In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Americans Have Lost Their Country

The Bush-Cheney regime is America’s first neoconservative regime. In a few 
short years, the regime has destroyed the Bill of Rights, the separation of 
powers, the Geneva Conventions, and the remains of America’s moral 
reputation along with the infrastructures of two Muslim countries and 
countless thousands of Islamic civilians. Plans have been prepared, and 
forces moved into place, for an attack on a third Islamic country, Iran, 
and perhaps Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon as well.

This extraordinary aggressiveness toward the US Constitution, international 
law, and the Islamic world is the work, not of a vast movement, but of a 
handful of ideologues--principally Vice President Dick Cheney, Donald 
Rumsfeld, Lewis Libby, Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, 
Elliott Abrams, Zalmay Khalilzad, John Bolton, Philip Zelikow, and Attorney 
General Gonzales. These are the main operatives who have controlled policy. 
They have been supported by their media shills at the Weekly Standard, 
National Review, Fox News, New York Times, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal 
editorial page and by “scholars” in assorted think tanks such as the 
American Enterprise Institute.

The entirety of their success in miring the United States in what could 
become permanent conflict in the Middle East is based on the power of 
propaganda and the big lie.

Initially, the 9/11 attack was blamed on Osama bin Laden, but after an 
American puppet was installed in Afghanistan, the blame for 9/11 was 
shifted to Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, who was said to have weapons of mass 
destruction that would be used against America. The regime sent Secretary 
of State Colin Powell to tell the lie to the UN that the Bush-Cheney regime 
had conclusive proof of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.


Flight 93: Proof of 9/11 Lies by the US Government and Media

An article detailing Flight 93's last minutes was briefly available at on 9/11. It did not fit the official story of 
the last moments of Flight 93 and rapidly disappeared from news websites, 
but it can still be found at the web archive:
    * Thanks to a reader a paper version of the story also emerged
    * It was reported that a missile was heard before the crash
    * Debris fell from Flight 93 nearly six miles from the crash scene...
    * Human remains were found miles from the crash scene...
    * And light debris was found eight miles from the crash scene
    * The military refused to rule out a shoot down on September 15, 2001...
    * And the Washington Envoy to Canada says Bush ordered a shoot down:
Yet the official story removes all evidence of a shoot down, specifically 
the phone call reporting an explosion and smoke on board the aircraft while 
it was in flight, and the same media that carried early reports of evidence 
of a shoot down now parrots the new version without question.

The important point here isn't the shoot down. Most people would agree that 
under the circumstances, it was the best course of action. The point is 
that we are seeing clear evidence of the manipulation of information being 
fed to the public regarding 9/11.

What else is the government concealing about 9/11?


9/11 Uncover : WTC 7, and the 9/11 Demolition

The photograph shows fires in World Trade Center 7 at roughly 3 p.m., as 
does <>this wmv video of 
the building.

If the FEMA collapse report were true then the fires shown would have been 
burning throughout entire floors, not just in a few rooms.

Consider the facts:
     * The fires in WTC 7 were not evenly distributed, so a perfect 
collapse was impossible.
     * Silverstein said to the fire department commander "the smartest 
thing to do is pull it."
     * Firefighters withdrawing from the area stated the building was going 
to "blow up".
     * WTC 7's roof crumbled and the building subsequently collapsed 
perfectly into its footprint.
     * Molten steel and partially evaporated steel members were found in 
the debris.

There can be only one conclusion as to what happened to WTC 7 - it was 

Doesn't this strike you as an odd and dangerous thing to do?

If there were no terrorist attacks on 9/11 then a disgruntled employee 
could have brought down WTC 7
by simply thumping a red button.


9/11 Uncover : The BBC's 'WTC 7 Collapsed

At 21:54 GMT on 9/11 the BBC announced that WTC 7 had collapsed. There was 
just one problem with this news: WTC 7 did not collapse until 22:20 GMT.

    * The videos below show the BBC World broadcast.
    * The two screenshots below show WTC 7 behind the reporter.
    * The following screenshot shows the satellite feed mysteriously 
breaking up roughly five minutes before the actual collapse.
    * BBC News 24 also broadcast that WTC 7 had collapsed, and a 
corroborative time stamp was on their broadcast. 
[<>357kB WMV video 
    * 21:54 GMT is 16:54 (4:54 PM) East Coast time, 26 minutes BEFORE WTC 7 
actually collapsed.


Human Rights Watch lists 39 secret CIA detainees

It names suspects thought to have been held abroad and calls for fuller 
disclosure by U.S.

