In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

9/11: Five years later - TYPECASTING MUSLIMS AS A RACE

As the war on terror heads into its sixth year, a new racial stereotype is 
emerging in America. Brown-skinned men with beards and women with head 
scarves are seen as "Muslims" -- regardless of their actual faith or 
-- Most Arabs in the United States, such as Ralph Nader, are not Muslims.
-- Many Palestinians are Christian.
-- Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim country, but its residents 
don't resemble the stereotype.
-- African Americans make up more than a quarter of the U.S. Muslim 
population, more than any other ethnicity. Complicating matters, Muslims 
who are black often are confused with Black Muslims, Nation of Islam 
followers, who abide different beliefs.


9/11 :  9 Minute Video: Planet of The Arabs

A trailer-esque montage spectacle of Hollywood's relentless vilification 
and dehumanization of Arabs and Muslims.


9/11 :  New Video by Azzam the Black Propaganda Operative

“Californian Adam Gadahn, wearing a white robe and turban, introduces the 
message by calling on Westerners to convert,” reports CNN. “We invite all 
Americans and believers to Islam, whatever their role and status in Bush 
and Blair’s world order,” Gahahn declares. “Decide today, because today 
could be your last day.”


9/11 : Terror prosecutions falling back to pre-9/11 levels

The federal government has fallen back to prosecuting international 
terrorists at about the same rate it did before 9/11, according to a study 
based on Justice Department data.


How 9/11 changed America: In statistics

The defense graph is most interesting, because the ramp up in defense 
spending started BEFORE 9-11.


9/11 :  Our Fascism, and Theirs

The administration's new theme, designed to sell the Iraq war and the 
larger "war on terrorism" as an historic struggle against "fascism" – or 
"Islamo-fascism," as the president and his blogger fan club would have it – 
is not merely a very bad joke. As an analysis of where we are and what we 
are facing, it is worse than useless to compare Osama bin Laden's 
scattered, ragtag legions with the massed might of the Wehrmacht: it is a 
delusional inversion of reality. Listen to Rummy as he tries to convince us 
it's 1939:

"It was a time when a certain amount of cynicism and moral confusion set in 
among Western democracies. When those who warned about a coming crisis, the 
rise of fascism and nazism, they were ridiculed or ignored. Indeed, in the 
decades before World War II, a great many argued that the fascist threat 
was exaggerated or that it was someone else's problem.

This is an administration has a pathological inability to take 
responsibility for any of its failures, which is why it is resorting to 
this kind of rhetoric.


9/11 :  Guantanamo tarnishes Bush credibility in "war on terror" Guantanamo 
tarnishes Bush credibility in "war on terror"

The US prison facility for detainees in the war against terrorism remains a 
difficult challenge for the United States five years after the September 
11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

There are about 450 detainees still locked up at the US naval installation 
on Cuba, leaving US President George W Bush in the difficult position of 
trying to portray himself as a world leader of human rights while keeping 
people locked up for years without trial.


9/11 Lies :  Masked man with firebomb attacks Montreal Jewish school

In the video, the man takes a few steps toward the entrance, then steps 
back to throw a lighted Molotov cocktail. He removes his mask as he steps 
out of the video frame, but his face is not visible.

Translation: He KNEW the camera was there and it's an inside job ; another 
phony hate crime hoax.


Israel - The Country That Wouldn't Grow Up

But today everything is different. We can see, in retrospect, that the 
victory of Israel in June 1967 and its continuing occupation of the 
territories it conquered then have been the Jewish state's very own nakba: 
a moral and political catastrophe. Israel's actions in the West Bank and 
Gaza have magnified and publicized the country's shortcomings and displayed 
them to a watching world. Curfews, checkpoints, bulldozers, public 
humiliations, home destructions, land seizures, shootings, "targeted 
assassinations," the separation fence: All of these routines of occupation 
and repression were once familiar only to an informed minority of 
specialists and activists. Today they can be watched, in real time, by 
anyone with a computer or a satellite dish - which means that Israel's 
behavior is under daily scrutiny by hundreds of millions of people 
worldwide. The result has been a complete transformation in the 
international view of Israel. Until very recently the carefully burnished 
image of an ultra-modern society - built by survivors and pioneers and 
peopled by peace-loving democrats - still held sway over international 
opinion. But today? What is the universal shorthand symbol for Israel, 
reproduced worldwide in thousands of newspaper editorials and political 
cartoons? The Star of David emblazoned upon a tank.


