In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Tel Aviv and the Qana massacre: anatomy of a propaganda campaign

The Israeli government has responded to its massacre of almost 60 
civilians, including 37 children, in the Lebanese village of Qana with a 
barrage of brazen lies, falsifications and slander against the innocent 
victims of the bombing.

Without even trying to be consistent, Israeli government and military 
spokespeople have variously claimed that: the building’s destruction was 
caused by Hezbollah explosives; Israeli missiles, aimed at Hezbollah rocket 
launchers, accidentally hit the residential building, in which the Lebanese 
civilians were taking shelter; the Israeli air force did target and destroy 
the building, but was justified in doing so because the civilians killed 
had been warned to leave Qana; and the women and children were being held 
as "human shields" in the building by Hezbollah.



Barbaric and War Crime :  Israeli military report says Qana bombing was 

The Israeli military has exonerated itself of any wrongdoing in connection 
with the deaths of dozens of civilians in an attack on a building in the 
Lebanese town of Qana over the weekend.

The Israeli Defence Forces launched an internal inquiry shortly after the 
attack on the apartment building last Sunday.


Israel has a history of using massacres to intimidate a population under 

After Qana massacre :  U.S.-Israeli war crimes exposed to the world. 
Lebanese resistance puts up a good fight

Aug. 2—Three weeks after launching massive air strikes on Lebanon and 
attempting several ground offensives, the Israeli apartheid state has 
failed to achieve any tangible military results. But the widespread 
destruction it has wreaked has generated world outrage.

On the night of Aug. 1-2, helicopter-borne Israeli commandos flew 60 miles 
deep inside Lebanon to attack a hospital in Baalbek, not far from the 
Syrian border. In the nearby hamlet of al-Jamaliyeh, “villagers said at 
least 15 civilians were killed during Israeli airstrikes providing cover to 
the commandos. The dead included seven members of one family caught in 
their backyard.” (New York Times, Aug. 2)


Israel: Blackmailing the world

Israel’s deliberate and continued destruction of Lebanon is intended to 
force the Western powers to occupy the country on US/Israel’s behalf


Israel’s use of cluster bombs, phosphorous weapons and depleted uranium

Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of War Crimes For Indiscriminately 
Targeting Lebanese Civilians


Guardian: Qana Bomb Made in the US

It has been revealed that the bombs used in the attacks Israel launched on 
the southern Lebanese village of Qana were produced by the US.

At least 60 civilians, most of whom were children had been killed in the 

The British newspaper Guardian reported that the bombs used in the attacks 
were laser-controlled BSU 37/B bunker busters manufactured by the US.

The Independent claimed that inscriptions on shrapnel found at the sight of 
the attack indicate that the bombs were manufactured by the US.

It also noted that the bombs were tested in the war field.



Entire Lebanese family killed in Israeli attack on hospital

An attack on a hospital, the killing of an entire Lebanese family, the 
seizure of five men in Baalbek and a new civilian death toll - 468 men, 
women and children - marked the 22nd day of Israel's latest war on Lebanon.


What International Law? Ambulances hit by Israeli forces

Another challenging report from ITN, this time on ITV. This one on the 
Israeli attack on ambulances in Tyre Lebanon.


Human Rights Watch Accuses Israel of War Crimes

The 50-page report, "Fatal Strikes: Israel's Indiscriminate Attacks Against 
Civilians in Lebanon," detailed nearly two dozen cases of IDF attacks in 
which a total of 153 civilians, including 63 children, were killed in homes 
or motor vehicles.


War crimes and Lebanon

The deliberate and systematic destruction of Lebanon's social 
infrastructure by the Israeli air force was also a war crime, designed to 
reduce that country to the status of an Israeli-US protectorate. The 
attempt has backfired.


HRW: Some Israeli Attacks Amount to War Crimes: Full report

The pattern of attacks in more than 20 cases investigated by Human Rights 
Watch researchers in Lebanon indicates that the failures cannot be 
dismissed as mere accidents and cannot be blamed on wrongful Hezbollah 
practices. In some cases, these attacks constitute war crimes.


Israel, not Hizbullah, is putting civilians in danger on both sides of the 

“The image that Israel has promoted of such [human] shielding as the cause 
of so high a civilian death toll is wrong. In the many cases of civilian 
deaths examined by Human Rights Watch, the location of Hezbollah troops and 
arms had nothing to do with the deaths because there was no Hezbollah around.”


