In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Where is the rage? Where is the outrage?

A large segment of this society is currently in a state of conditioned 
silence. It watches as America is undergoing radical changes that are 
transforming this nation into an instrument of world domination with the 
objective of controlling this planet's energy resources.


'It is madness. Why is no one doing anything to stop this?'

AS DIRECTOR of the Jabel Amel hospital in Tyre, Ahmad Mrowe is no stranger 
to the violence that has racked this area for decades.
But as casualties soared and even ambulances and his own hospital were 
targeted by Israeli warplanes, the doctor said that the latest Israeli 
onslaught was the worst he had ever seen. “It is incomparable, much worse 
than anything before,” he said, as he stood in a sweltering corridor packed 
with relatives of the victims.,,3-2274521,00.html


9/11 Guantanamo: shame on U.S.

David Hicks is a young man from Adelaide who was corrupted by al-Qaida 
propaganda and volunteered to train with them in Afghanistan. He left 
Afghanistan without having committed any terrorist or criminal act, then 
decided to go back to collect his meager belongings. Rather stupidly, that 
was after the terrorist attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001. 
Captured by the Northern Alliance, he was handed over to the U.S. military 
and shipped to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, where he has languished for 4 1/2 


Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies

.. until 9-11.

A reminder that governments lie and play dirty tricks to start their wars.


Gods among Ordinary Men

Bush and his cadre of neo-conservatives may think that they are above the 
law and that they can act with impunity and without consequences. They may 
think of themselves as Gods who operate above the strata of ordinary 
mortals, as the result of their socioeconomic privilege. That is because 
other people have always born the cost of their wrong doing.


The Caped Crusaders in a Comic Book War

When we last left off, our gallant crusaders, Bush Wayne and his trusted 
confidant, Dick Grayson-Cheney­oil executives by day, freedom fighters by 
night­had earned yet another significant victory in their divinely inspired 
war on terror.


Neocons Rise From Mideast Ashes

The key question: Is the Israeli offensive designed as a calculated effort 
to catapult the hard-right, neoconservative ideologues back to power in 


Is Israel's war also "our war"?

A very significant development is occurring in how neoconservatives are 
discussing America's responsibilities in the Middle East: they are now 
expressly advocating, far more openly than ever before, that Israel's 
enemies are America's enemies, and that the war which Israel is now 
fighting is also America's war -- one in which America should immediately 


Nothing but anti-Arab racism can fully explain the behaviour of the Israelis

As we witness the bombardment by Israel of Lebanon and Gaza - a grotesque 
over-reaction - and, as the death toll of Arab civilians mounts, you have 
to ask how the Israelis can do what they do. My only answer now is to 
conclude that it is racism. No political or territorial struggles can 
convincingly explain or excuse the maddened onslaught by the Israeli state.


FLASHBACK: Sharon's war crimes in Lebanon: the record

In 1982 , Sharon and Begin assigned their agent , Abu Nidal , to 
assassinate Israeli Ambassador to the UK , Shlomo Argov. Argov survived but 
the false flag terror incident became the pretext for the 1982 invasion of 
Lebanon which turned out to be a debacle of massive proportions.

History repeats ?


Israel spurns UN call for monitors

Israel has rebuffed a UN call for an international monitoring force to be 
deployed in Lebanon as it continued to attack the country.


Israelis are dying: it must be an escalation

Here we go again -- more than 130 Lebanese dead after five days of savage 
aerial bombardment from at least 2,000 sorties by Israeli war planes that 
are making the country’s south a disaster zone and turning Beirut into a 
crumbling ghost town. Those dead, most civilians and many of them women and 
children, hardly get a mention, their lives apparently empty of meaning or 
significance in this confrontation.


Will We Go to War for Israel?

Listening to Newt Gingrich bloviate on Meet the Press, advocating U.S. 
intervention on Israel's behalf against Syria and Iran ­ and the pathetic 
Joe "Me Too" Biden effectively agreeing with him ­ one can only wonder how 
or why anybody listens to these crazies.


Israel Said Using DU, Poison Gas On Lebanese


The west must recognise that Israel's agenda is in conflict with its own

Whatever else can be said for or against Israel's escalation of military 
action against Lebanon, there is little prospect that it will achieve its 
stated objectives. If Israel couldn't defeat Hizbullah after 18 years in 
which its army occupied large swaths of Lebanese territory, it is not going 
to succeed with air strikes and blockades, or even another occupation.


'If our Prime Minister is crying, what are we to do?' - Robert Fisk in Beirut

The few who were not lying in their basements ran shrieking through the 
streets - not gunmen, but women with screaming children, families holding 
suitcases, desperate to leave the heaps of broken buildings, entire 
apartment blocks smashed to bits, the roadways covered in smashed balconies 
and torn electrical wires.


We're Being Set Up for Wider War in the Middle East

The old adage, "fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me" 
does not apply to Americans, who have shown that they can be endlessly fooled.


Hezbollah, the United States and the Context Behind Israel's Offensive on 

As Israeli warplanes continue to bomb Lebanon and Hezbollah fires rockets 
into northern Israel we get context on the crisis with two analysts: As'ad 
AbuKhalil, a Lebanese professor of political science at California State 
University and Chris Hedges, a senior fellow at The Nation Institute and 
the former Middle East bureau chief for The New York Times.


Israeli pilot, co-pilot killed in Lebanon airspace

Pilot and co-pilot of an F-16 warplane have been killed after it was shot 
down in eastern Beirut.


Robert Fisk Video Report From Beirut As 143 Civilians Killed

On the ground, I can tell you that the slaughter of innocents continues and 
the Israelis are well aware they're killing many civilians. Windows Media - 
Video and transcript


Ten killed' as Israel bombs vehicles

Seventeen people died elsewhere in Lebanon on the sixth day of Israeli 


Israeli strikes on Lebanon kill 42

Israeli air strikes killed 42 people across Lebanon on Monday, raising the 
death toll since Israel's offensive to 204, all but 14 of them civilian.


