Alexander Pope, once
again using Jove and Jehovah as the same:
"FATHER of all! In every age, In every clime adored, By saint, by savage
and by sage, Jehovah, Jove, or Lord!. . . "

Other information from several varied sources discovered in the search for
Jehovah/ Jove/Jupiter and Minerva is excerpted below:
'According to an ancient legend, the first man was made by Zeus. His
breastplate was the aegis, his bird was the eagle. In Zeus' honour, the
Olympic games are held every four years.

... essentially the same 'inflation' of the leading god happened with Greek
and Roman religion: Greek Zeus and Latin Jupiter or Jove.

Dzeus or Deus Pater... in Latin Deus Pater meaning 'God, the Father'.
At the end of, and especially after, the much later 'Babylonian Exile' of
the Jews, the Jews. . . inflated a local god of the Palestinian soil,
Yahweh, into a Jew-choosing divinity.'

It was not the Jews who inflated that god of the Palestinian soil. It was
the priests! Zeus was the name the Greeks gave the Lord of the World. The
same god in Rome was Jupiter or Jove. Jove-Jehovah's symbol was the EAGLE.
Is it not interesting that the symbol for the U.S. is the eagle?... and
Bush dubbed the neverendingwar on terrorism Operation Noble Eagle - ONE -
from the United Nations' slogan "Out of the many - one". In Latin it is :
"e pluribus unim", which slogan we find on the 'dollar' bill of the Federal
Reserve Bank, also created and controlled by the same group terrorizing the
world today. They call themselves Jews.
Since 'they' seem quite untouchable, the gentiles will transfer their
hatred to the lesser brethren, which has been part of the plan from the
beginning. It's called 'divide and conquer'.
"The Jews have long written the vowel-less Tetragrammaton YHWH (for YaHWeH)
with the added Masoretic points of the Hebrew-Phoenician word which they
actually pronounced Adonai, meaning 'Lord' which gave rise to the name
"Thus, what was originally a transpersonal universal intelligence
underlying and constituting all existence became a very personal Middle
Eastern despot who paradoxically also loves you. It was the
alpha-male/father raised to infinite magnitude."

"With the goddesses Juno and Minerva, Jupiter formed the triad whose
worship was the central cult of the Roman state."
"In the council of the gods that followed the overthrow of his father
Saturn, Jupiter (Jove) was crowned Sovereign Lord of all the World and of
all the gods."

Juno, Minerva and Jupiter formed the triad. Would that be the 'trinity'?
If Jupiter/Jove had overthrown his father because he felt Saturn to be
inadequate to the work, could that compare to the 'fallen son' Lucifer?
Jupiter/Jove was crowned Sovereign Lord of all the World, and of all the
gods. Would that be Jehovah/Yahweh? "A" god? And the people asked of
"Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the Gods?"

A god among the gods. Speaking of the Sovereign Lord of all the World, it
is fitting here to repeat earlier excerpts from the Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion:
"When the hour strikes for our Sovereign Lord of all the World to be
crowned it is these same hands [the mob] which will sweep away everything
that might be a hindrance thereto." Protocol No. 3.

"Ever since that time [French Revolution] we have been leading the peoples
from one disenchantment to another, so that in the end they should turn
also from us in favour of that King Despot of the blood of Zion, whom we
are preparing for the world." Protocol No. 3.

"However, it is probably all the same to the world who is its Sovereign
Lord, whether the head of Catholicism or our Despot of the Blood of Zion."
Protocol No.4.

Their King Despot of the Blood of Zion which they're preparing for the
world! That makes ones blood run cold.

So, not only are the Jews not Jews, Jehovah/Jove/Yahweh/YHWH -- whatever
the name of the mysterious, vengeful, bloody and warring god of the
Pharisees -- is not our Loving Father in Heaven -- Creator of all that is,
even the 'lesser gods' -- of which Jesus spoke.

Getting back to the scriptural quotes, from the Masoretic Text, in Exodus
verse 7, Jehovah said:
"and I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God; and ye
shall know that I am the LORD your God, who [which] brought you out from
under the burdens of the Egyptians.

I will be to you "a" God. Repeating that statement, in Leviticus 26:12
Jehovah/Jove/YHWH said to his chosen people:
"And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my
people. I am the Lord your God which brought you forth out of the land of
Egypt. . ."