WASHINGTON — A human rights group Tuesday published the names of 38 men and 
one woman it believes have been locked up in secret overseas facilities, 
and asked President Bush to disclose the identity and fate of all detainees 
the CIA has held since 2001.


U.S. Blasted for Treatment of Detainees

The U.N. human rights chief expressed concern Wednesday at recent U.S. 
legislative and judicial actions that she said leave hundreds of detainees 
without any way to challenge their indefinite imprisonment.,,-6448430,00.html


Systematic Abuse of Prisoners in US "War on Terror" - License to Torture

YEARS OF solitary confinement, sensory deprivation and overload, denial of 
contact with lawyers or family, forcible injections with unknown drugs. 
Most people would call this "torture." The Bush administration calls it 
standard operating procedure in the "war on terror."

Some details of the abuses suffered by detainees at the U.S. prison camp in 
Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, have slowly emerged over the past several years as 
more and more former prisoners tell their stories. Less known, however, is 
the kind of torture that has taken place on U.S. soil--in the case of 
alleged al-Qaeda "dirty bomber" Jose Padilla.


New Zealand forces complain at US treatment of Afghan prisoners

WELLINGTON (AFP) - New Zealand forces in Afghanistan were reported 
Wednesday to have complained about the treatment of prisoners they handed 
over to the United States.


War Crime : Israelis at Abu Ghraib?

Odd, isn't it? Sometimes, a truly startling piece of news will grab the 
world's attention for a day or so -- and then the story vanishes down the 
memory hole, never to be seen again.

Shortly after the tales of prisoner abuse gained widespread public notice, 
an unlikely news source, the right-wing NewsMax, broke a remarkable angle: 
Israeli agents appear to have participated in -- and may even have directed 
-- the Abu Ghraib abuses.

What the hell were Israelis doing in that place?


Media Propaganda :
Wash. Post parroted White House claim that Iraq war was authorized by U.N. 
Security Council

In a February 24 article on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) 
efforts to block a Democratic proposal to repeal the 2002 Iraq war 
authorization, The Washington Post uncritically reported that White House 
deputy press secretary Tony Fratto "said the United States went [into Iraq 
in March 2003] as a multinational force under United Nations authorization 
to take military action against Iraq." The Post failed to note that 
Fratto's claim is disputed. On March 19, 2003, just before the invasion of 
Iraq, the Post itself reported (purchase required) that President Bush 
tried and failed to obtain a resolution from the U.N. Security Council 
clearly authorizing new military action against Iraq


Special present for Women's Day

In an interview back in 2003, President Bush said that if his country were 
occupied he would resist. Indeed he is resisting what he calls "terror" 
toward making the world safer for Americans and America. An important stage 
of his "resistance" was invading, occupying and destroying Iraq.

Yet, in occupied Iraq, resistance is being describing as terror and 
insurgency as long as the occupier is being described as "the liberator." 
The whole world silently watches the violence, destruction, crimes against 
humanity and daily bloodbaths brought into Iraq by the American 
"liberators"! Bush has the right to resist, yet Iraqis don't.

In March, while women all over the world will celebrate International 
Women's Day, the women of Iraq will have their own very special present. 
Three Iraqi women will be executed on March 3. The women: Wasan Talib, 31 
years old and a mother of three-year-old daughter who has been with her 
mother till now; Liqaa Omer Mohammed, 26 years old and a mother a 
three-month-old daughter who was born in jail; and Zaineb Fadhil, 25 years 
old. According to lawyer Waleed Al-Hilali, a member of the Iraqi Lawyers 
Union, the court refused to let the lawyers in to defend the three women, 
who have been in jail for more than a year, accused of attacking the 
American occupying forces and being "terrorists."


Coward and Hypocrite : We didn't create the war in Iraq

Speaking at the Omni Shoreham Hotel's Regency Ballroom in Washington DC, 
the presidential advisor said, "We didn't create the war in Iraq. We didn't 
create the war on terror."


‘US Officials Regularly Meet with the PKK Terrorists’

Ibrahim Polat also argued that the Americans gave Osman Ocalan a suitcase 
full of US dollars. According to Mr. Polat the US officials in Iraq met 
every month with Murat Karayilan, the head of the active armed PKK militants,


US commanders admit: we face a Vietnam-style collapse

An elite team of officers advising the US commander, General David 
Petraeus, in Baghdad has concluded that they have six months to win the war 
in Iraq - or face a Vietnam-style collapse in political and public support 
that could force the military into a hasty retreat.,,2023865,00.html


Frustration growing over violence in Iraq

Police in the capital also found the bodies of 31 men who had been shot, 
apparent victims of Shiite death squads. The U.S. military reported the 
deaths of five American soldiers.,,2023865,00.html


U.S. helicopter makes "hard landing" in Iraq

BAGHDAD, March 1 (Reuters) - A U.S. helicopter made a "hard landing" in 
northern Iraq on Thursday, and initial reports said the cause was a 
mechanical problem, not hostile fire, the military said in a statement.