Lebanon: 4 civilians killed by gunboat fire

Lebanese police say four Lebanese civilians were killed by fire from 
Israeli gunboats on a hilly village overlooking the Mediterranean south of 


Fleeing Lebanese Speak of Indiscriminate Bombing

"Everything is being bombed," a teacher from the United States who was on 
vacation in Beirut told IPS. "It's terror. We've literally been terrorised."


Eyewitness reports from Israel's assault on Lebanon

Around 60,000 refugees from the south of Lebanon and the southern suburbs 
of Beirut have arrived in the capital. Many of these refugees have said 
that the villages in the south of Lebanon are full of people who are unable 
to leave as roads are being bombed and bus convoys attacked.


Israeli Police detain Al Jazeera crew members for third time

The official cause for the brief arrests was suspicions against the crew 
members of reporting on the location of rocket hits in order to assist 
Hezbollah. Other TV networks, including Israeli news services, made similar 
reports without suffering from police intervention.


One Palestinian killed

According to eyewitnesses, Israeli snipers posted on the roof of one of the 
buildings opened fire against the Palestinian, who was near his home.


Israeli Occupation Forces soldier killed in Nablus

While all eyes were drawn to the fighting in the north and to the Qassam 
rockets in the south, the fighting in the West Bank continued early Monday, 
claiming a heavy price as an IDF soldier was killed after an explosive 
device exploded in Nablus.,7340,L-3277022,00.html


Israeli jet flattens Palestinian Foreign Ministry

At least nine Palestinians were injured in the attack, which ripped through 
nearby homes, shops and offices. Most of the wounded were children


In case you missed it : "Palestine is Still the Issue"

Stateless and humiliated for so long, they've risen up against Israel's 
huge military machine, although they themselves have no arm, no tanks, no 
American planes and gun ships or missiles. Video




The military's disregard for the deaths of Iraqi civilians is turning 
friends into enemies

In Iraq, lives differ in value - and so do deaths. In this disparity lies 
an important reason why the United States has botched this war.


Information about the BlackHawkSecurity- private military contractor 
company founded in USA.


Corruption Cited in Iraq's Oil Industry

U.S. Comptroller General David M. Walker told Congress last week that 
"massive corruption" and "a lot of theft going on" in Iraq's 
government-controlled oil industry is hampering the country's ability to 
govern itself.


Pro-war extremist Blog makes excuses for rape of 14 year old Iraqi

Posted Jul 17, 2006 07:55 AM PST - Category: IRAQ

This is the most disgusting thing I have read all year.

UPDATE: Tha original blog yanked the article after the link appeared here, 
so now this lead points at the Google cache archive of the original article.


Retired soldier concludes: "We are pawns" in Iraq

At what price would you take a job that included scraping human flesh off 
ambushed Humvees?


Iraq :  Try Putting Us in Their Place

I offer here an amended version of a July 15, 2006, report by Reuters. This 
version allows Americans to judge the nature and magnitude of various 
events in Iraq by placing them in the context of familiar persons, places, 
organizations, and magnitudes in their own country.


3 American Soldiers Killed in Iraq


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Sunday, 16 July 2006
    * US troops taunt Iraqis with Danish anti-Islamic cartoon on their 
armored vehicle.
    * Iraqi President still on hunger strike after nine days.
    * US soldier reported killed in mortar barrage on American patrol in 
    * British soldier killed in Resistance attack Saturday night in al-Basrah.
    * Resistance strikes puppet police patrol in al-Fallujah Sunday morning.
    * Resistance bomb explodes north of al-Khalidiyah, wounding US troops.
    * Iraqi President still on hunger strike after nine days.
    * Resistance bomb targets Iraqi puppet official coming out of the 
“Green Zone” Sunday evening.
    * Resistance forces assault puppet “Shock Troop” checkpoint in eastern 
    * Resistance mortars pound two puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in 
    * Resistance fighters attack US, sectarian militia targets in 
    * Kirkuk, Resistance bomb targets Brigadier General in puppet “National 
    * Resistance fighters kill pro-American Shi‘i sectarian militiamen in 


6 Afghan Soldiers Killed, 3 Injured In Roadside Blast

A roadside bomb blast killed six Afghan soldiers and wounded three more 
Sunday in western Herat province, an Afghan army commander said.


'Suicide bomb' in Helmand capital

Three people died, including the top justice official in the area. Earlier, 
US-led coalition forces said they had killed four suspected al-Qaeda 
militants in eastern Khost province. Locals said the dead were civilians.


CNN Presents TWA Flight 800 Misinformation

The recent CNN Presents show 'No Survivors' presented controversial 
government information on the crash of TWA Flight 800 with inadequate fact 


Was TWA 800 Shot Down By a Military Missile?

Today is the tenth anniversary of the shoot-down.







TWA Flight 800: Charles Basset and the Red Residue

During the trial of James Sanders, the NTSB was caught red-handed rigging 
the lab tests on the red residue found on the wreckage, then lying about 
the results in their final report.


Exclusive: FBI Paid Informants In Suspected Terror Group

An unreleased court filing from the U.S. Attorney's office in Miami, 
obtained by NBC 6, reveals compelling new details about the investigation 
into terror suspects arrested earlier this month in Liberty City and 
charged with plotting to blow up Chicago’s Sears Tower and other buildings 
and to "wage jihad on America."


Nearly 1 million protest Mexico election

Posted Jul 17, 2006 07:42 AM PST - Category: VOTE FRAUD

The Mexicans understand that Democracy is only as strong as the people are 
willing to make it.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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