Israel's Invasion of Lebanon Was Not Justified

An abridged version of this essay was rejected by WBFO radio as his monthly 
commentary for August. According to Mr. Simpson, he was told by WBFO that 
the NPR station was no longer going to air commentaries critical of 
Israel’s conduct in the recent war in Lebanon because callers had 
complained about a previous commentary critical of Israel. Mr. Simpson’s 
regular monthly WBFO commentary has also been canceled.


Israel afraid of retribution for war crimes against Lebanon

Three weeks after a cease-fire ended Israel's monthlong war against 
Hezbollah guerrillas, Israel is increasingly concerned that government 
officials and army officers traveling abroad could face war crimes charges 
related to the country's actions in Lebanon, officials said Monday.

A Foreign Ministry official said a special legal team is preparing to 
provide protection for officers and officials involved in the 34-day 
conflict in Lebanon. Israeli fears of prosecution abroad are based on 

This appears to be a tacit understanding by the Israeli government that war 
crimes have in fact been committed in their latest incursion into Lebanon.


Officials said fearing wave of war crimes suits over Lebanon - IDF generals 
have deferred visits to Europe for fear of arrest

The Foreign Ministry fears a wave of lawsuits accusing Israeli military and 
governmental officials of war crimes, Army Radio said Monday, adding that a 
report prepared by the ministry`s chief legal advisor warns officials 
against inflammatory statements in connection with the recent war, saying 
that their words could later be used against them in foreign lawsuits or 
indictments for alleging them to be war criminals.


Israeli officials 'face war crimes risk'

Israel's public officials have been told to watch what they say in public 
about the Lebanese and Palestinian conflicts for fear of being prosecuted 
for war crimes, political sources say.


Genocide in Gaza

Nothing apart from pressure in the form of sanctions, boycotts and 
divestment will stop the murdering of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip.


Jewish state death squad executes father, son in cold blood (PCHR)

Father and Son Killed in Cold Blood, 2 Daughters Seriously Injured. 9 Homes 
Destroyed, 2 Activists Detained, 6 Civilians Injured

In another crime in the ongoing war crimes in the Gaza Strip, IOF killed a 
Palestinian civilian and his son in cold blood in the town of Beit Hanoun 
in the predawn hours of Saturday, 2 September 2006. In addition, two of the 
slain man's daughters were seriously injured. The raid by IOF 
undercover  units also resulted in the injury of 6 civilians, including two 
parents and their 3 children, and the destruction of 9 homes. The 
casualties and damages were inflicted in an operation aiming to detain 2 
"wanted" activists.


Racist :  Israel invites bids to build 342 Jew-only colony homes in West 
Bank (non Jews not allowed)

Tenders issued for hundreds of homes in W. Bank settlements

MMN NoteL We wonder what would happen in this country, Canada, if a policy 
were adopted where Jews, or any other group, were told they are not 
permitted to live in a certain area based soley on their ethnicity. 
Traditionally this has been called aparthied, but when the zionist state 
adopts such a policy then it is overlooked and referred to has "preserving 
the unique Jewish character of the zionist state."  But a rose by any other 
name is still a rose.


Gaza doctors encounter 'unexplained injuries'

Doctors in Gaza are reporting what they say are unexplained injuries among 
the dead and wounded in operations by the Israeli military, which have 
killed more than 200 Palestinians in the past nine weeks.