Two pilots on board the U.S. Army OH-58 Kiowa helicopter were injured and 
had been evacuated, the statement added.


McCain Says U.S. Lives 'Wasted' in Iraq

Republican presidential contender John McCain, a staunch backer of the Iraq 
war but critic of how President Bush has waged it, said U.S. lives had been 
"wasted" in the 4-year-old conflict. Democrats demand the Arizona senator 
apologize for the comment


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 28 February 2007

    * US troops kill taxi driver who got too close to American patrol in 
Tikrit Tuesday night.
    * Resistance bombing leaves two US troops reported dead near 
al-Latifiyah Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance sharpshooter reportedly kills US soldier in Kirkuk 
Wednesday morning.
    * Resistance bomb wounds four puppet troops near Kirkuk Tuesday.
    * US soldier reported killed by Resistance sharpshooter in al-Mawsil 
Wednesday morning.
    * Mysterious heavy mortar barrage strikes home of Sunni tribal leader 
in al-Habbaniyah.
    * Resistance pounds US base near Hit with mortars.
    * Bomb rips through puppet police station in predominantly Shi‘i 
section of US-occupied Baghdad Wednesday afternoon.
    * US forces make raids and arrests in al-Ghazaliyah.
    * Resistance blasts US base with Katyusha rockets early Wednesday.
    * Resistance barrage targets puppet police stronghold south of al-Hillah.


This Spring America's Target Is Not Iran But Pakistan

On February 27 2007, US Vice President Dick Cheney paid a surprised visit 
to Pakistan and held private talks with General Musharraf. After the 
meeting, Cheney refused to comment on the nature of his visit and left for 
Afghanistan. The New York Times stated that Cheney was sent to remind 
Musharraf that he must take stiffer action against the Taleban; otherwise 
US aid will be in jeopardy. The Pakistani government issued the following 
statement: "Cheney expressed US apprehensions of regrouping of Al Qaeda in 
the tribal areas and called for concerted efforts in countering the 
threat", and also talked of "serious US concerns on the intelligence being 
picked up of an impending Taliban 'spring offensive' against allied forces 
in Afghanistan." Cheney's trip coincided with Britain's Foreign Secretary, 
Margaret Becket's visit to Pakistan. Becket also pressed the Pakistani 
government to take more action against Al Qaeda and the Taleban, but struck 
more reconciliatory tone. Speaking at the Foreign Services Academy on a 
lecture entitled 'The UK and Pakistan: partners in diplomacy', she stated 
that the UK would not link its aid to Pakistan over its performance on 
counter-terrorism measures. So what was the purpose of Cheney's visit to 
Pakistan? Does the British stance suggest cracks in the Anglo-American 
alliance over Afghanistan?


Bedouin girl shot in head; IDF suspected

A Bedouin girl in the northern Negev was shot in the head on Wednesday, 
apparently by a soldier of the Israel Defense Forces. The military police 
are investigating.?


US representatives approve cooperation with Israel:

The House of Representatives approved legislation that would enhance 
homeland-security cooperation between the United States and Israel . The 
bill is expected to pass in the Senate within the upcoming weeks.,7340,L-3371123,00.html


Dr David Kelly - The Conspiracy Files : BBC 2 Investigates

Rowena Thursby and MP Norman Baker and their investigation into the death 
of Dr David Kelly.


Australia: The New 51st State

John Howard's servility to the US is even greater than Tony Blair's and has 
earned him the nickname Bush's deputy sheriff. The conspiracy between 
Washington, the media and politicians is eroding the country's freedoms.


A Democracy in Crisis: Who is Really in Control?

Years back, an old and astute professor at the University of Washington 
ended a fascinating lecture to a small group of freshmen with the following 
contention: "Our country might find itself in a position that could force 
it to deprive its citizens from certain freedoms to preserve basic rights."

The political atmosphere in the United States then was hardly tense; 
moreover, the professor was not essentially alluding to a political topic; 
his argument was meant to assert an environmental concern: the government 
must interfere, mustering its entire legal prowess to contain human 
activities that have for long harmed our increasingly fragile environment; 
even if such intervention can theoretically be qualified as one that curbs 
certain freedoms, as long as by doing so, we preserve basic but fundamental 
rights, the right to a good life, health and collective preservation. 
Utilitarianism at its best; partly, I agreed.


-muslim voice-

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