Illogical, illegal and ill-fated

The Arab hostility towards Israel was inevitable given that its creation 
was at the cost of the Palestinian homeland. But instead of neutralising 
the Arab hostility by working for a Palestinian homeland Washington has 
sought to wean away the Arab regimes from the Palestinian cause. With a 
festering Palestinian wound, the undying resistance and an aggressive and 
insecure Israeli state, a stable Middle East will be an illusion.


Pulling the Plug on Israel - No Peace Without Justice, No Justice Without Truth

Whether or not it has reached critical mass, there exists a heterogeneous 
agglomeration of Jewish people around the world-- e.g., moi--for whom the 
state of Israel has come to represent an 800-pound albatross that needs to 
be pried from our necks before it drags us over a cliff.


Israelis accused of 'human shields' tactic

The Israeli army has been accused of using Palestinian civilians as human 
shields in an operation in northern Gaza.

According to the Israeli human rights group, B'tselem, six civilians 
including two minors were subjected to the illegal tactic during an 
incursion into the town of Beit Hanoun last week.


U.S. to Supply Food with One Hand, Arms with Other

The United States says it stands ready to provide food, medicine and 
humanitarian assistance to the thousands of internally displaced Lebanese 
caught in the crossfire. But Washington has also decided to accelerate the 
supply of lethal weapons to Israel -- "perhaps intended to kill the very 
Lebanese the United States is planning to feed and shelter," says one Arab 
diplomat at the United Nations.


Is America Watching a Different War?

American, Lebanese and Israeli Panel on How the US Media is Covering the 
Invasion of Lebanon


Index On Illegal US Weapons In Lebanon

Since the war started, there has been much discussion concerning the use of 
(US) cluster bombs, bunker-busting bombs and chemical weapons ­ all illegal 
- presently being used in Lebanon. Some have also said illegal bombs are 
also being used in Palestine.



Posted Aug 3, 2006 08:41 AM PST - Category: ISRAEL


Hizbullah's attacks stem from Israeli incursions into Lebanon

As pundits and policymakers scramble to explain events in Lebanon, their 
conclusions are virtually unanimous: Hizbullah created this crisis. Israel 
is defending itself. The underlying problem is Arab extremism.

Sadly, this is pure analytical nonsense. Hizbullah's capture of two Israeli 
soldiers on July 12 was a direct result of Israel's silent but unrelenting 
aggression against Lebanon, which in turn is part of a six- decades long 
Arab-Israeli conflict.

go here for a photo of the accuracy of Israeli missles, directly in the 
middle of the red cross

here for the story


Qana and Israel's "full investigation"

The Qana massacre was a deliberate attack on civilians, as have been the 
repeated bombings of suburbs in Beirut and ambulances and villages and 
fleeing vehicles and medicine and milk and the infrastructure. I won't call 
it collective punishment, because punishment implies guilt, whereas this is 
unprovoked murder. Let's revisit: Israel claimed that the building was 
destroyed by Hezbollah eight hours after its strike, local residents and 
aid workers quickly dispelled that; Israel claimed that there were 
Hezbollah rockets being fired from inside or around the building, the Red 
Cross quickly dismissed that, as did local residents and reporters on the 
scene, and now Israel has admitted it lied.


Hear Our Voices ­ "We've lost so much"

An extended family came under Israeli fire as they were fleeing Marwahin in 
south Lebanon on 15 July. Of the 27 people in the truck, 23 died. Maya 
Abdallah, 18, lost many family members in the attack.


Little respite in Lebanon ­ even for the dead

 From a refrigerator truck, soldiers and civil defence workers removed the 
bodies of 80 civilians and laid them out in the car park.


Edinburgh International Film Festival Returns Israeli Money in response to 
Boycott Plans

The organisers of the Edinburgh International Film Festival have cancelled 
an official Israeli Embassy sponsorship of their programme and returned the 
Israeli cheque following a huge public outcry over Israeli Embassy involvement.

Shane Danielsen, the Artistic Director of the Edinburgh International Film 
Festival wrote to all those who complained that he had "almost had my 
bottom teeth knocked out with the butt" of an Israeli rifle recently in 
Occupied Palestine, and that he was eager to assist those Israeli filmakers 
who stood "above all the gunfire, and the shouting of thuggish soldiers."


40 Lebanese dead in Israeli strikes

Three weeks into the fighting, Israel’s battle looked likely to be bitter 
and long. In Lebanon, villagers wept as heavy machinery carried off the 
bodies of those killed in the overnight raid against a Hizbollah 
stronghold, while across northern Israel, forests and fields lay scorched 
from rocket fire.


