In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Fox News on Bush: He snorts, the cocaine decides


Fox News reporter says Bush admitted using cocaine, then retreats, citing, 

As political media buzzed about whether or not Senator Barack Obama's 
admission eleven years ago that he used cocaine as a teenager would hurt 
his political prospects, Fox News ran a segment on "Obama's Cocaine 
Confession." Their conversation took an unusual turn, however, when Fox 
reporter Kirian Chetry said President Bush had also admitted to using cocaine.


Ellison will Take Oath on Thomas Jefferson’s Copy of the Koran

Rep.-elect Keith Ellison, the first Muslim elected to Congress, found 
himself under attack last month when he announced he’d take his oath of 
office on the Koran — especially from Virginia Rep. Virgil Goode, who 
called it a threat to American values.

Yet the holy book at tomorrow’s ceremony has an unassailably all-American 
provenance. We’ve learned that the new congressman — in a savvy bit of 
political symbolism — will hold the personal copy once owned by Thomas 

Suck it, all you hate mongering neo-cons!


US will be defeated in Afghanistan: former CIA hand

A former senior CIA operative who tracked Osama bin Laden for 10 long years 
foresees "an apparent American defeat in Afghanistan".

Michael Sheuer said the way ahead in Afghanistan and along the 
Afghanistan-Pakistan border "ultimately would lead to the defeat of US and 
NATO forces and the demise of the Karzai government".,00050001.htm


The Americans Can Never be Trusted

The mendacious mutual recriminations between US officials and the rulers of 
Baghdad, regarding the way former President Saddam Hussein was executed, 
condemns and holds Washington culpable for the timing, the way the barbaric 
act was carried out, and the fact that it was shown to the people. 
Washington could have adhered to the implementation of the new Iraqi 
Constitution, which stipulates that three persons ratify the death 
sentence, and which prohibits the execution of the sentence during 
holidays, but it condoned the way the Constitution was adopted, in the 
sense that 'we did not order it and it does not harm us', and replaced the 
Constitution, justice and humanitarian senses with dependence on the 
opinion of the religious authorities and intolerance.


Saddam Hussein becomes an Arab folk hero

Obviously and of course, Saddam Hussein belongs in the lowest circle of 
Dante's Hell, and now, that's where he is. And most of the awful things 
we've been told about his years in power were true. But what haven't we 
been told?

Simply put, Saddam Hussein's brutal reign was made by the USA. He worked 
for the CIA before be became politically prominent in Iraq. He was one of 
America's closet Mideast allies during the 1980s, and received substantial 
US military and financial aid.

When you hear references to his tyranny, his cruelty, the accounts are 
generally true -- he was one hell of a bastard. The 'unknown news', though, 
is that at the peak of Saddam's tyranny and cruelty, the Reagan 
administration didn't just tolerate having Saddam in charge of Iraq, they 
funded and armed his regime. He was America's ally, just like several of 
the world's most despotic bastards are America's allies now.

When he said Iraq had disarmed, it was true.


Hussein -- terrorist or terrorized?

SOMEONE has to say it: The hanging of Saddam Hussein was an act of 
barbarism that makes a mockery of President Bush's claim it was "an 
important milestone on Iraq's course to becoming a democracy."

Instead, the rushed, illegal and unruly execution of a former U.S. ally 
after his conviction in a kangaroo court blurred the line between terrorist 
and terrorized as effectively as Hussein's own evil propaganda ever did.


Saddam Hussein execution: A sectarian lynching

A video of the final minutes of Saddam Hussein, released to the Arab media 
late Saturday and widely broadcast around the world, demonstrates that the 
execution of the former Iraqi president was an act of sectarian vengeance 
by the Shiite Muslim groups placed in power by the US invasion of the country.

The video, apparently made using the cell phone of one of the guards or 
official witnesses in the death chamber, records the last fragments of 
conversation between Hussein and his hooded executioners, who were 
apparently loyal to the Shiite radical clergyman Moqtada al-Sadr, head of 
the most powerful militia force in Iraq, the Mahdi Army.


Was Saddam The Scapegoat Or The 'Sacrificed Sheep' Of The Bush Administration?

Had not Israel and Iran both, surprisingly enough, extolled the hanging of 
Saddam his execution could, despite its World-wide controversy, have gained 
some credibility somehow. As such, most Arabs and Muslims, see 
(specifically) in Israel's approval or disapproval of an Arab or a Muslim 
leader, as a 'benchmark', by which this leader or that, can be weighed up, 
as good or bad, right or wrong.'Sacrificed%20Sheep%5C'%20Of%20The%20Bush%20Administration%20By%20Ali%20Al-Hail.htm


BREAKING NEWS – From the Italian daily Corriere della Sera

Moqtada al-Sadr would have been among the the executioners of Iraqi 
President Saddam Hussein

Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr would have been present at the execution of 
Saddam Hussein, in al-Qadhimiya neighborhood of Baghdad. The Italian daily 
writes that this is what the Saudi press report. (…) Two daily newspapers 
«al-Riadh» and «al-Watan» quote as source some eyewitnesses. "I saw al-Sadr 
wearing the black hoods inside the room – the eyewitness said – and there 
was also Abdulaziz al-Hakim [leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic 
Revolution in Iraq – SCIRI]. They were among the six men wearing hoods that 
one can see in the images aired by the TV".