"You don't see, you don't feel, and you don't look" - An Israeli Combat 
Soldier Breaks the Silence

When I was in the Occupied Territories, you could have said that I was an 
American soldier. After all, I owned an M-16 that wasn't produced in 
Israel. I shot grenades that weren't produced with Israeli money, but by 
American money. Everyone, and especially Americans, have a responsibility 
to know what's going on in the world. And since I am from here, I am 
talking about here.


Bint Jbeil; Hezbollah’s Blood Victory

There’s a sign at the entrance to Bint Jbeil that says: “Bint Jbeil­Capital 
of Freedom”. The cheery greeting contrasts dramatically with the vast 
devastation that lies just beyond. Bint Jbeil was a bustling hamlet in 
Southern Lebanon that became the central battlefield in Israel’s’ war of 


A commission to investigate the occupation

During the past two months, July and August, 251 Palestinians were killed 
in Gaza and the West Bank, all of them by Israel Defense Forces fire. About 
half of them were civilians, including women, children and the elderly.


Israeli warplanes bomb Palestinian refugee Camp

Israeli warplanes bombarded a house in Jabaliyah refugee camp in occupied 
northern Gaza Strip, said a security source on Monday.


Italy, Germany, UK refuse Israeli cargo , planes loaded with weapons to 
land in their airports

A number of European states are refusing to allow El Al cargo planes 
carrying Israel Defense Forces equipment from stopover landings in their 

The refusal came from states considered friendly with Israel, including 
Britain, Germany and Italy, according to Captain Etai Regev, the chairman 
of El Al's pilots' union.


Qatar Airways to defy Israeli blockade on Beirut

Qatar Airways has decided to resume direct flights between Doha and Beirut 
"within the next 24 hours" despite the Israeli blockade on Lebanon, a 
company spokeswoman told AFP.


War Crime : "It's My Duty to Speak Out"

Marine Corporal Grant Collins describes what it was like to participate in 
the war in Iraq. He also describes what it is like to live with giving 
orders that resulted in the deaths of civilians.


War Crime : No innocent bystanders in America

The excuse of ignorance is not valid when graphic images are available 
within minutes. It's not lack of knowledge; it's denial...or perhaps even 
acquiescence. There are no innocent bystanders when our money and/or 
rhetoric support the world's most powerful military and the corporate 
status quo.


War Crime : Breaking The Silence

A hard hitting special report into the "war on terror". Award winning 
journalist John Pilger

This is a must watch video documentary


U.S. deaths in Iraq, war on terror surpass 9/11 toll


Iraq : The War Is Lost

The Pentagon’s latest quarterly “progress” report to Congress on Iraq is a 
grim tale of a lost war. The Pentagon told Congress what Bush, Cheney, 
Rumsfeld, and propaganda organs such as Fox “News” never tell the American 
public, namely:


Iraq : A Time for Consciousness

Standing amid the swirling ashes of our own destruction, we deny the 
cinders of the charred bodies even as we try in vain to wipe them from our 


Al "Lackey" Barzani :  Kurdish leader threatens Iraq secession

The leader of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq threatened secession 
Sunday as a dispute over flying the Iraqi flag intensified.


Massoud "Lackey" Barzani:  Kurdish leader threatens Iraq secession

The leader of the Kurdish region in northern Iraq threatened secession 
Sunday as a dispute over flying the Iraqi flag intensified.

Massoud Barzani on Friday ordered the country's national flag to be 
replaced with the Kurdish one, sparking harsh words in Baghdad.


Six US troops killed in Iraq


Two US Soldiers Killed in Iraq's Al-Anbar Province


Two British soldiers killed in Iraq attack


Roadside Bomb in Basra Kills British Soldiers,20867,20355461-1702,00.html


6 US Soldiers, 2 UK Soliders Killed, 35 Tortured Bodies Found in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 3 September 2006.