In Deuteronomy 10:15 he said:
"Only the Lord has a delight in thy fathers to love them, and he chose
their seed after them, even you above all people, as it is this day."

And to drive home the point of his 'godness' to his special people, in
verse 17 he said:
For the LORD your God, He is God of gods, and Lord of lords, the great God,
the mighty, and the awful [a terrible], who regardeth not persons, nor
taketh reward.

Going to Deuteronomy 11: 23-25, Jehovah enlarges the promised borders, as
long as his special and peculiar people obey all of his statutes and
commandments -- that is to utterly destroy everyone who gets in their path,
or who happens to be the inhabitants of a town they're passing through,
including all the animals, men, women and tiny babes. . . "utterly destroy
everything that breaths":
then will the LORD drive out all these nations from before you, and ye
shall dispossess nations greater and mightier [possess greater nations and
mightier] than yourselves.
Every place whereon the sole of your foot shall tread shall be yours: from
the wilderness, and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto
the hinder [uttermost] sea shall be your border.
There shall no man be able to stand against you [before you]: the LORD your
God shall lay the fear of you and the dread of you upon all the land that
ye shall tread upon, as He hath spoken unto you.

Here's a 'loving' god for you. In Deuteronomy 14:2, once again confirming
his 'choosing', Jehovah said:
For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen
thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are
upon the earth.

In verse 21 he instructed his people thusly:
Ye shall not eat of any thing that dieth of itself; thou mayest give it
unto the stranger that is within thy gates, that he may eat it; or thou
mayest sell it unto a foreigner; for thou art a holy people unto the LORD
thy God.

That's not very nice, is it? Sell a diseased animal or give it to someone
else to eat? To bring the peculiar people into even more focus, in
Deuteronomy 15 Jehovah tells them that every seven years they must release
all debtors -- as long as they are of the peculiar people group. Of a
"thou mayest exact it again, but that which is thine with thy brother thine
hand shall release".

"Exact it again". . . and again, and again, and again.  Today, in order to
afford the mortgage payments on their homes they pay three to five times
the actual cost of the home and mortgages are spread out for thirty to
fifty years.  If that isn't racism, there must be another definition for
that word. Then there are the requirements for borrowing and lending, in
For the LORD thy God will bless thee, as He promised thee; and thou shalt
lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt rule over
many nations, but they shall not rule over thee.

I would think that Christians who embrace the 'Identity' cult would
question that verse. Christian or Israel Identity teaches that the Jews
aren't the chosen of Jehovah/Jove, but instead the white Anglo Saxon race
is the chosen. In other words, they are to be the recipients of all the
land whereon they tread; they will rule over nations; and they will 'loan
to many nations but will not borrow'.

The money-changers of yesterday are today's bankers - money lenders. The
IMF/World Bank/Federal Reserve/ etc. They call themselves Jews. Regarding
usury, the peculiar and special people are told, in 23:19:
Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother, usury of money, usury of
victuals, usury of anything that is lent upon usury.
Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou
shalt not lend upon usury, that the Lord thy God may bless thee in all that
thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

Once again, the Identity crowd, in order to obey this are allowed to charge
interest on their loans, which is totally at odds with the early
Christians. In fact, monarchs hired the Khazarian Jews as their treasurers
so they could charge usury. Today, that admonition is ignored by Jew and
Gentile alike, because they charge their 'usury' to all and every one.

In Deuteronomy 7:16 we can begin to understand the terrible and endless
slaughter of the Palestinians who are the true inhabitants of that land now
called ISRAEL:
And thou shalt consume all the peoples that the LORD thy God shall deliver
unto thee; thine eye shall not pity them; neither shalt thou serve their
gods; for that will be a snare unto thee.

"Consume" in my Webster's 21st Century dictionary means: 1) "use up in the
process of living"; 2) "destroy, as by fire".

In 7: 22:
And the LORD thy God will cast out those nations before thee by little and
little; thou mayest not consume them quickly, lest the beasts of the field
increase upon thee. But the LORD thy God shall deliver them up before thee,
and shall discomfit them with a great discomfiture, [and shall destroy them
with a mighty destruction] until they be destroyed.