Hizbollah rockets kill 8

Hizbollah guerrillas killed eight people in Israel in a rocket barrage on 
Thursday. Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said the war had killed 900 
people in Lebanon and wounded 3,000, with a third of the casualties 
children under 12.


3 Israeli Soldier Killed In Fighting In Lebanon - Army

The soldiers were killed when an anti-tank rocket hit their tank in during 
fighting, the army said.


Nasrallah: If Israel bombs Beirut, Hezbollah will attack Tel Aviv

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah warned on Thursday that if the Israel 
Defense Forces attacks Beirut proper, his guerillas would launch rockets 
that would hit Tel Aviv.


Israel warns of consequences of Tel Aviv attack


Israeli envoy: US will not stop operation in Lebanon

Israeli ambassador to US says that American government not intending to 
pressure Israel to stop military operation. US secretary of state declares 
in interview with Fox News that Hizbullah will surrender,7340,L-3285123,00.html


U.S. To Install Puppet Army - U.S. to Help Train, Equip Lebanon Army

The United States plans to help train and equip the Lebanese army so it can 
take control of all of the nation's territory when warfare between Israel 
and Hezbollah eases, the State Department said Thursday.


Gaza: Israeli attack leaves at least 8 Palestinians dead including 8 year 
old boy

Israeli invaded southern Gaza early today, killing at least eight 
Palestinians, including four resistance fighters and an 8-year-old boy


Almost half the fatalities in the Gaza Strip in July were civilians

In July, the Israeli military killed 163 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, 78 
of whom (48 percent) were not taking part in the hostilities when they were 


Gaza: Israeli occupation forces kill 7 Palestinians

Including a 10-year-old boy. Video and text


Detainees accuse Israel of abuses

Hamas officials who were detained in the West Bank during an Israeli 
clampdown in June have accused Israel of maltreating them in custody.


UK: Deported MP attacks 'outrageous' treatment by Israeli officials

A Labour MP deported from Israel while attempting to deliver books to a 
children's library in Ramallah today attacked the "outrageous" 
interrogation she was subjected to.,,1834228,00.html


Uncensored News Reports From Across The Middle East

Video News Reports - Warning  - This video contains images depicting the 
reality and horror of war and should only be viewed by a mature audience.


Palestinian Centre for Human Rights - 27 July ­ 02 Aug. 2006

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians 
and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)
    * 14 Palestinians, including 4 children and two women, were killed by IOF.
    * Two of the victims were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Nablus.
    * 34 Palestinian civilians, including 12 children and two women, were 
wounded by the IOF gunfire.
    * IOF launched a series of air strikes on a number of houses in the 
Gaza Strip.
    * 8 houses were destroyed after their residents were warned that the 
houses would be attacked.
    * IOF have continued to shell the northern Gaza Strip and al-Shouka 
village near Rafah, and many families were forced to leave their homes.
    * IOF conducted 21 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West 
Bank, and 4 incursions into the Gaza Strip.
    * IOF razed at least 100 donums[1] of agricultural land in Khan Yunis, 
and destroyed 24 houses and large areas of agricultural land in al-Tuffah 
neighborhood in Gaza City.
    * IOF raided and searched a number of civil institutions in Tulkarm.
    * IOF arrested 25 Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and two others 
in the Gaza Strip.
    * OF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT; IOF have 
imposed a tightened siege on the Gaza Strip and there have been shortages 
of foodstuffs and fuels; IOF positioned at various checkpoints in the West 
Bank arrested 5 Palestinian civilians.
    * IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall in the West Bank


War Crime :  Weapons of Mass Destruction Discovered Here

Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and North Dakota

On August 6, 1945 the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima. 
Three days later, the US dropped another atomic bomb on Nagasaki. These 
nuclear weapons killed over 100,000 people, almost all civilians, and 
injured many tens of thousands more.


9/11 :  Autopsy: No Arabs on Flight 77

Now, being the trusting sort, I figured that the government would want to 
quickly dispel any rumors so we could get on with the chore of kicking 
Osama/Saddam’s butt (weren’t these originally two different people?). It 
seemed simple to me... produce the names of all the bodies identified by 
the AFIP and compare it with the publicized list of passengers. So, I sent 
a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the AFIP and asked for an 
expedited response, because we were getting ready to send our boys to war 
on the pretext that Osama/Sadaam had done the deed. Fourteen months later, 
a few US soldiers dead, many Iraqi civilians pushing up daisies, and I 
finally get the list. Believe me that they weren’t a bit happy to give it 
up, and I really have no idea why they choose now to release it.

