         In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful

=== News Update ===

Darfur as a Resource War

To find out the truth on Dafur, questions we need to ask are:
    * Who is behind the Conflict, Who are the players and Why?
    * Why USA, UK and Western countries so much interested and want to
use UN? 
    * Where are Zionists in USA and Israelis on this issue?
    * Is Blood being shed for (Exxon) Oil? Beside OIL, Uranium, Gold,
Silver, natural minerals is the reason?
    * Is rising of Islam reason for Zionists in USA and Israelis to go
to Dafur?

We must expose this false drama going to Dafur for Humanitarian Cause.
As in the case of Afghanistan and Iraq or Iran. It is for Oil, Israel
and to supress Muslameen and Islam.

Question posed above, are indicative to answers. Please read below by
click opening link or copy paste on address: 
Gadhafi: U.N. Darfur Force Is Ruse to Grab Sudan's Oil
Russia and China are selling weapons to Sudan; China, Britain, and
France are heavily involved in exploiting its oil resources. Indeed,
considering that U.S. firms were already prevented from trading with
Sudan under the 1997 sanctions, such a resolution from the U.S. might
have appeared self-serving.

Tomgram: David Morse on Darfur as a Resource War
Oil Drives the Genocide in Darfur for 5 billion barrels. Still a
pittance compared to the 674 billion barrels of proven oil reserves
possessed by the six Persian Gulf countries -- Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the
United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Iran, and Qatar.

Historic and religious factors, and US backing, shaping Ethiopia's
aggression in Somalia

War on Islam?

False Flag, Mothers of Wars: 911 Q&A


CHINA: Uygur Muslims - Swamped by Han Influx

KASHGAR, Xinjiang Province, Nov 29, 2006 (IPS) - Unrest and Muslim
fundamentalism in neighbouring Afghanistan and Pakistan have contributed
to a resurgence of Islam in Xinjiang. But the global war on terror has
provided regional authorities with an internationally viable reason for
deploying more police forces and exercising even tighter control over
religious practices.

Inside the province, resentment among Uygurs toward perceived repression
by the Chinese is palpable. But it pales in comparison to the prevailing
sense of economic marginalisation felt by non-Han ethnic groups.


Six Muslim Leaders Removed in Handcuffs From US Airways Plane After
Praying in Airport

After their release, US Airways denied them passage on any of its other
flights and refused to help them obtain tickets through another airline.
Two of the imams joins us in our firehouse studio. Click to listen.
Audio and transcript


Radio Spoof Draws Support for Nazi-Like Treatment of U.S. Muslims 

CAIR Says Callers' Reaction is a 'Wake-Up Call' on Anti-Muslim Bigotry


Number Of Iraqi Civilians Slaughtered In America's War? More Than

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed (Officially acknowledged)
In Bush's War  2885

The War in Iraq Costs $346,175,785,324 - See the cost in your community


1,245 Secret CIA Flights Revealed by European Parliament

Abc_secret_prsions_060508_nr_1 The CIA flew 1,245 secret flights into
European airspace, according to a European Parliament draft report
obtained by ABC News.

The report is the result of a year-long investigation into secret CIA
"extraordinary rendition" flights and prisons in Europe.


MEPs condemn Britain's role in 'torture flights'

Britain's role in CIA "torture flights" was roundly condemned yesterday
by the European parliament in a scathing report which for the first time
named the site of a suspected secret US detention centre in the EU - at
Stare Kiejkuty in Poland.


We Are All Tortures Now!

This video provides some evidence of the type of torture engaged in by
by our allies. As citizens of the U.S. each of us is responsible for the
actions of our government. We are complicit in the torture, distance
from the tools used to inflict pain in no way reduces our part in these
disgusting acts of barbarity.

This video contains graphic images and audio of torture and should only
be viewed by a mature audience.


The Torture Society

The United States is trying to burnish its nasty image as one of the
world's leading torture states--not by eliminating torture, but by
silencing its victims. In a remarkable bit of legal sang-froid, the Bush
Administration has filed a brief in its case against Majid Khan asking a
federal court to seal its torture of him as "top secret."


Mission's accomplished, all right

The number of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children killed in action
is closing in on about 700,000. Number of mindless military atrocities
is closing in on the uncountable. Number of innocent illegally detained
is "classified." Number of nations around our horribly suffering world
that still count America as a friend and ally, you can count on one
hand. Number of treasonable lies spoken by Bush and his merry band of
war criminals is, well, impeachable.


Saudi Arabia Will Protect Sunnis if the U.S. Leaves

As the economic powerhouse of the Middle East, the birthplace of Islam
and the de facto leader of the world's Sunni community (which comprises
85 percent of all Muslims), Saudi Arabia has both the means and the
religious responsibility to intervene.


Saudi will intervene in Iraq if US withdraws-aide 

Using money, weapons or its oil power, Saudi Arabia will intervene to
prevent Iranian-backed Shi'ite militias from massacring Iraqi Sunni
Muslims once the United States begins pulling out of Iraq, a security
adviser to the Saudi government said on Wednesday.


Pentagon Considers Moving Troops From al-Anbar Province to Baghdad 

There are now 30,000 U.S. troops in al-Anbar, mainly Marines, braving
some of the fiercest fighting in Iraq. At least 1,055 Americans have
been killed in this region, making al-Anbar the deadliest province for
American troops.


Iraq Nears the "Saigon Moment"

Iraq is rending itself apart. The signs of collapse are everywhere. In
Baghdad the police often pick up over 100 tortured and mutilated bodies
in a single day. Government ministries make war on each other. A new and
ominous stage in the disintegration of the Iraqi state came earlier this
month when police commandos from the Shia-controlled Interior Ministry
kidnapped 150 people from the Sunni-run Higher Education Ministry in the
heart of Baghdad.