"Little by little". . . today it is known as 'gradualism', as in how to
boil a frog. Throw a frog into boiling water and he'll jump out. Put it
into a pot of tepid water, turn up the heat little by little and the frog
will set there until he's boiled to death. At least that's what we're told.
It's quite like the two-steps-forward-one-step-back strategy. Jack up the
price of oil from $1.20 to $1.90. Then, when it goes 'down' to 'only'
$1.40, everyone is happy. Withhold 20% of a person's wages for the
fraudulent 'income tax', say from a $30,000 yearly wage. Take $6,000 and
give them back $385 at the end of the year and they think the IRS gave them
a wonderful gift. "Until they be destroyed".

In Deuteronomy 20:16
But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee
for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth.

In 26:19, again:
And to make thee high above all nations which he hath made, in praise, and
in name, and in honour, and that thou mayest be an holy people unto the
Lord thy God, as he hath spoken.

And again in 28:9:
The Lord shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn
unto thee, if thou shalt keep the commandments of the Lord thy God..."

Isaiah 60: 10-14
And aliens [the sons of strangers] shall build up thy walls, and their
kings shall minister unto thee; for in My wrath I smote thee, but in My
favour have I had compassion on thee.

Thy gates also shall be open continually, day and night, they shall not be
shut; that men may bring unto thee the wealth of the nations [the force of
the Gentiles], and their kings in procession.

For that nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea,
those nations shall be utterly wasted.
And the sons of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee, and
all they that despised thee shall bow down at the soles of thy feet; and
they shall call thee The city of the LORD, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

There's more. In Isaiah 60: 20-22:
They shall inherit the land for ever; The branch of My planting, the work
of My hands that I may be glorified. The smallest shall become a thousand,
And the least a mighty nation; I the Lord will hasten it in its time.

Isaiah 54: 2,3
Enlarge the place of thy tent,  And let them stretch forth the curtains of
thy habitations, spare not; Lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes.
For thou shalt spread abroad [break forth] on the right and on the left;
And thy seed shall possess the nations, And make the desolate cities to be

Isaiah 60: 2-5
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, And gross darkness the
peoples; But upon thee the Lord will arise, And His glory shall be seen
upon thee. And nations [the Gentiles] shall walk at thy light, And kings at
the brightness of thy rising.

Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: They all are gathered together,
and come to thee; Thy sons come from far, And thy daughters are borne on
the [shall be nursed at thy] side.
Then thou shalt see and be radiant [flow together], And thy heart shall
throb [fear] and be enlarged; Because the abundance of the sea shall be
turned unto thee, The wealth of the nations [forces of the Gentiles] shall
come unto thee.

"The wealth of the nations." The International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank make loans to third-world nations in exchange for their natural
resources. They're called 'debt for equity swaps'. The poor nations cannot
pay, so the U.S. Treasury is raided (off the backs of the American slaves),
and the 'chosen' lay claim to all the natural resources of those nations.
In America, it's the Federal Reserve Banks.

Let's look at the term "Jewish Homeland". We've been led to belief that is
Israel, and then we read from the Torah/Old Testament that Jehovah/Jove has
given them dominion over the world and every inch of soil on which their
feet should trod. Homeland: does that begin to sound familiar to Americans,
who are now living under the restructuring of the U.S. Government via the
"<>Homeland Security Act"? So.
. . when ever did America become the 'homeland', and whose homeland is it

Following is an excerpt of a chapter from a book that was -- to our
knowledge -- never published. The author, who called himself
'Silverbristle', said it more eloquently than I could ever. The title of
this chapter is The Unified Conspiracy Theory. You can read the entire
chapter <>here. The
excerpt begins with a poem by Jewess Emma Lazarus:

"The New Colossus        by: Emma Lazarus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor, that twin cities frame.

"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

In so many words, Emma is showing us the answer: her image of the 'Mother
of Exiles' standing at our gates, inviting the refuse of the world to enter
in. Who is this 'Mother of Exiles? Who put that damned statue outside our
harbor and called it the 'golden door'? A harbor is a place of refuge, but
not a permanent abode. The 'golden door' is something altogether different.
Is there an intentional twist of poetic irony in all of this, something
like the fabled Trojan Horse, but infinitely more malevolent? Maybe we are
the bigger fools, to have let someone else give away our homeland. To whom
and for what?