No Arabs wound up on the morgue slab.


As 9/11 Truths Emerge, Truthtellers Face Heavy Fire

Interestingly, many in the administration are working on "leaks issues" 
just as mainstream news media and the courts have been exposing 
embarrassing details of the 9/11 attacks.  Consider that the grand jury 
hearing of Mr. Tice's testimony (which the administration did not announce) 
was originally scheduled for Wednesday, the same day that Sen. Bond 
introduced his whistleblower gag bill.  On Wednesday, too, the Washington 
Post reported that officials at the Pentagon (the folks who bring us 
wrongly classified evidence)  lied to the September 11 Commission -  lied 
so egregiously, in fact, that Commission members considered requesting a 
criminal investigation.   Wednesday also was the day that Vanity Fair 
released an article and recordings documenting the government's inept 
response to the 9/11 attacks.


Scripps poll: One-third see U.S. hand in 9/11

More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials 
assisted in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them 
so the United States could go to war in the Middle East, according to a new 
Scripps Howard/Ohio University poll.


9/11 Live: The NORAD Tapes

How did the U.S. Air Force respond on 9/11? Could it have shot down United 
93, as conspiracy theorists claim? Obtaining 30 hours of 
never-before-released tapes from the control room of NORAD's Northeast 
headquarters, the author reconstructs the chaotic military history of that 
day­and the Pentagon's apparent attempt to cover it up.


NORAD Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 9/11 Official Story NORAD 
Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 9/11 Official Story

It is clear that the exercises revolving around hijacked airliners 
scheduled for that morning created so much noise in the system that 
controllers could not pinpoint the positions of any of the real airliners 
to orchestrate any kind of intercept.

Meanwhile, at Booker Elementary, the US Secret Service let Bush sit there 
reading about goats, clearly iknowing just what the targets would be that day.


911 Response

How people responded to an act of infamy.
Posted Aug 3, 2006 09:06 AM PST - Category: 911


Was 9/11 an 'inside job'?

Posted Aug 3, 2006 09:26 AM PST - Category: 911

Note the very obvious attempt to link questions about 9-11 with UFOs in 
this obvious hit piece.

Okay troops, everyone send an email to the editor, referencing this story 
and ask them if this is all "Space Aliens" stuff, how the US Secret Service 
KNEW IN ADVANCE that President Bush was not a target that day.


9/11 :  Guantanamo detainees may remain indefinitely: Gonzalez

"We can detain any combatants for the duration of the hostilities," said 
Gonzales, speaking to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

And of course with 'perpetual war' being so profitable, you can expect that 
this war will never end!;_ylt=ArCXT.Xe_B8LAor3b3yYsYCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3MjBwMWtkBHNlYwM3MTg-


US troops accused of killing Iraqi detainees refuse to testify

Four US soldiers accused of killing three Iraqi prisoners refused to give 
evidence as a military hearing heard that one of the captives' brains were 
blown out as he lay injured.


Iraq war’s hidden toll: civilians killed accidentally by U.S. troops

Americans have scant idea of how often such episodes occur. The Pentagon 
releases no figures on Iraqi civilians killed by U.S. fire. Each of these 
unsung civilian deaths creates enmity toward U.S. troops from the friends, 
family and tribe of the dead.


US Marines 'deliberately shot civilians'


Soldier Accused of Iraqi Civilian Murders Confirms 'Target List' Competitions


G.I.s Say Officers Ordered Killing of Young Iraqi Men G.I.’s Say Officers 
Ordered Killing of Young Iraqi Men

Four soldiers from an Army combat unit that killed three Iraqi men in a 
raid in May testified Wednesday that they had received orders from superior 
officers to kill all the military-age men they encountered.

Their testimony gave credence to statements from two defendants that an 
officer had told their platoon to “kill all military-age males” in the 
assault, regardless of any threat they posed. That officer, Col. Michael 
Steele, has declined to testify, an unusual decision for a commander.


Rules of Engagement: "Kill All Military-Age Males"


US troops 'smiled before killing'


Judith Coburn: How Not to Vietnamize Iraq


Iraq Resistance Gains Steam

Iraqi resistance fighters have stepped up attacks against US occupation 
forces over the past weeks, with some security sources linking the momentum 
to the US-backed Israeli onslaught on Lebanon.