Powell: Iraq Is In A Civil War And Bush Should Stop Denying It 

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Iraq’s violence meets the
standard of a civil war and thinks President Bush needs to acknowledge


At least 28 killed in another bloody day of U.S. occupation

Iraqi police said a U.S.-Iraqi force killed eight civilians. Police said
the dead were a man and his three sons and a neighbouring couple, their
son and daughter.


Witnesses detail Iraq burning deaths 

The suspected Shiite militiamen took automatic rifles and rocket-
propelled grenade launchers from the vehicles. They then blasted open
the front of the mosque, dragged six worshippers outside, doused them
with kerosene and set them on fire.


Bush visit to Amman angers Jordanians 

"This is a very sad day. Bush has become a symbol of bigotry and
injustice towards Arabs and Muslims," the 32-year-old engineer said just
hours before Bush was due to arrive in Amman on Wednesday.


Picture and video of the F16 US downed by the Iraqi Resistance


Video: Iraqi Resistance- ied destroyed CIA vehicle - 11-28-06


Video: Shoot those - We got the ........ Sir


Video 2 Minutes: Death On The Streets of Iraq


US Soldier Dies From Wounds in Iraq's Anbar Province


Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Tuesday, 28 November 2006. 

      * US troops kill five people in civilian car in ar-Ramadi Tuesday
      * US conducts census in ar-Ramadi, imposing new identity documents
        in purported attempt to root out Arab volunteer Resistance
      *  Resistance blasts US base near ar-Ramadi with Katyusha rockets
        midday Tuesday. 
      * US soldier reported killed in Resistance bombing in eastern al-
        Fallujah Tuesday morning. 
      * US troops kill five Iraqi civilians as they go about their
        workday in al-Fallujah and ar-Ramadi on Monday. 
      * Resistance announces “helicopter massacre” - the downing of two
        Black Hawk and one Apache helicopter near al-Fallujah on Monday
      *  Monday night Resistance assault drives American snipers from
        perch atop Communications building in al-Fallujah. 
      *  Resistance bomb blasts US troops in convoy in ar-Rutbah
      * Al-Hadithah populace suffer mounting deaths from starvation,
        lack of medicine on eighth straight day of American-imposed
      * Resistance bombs target US military, foreign security company
        cars in al-Hadithah Monday. 
      * US soldier reported killed by Iraqi Resistance sharpshooter in
        Baghdad's al-'Amiriyah district Tuesday afternoon. 
      *  Violent fighting between pro-Iranian militia and Sunni
        residents reported in south Baghdad district Tuesday night. 
      * Location revealed of another house used by Shi'i sectarian
        gunmen for torture, murder in Baghdad's al-Bayya' district. 
      * Muqtada as-Sadr works to pull Nuri al-Maliki regime away from
        Washington and towards Tehran. 
      * Abu Dar', commander of all pro-Iranian Jaysh al-Mahdi forces in
        Iraq, reported killed by Iraqi Resistance south of Balad. 
      * Two mysterious car bombs explode by back door of al-Yarmuk
        Hospital morgue in western Baghdad, killing four. 
      *  Puppet “Government” bars Iraqi journalists from Convention
        Center in “Green Zone.” 
      *  Puppet “Shock Troops” abduct five Sunnis at checkpoint in
        Baghdad's as-Sayyidiyah Tuesday morning. 
      *  Resistance bomb blasts puppet “Shock Troops” in Baghdad's as-
        Sayyidiyah Sunday, killing four. 
      *  Resistance pounds US base in Balad with mortars Monday
      *  Puppet “Governor” of at-Ta'mim Province survives assassination


Two more NATO soldiers killed in occupied Afghanistan 

Two soldiers of the NATO- occupation Force have been killed in a
roadside bomb explosion in central Afghanistan, the foreign military
announced on Wednesday.


Limited boost for Nato Afghan force  

A Nato summit in the Latvian capital has failed to muster significant
reinforcements for operations in Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan.


Accept defeat by Taliban, Pakistan tells Nato  

Senior Pakistani officials are urging Nato countries to accept the
Taliban and work towards a new coalition government in Kabul that might
exclude the Afghan president Hamid Karzai.


Obama would consider missile strikes on Iran and Pakistan 

U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama suggested Friday that the United
States one day might have to launch surgical missile strikes into Iran
and Pakistan to keep extremists from getting control of nuclear bombs.


Israeli occupation forces kill woman  

A woman in Jenin gave her life to save a young man. Israeli forces shot
Mahmoud Abdel Razek Bakar Nasser in front of Fatima Mahmoud Ahmed
Shriem's northern West Bank home.


Palestinian PM pushes 1967 borders proposal  

Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh on Wednesday set the tone for
his first foreign tour since taking office by promoting a Palestinian
initiative based on an independent state on land outside Israel's 1967


Bedouin citizens of Israel denied water as means of transfer 

The Water Tribunal Supported the Government's Policy of Seeking to Move
Arab Bedouin Citizens of Israel from their Land in the Naqab by
Upholding Decisions of the Water Commissioner not to Supply them with
Drinking Water


Judge Strikes Down Parts of Executive Order on Terrorism 

A Los Angeles federal judge has ruled that key portions of a
presidential order blocking financial assistance to terrorist groups are
unconstitutional, further complicating the Bush administration's
attempts to defend its aggressive anti-terrorism tactics in federal


Bush can't designate groups as terrorists

A federal judge struck down President Bush's authority to designate
groups as terrorists, saying his post-Sept. 11 executive order was
unconstitutional and vague, according to a ruling released Tuesday.


-muslim voice-

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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