We do know that Emma Lazarus was a Jewess and a committed Zionist, her
father a wealthy New York sugar refiner (which industry still employs the
lowest-paid workers in the world). Who else could this 'New Colossus' this
'Mother of Exiles' be than the Golah, the 'Deserted Wife' of Isaiah,
beckoning her children to follow, and to "set firm their stakes".
She is also the Jew standing at our gates, inviting the peoples of the
world to enter in. To them she is B-A-B-A-L-O-N, the 'melting pot', Queen
of the City of the Pyramids. Her number is an hundred and fifty-six. Six
times twenty-six. The number of Zion is also an hundred and fifty-six. Is
this all coincidence?

Yet surely, the Jews are the 'Mother of all Exiles'. Perhaps we have too
quickly assumed that Emma Lazarus was merely a bad poetess. We may have
been fooled. Read her poem again, in light of its title, The New Colossus.
This is not to be an empire built by valiant arms, as had the ancient
Greeks and Romans. This New Colossus is an empire built by way of
deception, trickery and betrayal, by means of stealth and irredentism.
These are the ways of the god of Jacob.
The statue of 'Liberty Enlightening the World' was the gift of French
Jacobites, given in 1886, the fourth year of the Jewish exodus to the
United States. She cradles a plaque in her arm, like Moses the Ten
Commandments, inscribed with the numeral "1776" as though to commemorate
the American Revolution. That plaque represents the equality polemic of the
Declaration of Independence ...

"That all men are created equal"

... and it should be borne in mind that, at the time those words were
written, the Revolutionary War was already in full-swing, and the purpose
of the Declaration of Independence was to muster the support of the commons
behind the already-selected leaders. It was not necessary that those
leaders actually believe their own propaganda.

Be that as it may, in the final analysis, the "Equality Polemic" tends to
deny the existence of both "national rights" (as in a homeland) and
individual rights, in order to assert its own ideal of "Human Rights",
which are to be shared "equally" by all world-citizens.

It was this equality polemic that Charles Sumner and the Illuminati wished
to elevate to equal standing with the Constitution, and together with
international treaties, as the Law of the Land. The plaque represents Human
Rights, the banner of the Society for Ethical Culture, organized as the
Humanist Church of Man (Woman).

The symbol of the imprisoned lightning represents the feminist usurpation
of the male creative spirit, one of the occult secrets of Mystery Babylon.
The Statue of Liberty was erected in the year 1886, the centennial of 1786,
the year before the 'Constitutional' convention was foisted upon our
It was the year when the Federalist conspiracy was set in motion, when the
State of Virginia refused to honor the five percentum under the Articles of
Confederation because the international bankers had been caught tampering
with the books. The 1786-1886 centennial represents the betrayal of the
American Revolution.

Why does Emma use the words, "our sea-washed, sunset gates" in line three?
Who is "we"? New York is on our (white native American) eastern coast. Why
the sunset? Emma's "we" is clearly not us native Americans. Are these
"sunset gates" to be opened for something to be brought in, or for
something else to emerge? Perhaps both? The western is the sunset coast,
and sunset beckons the night.

For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth,

And gross darkness the peoples;

But upon thee the Lord will arise,

And His glory shall be seen upon thee.

And nations shall walk at thy light,

And kings at the brightness of thy rising.

Lift up thine eyes round about, and see:

They all are gathered together, and come to thee;

Thy sons come from far,

And thy daughters are borne on the side.

Then thou shalt see and be radiant,

And thy heart shall throb and be enlarged;

Because the abundance of the sea shall be turned unto thee,

The wealth of the nations shall come unto thee.

Isaiah 60:2-5   According to the Masoretic Text

What a perfect companion to Emma Lazarus' poem. Or vice versa; a perfect
match. What spectacular imagery, the Mother of Exiles lighting the way for
her children in the darkness of night. The image of Columbia leading the
proletarian masses, and the Illuminati who named the Seat of their
government the 'District of Columbia'. Oh my, have we been fooled? [end

The author mentions 1886 as the 'fourth year of the Jewish exodus to
America'. Details of this mass exodus can be found in the book-on-line,
Persecution. Regarding his reference to the 'equality polemic', let's see
what the Protocols say about this:

". . . for the sake of victory, we must keep to the programme of violence
and make believe.

Far back in ancient times we were the first to cry among the masses of the
people the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity", words many times repeated
since those days by stupid poll-parrots who from all sides round flew down
upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world,
true freedom of the individual formerly so well guarded against the
pressure of the mob.