"Attacks against US forces have increased, particularly since the Israeli 
military offensive on Lebanon began," Anbar police officer Yusuf al-Dailemi 
told the London-based Al-Quds Press news agency.

"Dozens of attacks are being carried out every day against US troops in the 
Al-Anbar province, western Iraq."

The Iraqis know that every US force they keep involved in Iraq is one less 
that can be diverted to Lebanon, Syria, or Iran.


War, violence in Iraq taking toll on United States' wealth

The Soviet Union crumbled because the Kremlin couldn't afford the arms race 
with Washington. The Soviets didn't have the American economic engine to 
sustain the drain on its national economy that its massive standing Red 
Army and missile production demanded.

Is there a lesson in the Soviets' demise that the U.S. needs to heed in the 
global war on terrorism, given the record national debt and the alarming 
condition of the nation's military?


Report: British diplomat warns of Iraq civil war

A confidential report from Britain’s outgoing ambassador to Iraq warned the 
country is sliding toward civil war and is likely to divide eventually 
along ethnic lines, according to a news report Thursday.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 2 August 2006.

    * High-explosive bomb targets US column in al-Fallujah.
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in ar-Ramadi sparking fierce 
    * Three bombs target Shi‘i workers in Baghdad’s Tayran Square, pro-US 
Shi‘i gunmen attack Sunni mosque, as efforts continue to explode sectarian 
strife and partition Iraq.
    * Resistance bomb disables Humvee in US patrol south of Tikrit.
    * Resistance fighters ambush US patrol in ar-Ramadi sparking fierce 
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee in southwestern Baghdad Wednesday 
    * Resistance bomb rips supply truck apart in southern Baghdad.
    * Resistance mortars shell puppet “Shock Troop” headquarters in ad-Durah.
    * Resistance bomb wounds US troops in Balad.
    * Resistance fighters intercept to attempted assaults by puppet regime 
    * Resistance fighters ambush car carrying pro-American Badr Brigade 
gunmen, killing four.
    * Resistance bomb explodes by US column in al-Mawsil.


Afghanistan: Three more NATO soldiers killed

THREE NATO soldiers were killed in Afghanistan in an ambush by Taliban 
insurgents in the same area where a bomb killed a Canadian soldier earlier, 
NATO's military force said.


One Canadian soldier killed, one injured in south Afghanistan bombing


The neocons' next war

By secretly providing NSA intelligence to Israel and undermining the 
hapless Condi Rice, hardliners in the Bush administration are trying to 
widen the Middle East conflict to Iran and Syria, not stop it.


Lobbying For Armageddon

Bush and other leading Republicans have lined up behind a growing movement 
of Christian Zionists for whom a European Antichrist figures prominently in 
an end-times scenario.


Bush Seeks Retroactive Immunity From US War Crimes Prosecution

Posted Aug 3, 2006 03:59 PM PST - Category: DICTATORSHIP


Dictatorship :  White House Asks Congress to Define War Crimes

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has pressed Congress to refine the 
definition of war crimes prohibited under the Geneva Conventions, as the 
Bush administration and lawmakers continue to debate the rules for 
treatment and trials of terrorism suspects.


Corruption: Will the French Indict Cheney?

Yet another sordid chapter in the murky annals of Halliburton might well 
lead to the indictment of Dick Cheney by a French court on charges of 
bribery, money-laundering and misuse of corporate assets.


Corruption :  New poll shows Lieberman losing ground

Millionaire businessman Ned Lamont has extended his lead against veteran 
Sen. Joe Lieberman less than a week before Connecticut's Democratic 
primary, according to a new poll released Thursday.


Corruption :  Former White House policy adviser will plead guilty to theft

Claude A. Allen, President Bush's former domestic-policy adviser and a 
protege of former Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C., is scheduled to plead guilty in 
court Friday to a single count of misdemeanor theft.

The prosecutor and defense attorneys have asked that Allen receive no jail 
time, but rather pay $850 in restitution to Target Corp. and serve one 
month's probation. Friends of Allen, a well-known conservative who rose 
from a senator's press aide to one of the top jobs in the White House, said 
Wednesday that the criminal conviction shouldn't keep him from a future in 

He'll be right at home with all of the other criminals and liars in Washington.


Mexico election protesters dig in

Mexico City has suffered a second day of traffic chaos as supporters of the 
left-wing candidate in the country's disputed election block a key street.


Lost paraguayos: The Yankees are coming

  President Nicanor Duarte has been allowing US troops on Paraguayan soil 
since mid-2005.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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