To see personally the killing of Saddam Hussein before the end of the year 
would have been, according to the Riyadh’s newspaper, the al-Sadr’s 
condition to the Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki to keep staying inside the 
government. Other testimonies tell about men wearing hoods praising Moqtada 
al-Sadr, as it appears from the mobile phone’s images. These men would have 
arrived on the place of the execution accompanied by a high political 
figure. According to «al-Watan» that quotes as sources some internet 
websites close to the Iraqi resistance, al-Sadr would be the man in the 
video wearing the hood right behind Saddam Hussein just before he was put 
the hangman’s noose. Asked by the same newspapers about these testimonies, 
the al-Sadr movement’s leaders deny any involvement in Saddam Hussein’s 
execution and say that the Moqtada chants were the personal initiative of 
the prison’s guards.


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 2 January 2007.

    * Two US troops killed in Resistance ambush in ar-Ramadi Tuesday morning.
    * Resistance fighters repulse US incursion into al-Karmah, clearing 
town of Americans.
    * Resistance bombards US camp in al-Fallujah with heavy mortars.
    * Two US troops reported killed in Resistance bomb attack in 
as-Saqlawiyah near al-Fallujah Tuesday morning.
    * Resistance battles puppet troops in al-Fallujah Monday evening.
    * Resistance fighters gun down Peshmergah gunmen in Baghdad.
    * Resistance bomb kills puppet “Iraqi National Guards” Monday afternoon.
    * Resistance bombs blast puppet police in Baghdad’s Bab ash-Shaykh area.
    * Resistance fighters kill two pro-American Badr Brigade commanders in 
    * Resistance fighters attack pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi gunmen, killing 
    * Resistance bomb targets puppet police patrol in southern Baghdad 
suburb Tuesday noon.
    * Resistance bomb destroys US Humvee killing all aboard in Baghdad’s 
ar-Ridwaniyah disrict midday Tuesday.
    * Three US troops reported killed in Resistance bomb attack in 
    * Resistance pounds joint US-Iraqi puppet army camp with heavy mortars.
    * Resistance bomb damages US vehicle in Rawah.
    * Tikrit, Resistance bomb damages American Abrams tank Tuesday morning.
    * Resistance fighters kill Badr Brigade commander in Ba‘qubah Tuesday 


9/11 : FBI report details Guantanamo torture

An internal FBI report appears to contradict assurances by US President 
George W Bush that prisoners are treated humanely at Guantanamo Bay.


9/11 : FBI files detail Guantánamo torture tactics

Captives at Guantánamo Bay were chained hand and foot in a fetal position 
to the floor for 18 hours or more, urinating and defecating on themselves, 
an FBI report has revealed.

The accounts of mistreatment were contained in FBI documents released 
yesterday (pdf) as part of a lawsuit involving the American Civil Liberties 
Union, a civil liberties group.

In the 2004 inquiry, the FBI asked nearly 500 employees who had served at 
Guantánamo Bay to report possible mistreatment by law enforcement or 
military personnel. Twenty-six incidents were reported, some of which had 
emerged in earlier document releases.,,1981955,00.html


Bush declares war on Democratic Congress

The Wall Street Journal prints a long letter from George Bush to Congress 
this morning - where he is as defiant as ever.

The short version:
     * get ready to take the blame for Iraq and everything else I did
     * the mid-term elections were about earmarks, so you should no longer 
do these (yeah, he really writes this - and he wants a line item veto)
     * I'll do my thing on Iraq. You can support me or take the blame for 
dividing us
     * tax cuts are good. Don't even think of touching these. Don't even 
think of implementing any kind of policy I don't like.


Robertson says God told him of ''mass killing'' in U.S. in 2007

VIRGINIA BEACH - Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson cited communications 
with God in predicting Tuesday that horrific terrorism aimed at the United 
States will result in "mass killing" during the second half of 2007.

"The Lord didn't say nuclear, but I do believe it'll be something like that 
- that'll be a mass killing, possibly millions of people, major cities 
injured," Robertson said.

"There will be some very serious terrorist attacks," he said. "The evil 
people will come after this country, and there's a possibility - not a 
possibility, a definite certainty - that chaos is going to rule." Robertson 
did not say where the attacks would occur.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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