In all corners of the earth the words "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore
our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms
at work boring into the well-being of the goyim, putting an end everywhere
to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the goya
States." Protocol No. 1

We will finally complete this with another relevant excerpt from The
Unified Conspiracy Theory.

It has long been written in the holiest scripture, in the depth of the
Jewish collective soul, that it is their destiny and birthright to rule the

The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

And it shall come to pass in the end of days, That the mountain of the
Lord's house shall be established as the top of the mountains, And it shall
be exalted above the hills; And all nations shall flow into it.

And many peoples shall go and say: "Come ye, and let us go up to the
mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; And He will teach
us of His ways, And we will walk in His paths."
For out of Zion shall go forth the law, And the word of the Lord from
Jerusalem. And He shall judge between the nations, And shall decide for
many peoples;

Isaiah 2:1-4 - According to the Masoretic Text

These same verses are today inscribed on the "Isaiah Wall", outside of the
United Nations Building in New York City. That, in itself, is sufficient
cause to weigh their historical significance.
One need only ponder the influence of the Hebrew-Jewish-Christian Bible
upon our culture and beliefs, to gain some idea of its awesome power. For
the past fifty years, even as I write this, the veil has been lifting.
Perhaps, before long, the whole world will know, and these things whereof I
write shall be made clear. And if, knowing the Zionists to be our masters,
we should then continue to submit (as I think we must), shall we not then
acknowledge ourselves to be their slaves?

And strangers shall stand and feed your flocks, And aliens shall be your
plowmen and your vinedressers. But ye shall be named the priests of the
Lord, Men shall call you the ministers of our God; Ye shall eat the wealth
of the nations, And in their splendor shall ye revel.

Isaiah 61:5-6  -- According to the Masoretic Text.

And the sons of them that afflicted thee Shall come bending unto thee, And
all they that despised thee shall bow down At the soles of thy feet; And
they shall call thee The City of the Lord, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

Isaiah 60:14  According to the Masoretic Text

Do you get it? The "City of the Lord" is the same as the Nation of Israel,
which includes all Jews, Diaspora and Israeli. It is the same vision that
John the Evangelist evokes in the Book of Revelations.
So where in hell did he get the idea that this is supposed to be Jesus'
"Second Coming"? Was the author of the "Christian" Apocalypse perhaps, like
the Knights Templar of a later age, and the Freemasons four centuries after
that, trying to steal the Jewish mystique?
It really is pitiful. Jesus had given his life to destroy the
self-fulfilling prophecies of Zionist millennialism, and yet within a
century of his death, we find the "Christian" Church endeavoring to bring
about the same, heedless of Jesus' repeated admonishment, "My kingdom is
not of this world!"  [end excerpt]

This section on ISRAEL is being put together along side the section on IRAQ
because the two are interchangeable. The threatened war on Iraq is a
Zionist campaign, as was the 1991 war on Iraq.  The 1991 war was not a war,
it was a massacre, as this threatened war will be -- if it is implemented
according to plan.

If you are new to this website, and just awakening to the lies, reading one
or two articles or pieces of information will not make much of a
difference. The awakening out of the lies into which we were born is a
journey. If you have just begun the journey, or are somewhere in the area
of my level of awareness (I'm not sure yet where that is), or are
light-years beyond. . . welcome. Let us hold hands, let our Spirits touch,
and journey on together. Those ahead will bring us further, and we can
reach out to others who are just beginning. . . with gentleness, compassion
and love

Jesus told us to SEEK THE TRUTH, and in that seeking, it is promised that

-- Jackie --  March 3, 2003

P.S. There is another section titled
<>The Greatest Hoax which presents
information that will be moved to this section as our time
permits.  Meantime, you will find more pieces of the puzzle by taking
advantage of the articles posted there.  You will notice also, as you check
out the other sections, that each topic in each section is all part of the
seamless web that has been woven into, around and through our lives.

And. . . in the <>IRAQ section
there is a book on-line about
<>Saddam Hussein (pdf
format) and the history of Iraq.  The book is intriguing and must contain
information that the controllers don't want you to see.  The only way the
author could get it published was to allow it to be indexed as 'juvenile
literature'.  It was published by Chelsea House in 1992 and is already 'out
of print'.  THAT IS OUR CLUE!



-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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