    * US blocks aid to beleaguered residents of ar-Ramadi, calling them 
“terrorists who don’t deserve to live.”
    * Iraqi puppet army spokesman: Resistance bomb kills four US Marines in 
al-Hadithah Sunday morning.
    * Resistance bomb leaves three US troops reported dead near al-Khalidiyah.
    * Pro-American death squads of Shi‘i sectarians, Kurdish separatists 
step up murders of prominent opponents of US occupation in Baghdad.
    * Scandal-ridden representative of Ayatallah as-Sistani in al-‘Amarah 
assassinated Sunday morning.
    * Muqtada as-Sadr orders his men in ad-Diwaniyah to lay down arms and 
not oppose US and Iraqi puppet forces.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US troop transport in al-Hadithah.
    * Resistance bombards Marine headquarters in al-Habbaniyah.
    * Iraqi Resistance men ambush puppet police in Ba‘qubah.
    * Resistance fighters bombard puppet army headquarters in al-Mada’in.
    * Resistance mortars pound joint headquarters in al-Yusufiyah.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Bradley armored personnel carrier in 
    * Resistance bomb targets US column near al-Hawijah.
    * Resistance batters US base in Tall ‘Afar with Katyusha rockets Sunday 
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police in al-Mawsil.


Economic Empire Building and Domestic Decay

While world attention has focused largely on Washington’s military 
interventions and violent covert operations as the most visible signs of 
empire building, they have overlooked the far more successful domestic and 
overseas economic strategies designed to enhance the US economic empire.


4 NATO Soldiers Killed In S Afghanistan Fighting-Official

Four occupation forces soldiers with the NATO-led International Security 
Assistance Force were killed by enemy fire in heavy fighting in Panjwayi 
district, about 20 kilometers west of the city of Kandahar


Briton among at least 5 killed by Afghan suicide bomber

A British occupation forces soldier has been killed in a suicide bombing in 
Afghanistan, along with at least four civilians as another Nato soldier 
died and others were wounded after coming under friendly fire during a 
major offensive to crush a resurgent "Taliban" in southern Afghanistan.,2106,3786559a12,00.html


U.S. warplanes in Afghanistan kill Canadian soldier in 'friendly fire'

Two U.S. warplanes accidentally strafed their own occupation forces in 
southern Afghanistan on Monday, killing one Canadian soldier and seriously 
wounding five others, NATO and the U.S. military said.


How U.S. dollars disappear in Afghanistan

To understand the failure -- and fraud -- of reconstruction in Afghanistan, 
you have to take a look at the peculiar system of U.S. aid for 
international development.


Returning Home Alive

"Some soldiers come home missing limbs and other parts of their bodies. 
Still others will live with permanent scars from horrific events that no 
one other than those who served will ever understand."


10 killed in Somali airport clashes

10 people have been killed in fighting between police and militia fighters 
in the Somali town of Baidoa, the current seat of the national government.


Sudan 'agrees' to let AU troops stay

Sudan has agreed to let African troops remain in Darfur, but only if they 
stay under African Union control and not that of the UN.


An unimaginable loss of life

Since 1997, approximately 4 million people have been killed as a result of 
the civil war (and foreign interventions) in the Congo. That comes down to 
approximately 444,000 per year or 37,000 per month or about 1,200 per day.


Mexican leftist says will never accept rival's win

Mexico's leftist opposition leader said on Sunday he will never recognize 
his right-wing rival as president and vowed a "radical transformation" of 
the country by setting up a parallel government.


Bush's performance has been poor, but his packaging is exemplary

After 9/11 and Katrina, reality intruded on the president's finely honed 
image - and both times he was missing in action,,1864123,00.html


Katrina Aftermath: And Then I Saw These

I thought the news images we had seen from New Orleans during the worst 
days of Katrina were fundamentally unvarnished.  And then I saw these.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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