Memang wanita tidak ada harganya.  Baru2 ini di Jordania parlemen menolak untuk 
memberikan hukuman yang lebih berat kepada orang2 yang membunuh wanita demi 
'nama baik keluarga mereka' (honor killing).
  Gengsii keluarga lebih besar nilainya dari pada harga nyawa seorang wanita,  
  Jordan quashes 'honour crimes' law
  Dan dibawah ini sang ayah membunuh putrinya karena dugaan yang salah.  
Rupanya sang ayah bukan hanya tidak percaya ke laporan dokter, tetapi diapun 
berbohong ke dokter tsb..  Dia berjanji bahwa dia tidak akan membunuh putrinya 
tsb., ternyata janji kosong.  Mungkin dia ber "takiya"???.
  Father kills daughter; doubted virginity  By SHAFIKA MATTAR, Associated Press 
Writer Thu Jan 25, 7:38 AM ET 
  AMMAN, Jordan - A Jordanian man fatally shot his 17-year-old daughter whom he 
suspected of having sex despite a medical exam that proved her chastity, an 
official said Thursday. The man surrendered to police hours after the killing, 
saying he had done it for family honor. 
  A state forensic pathologist, who works at the National Institute of Forensic 
Medicine in Amman where an autopsy was performed, said in a phone interview 
that the girl had run away from home several times for unknown reasons.
  Weeks ago, the girl had returned home from a family protection clinic after 
doctors had vouched for her virginity and the father had signed a pledge not to 
harm her, the pathologist said on condition of anonymity due to the sensitive 
nature of the case.
  "The tests proved that she was a virgin," the pathologist said. The girl 
returned home only after her father signed a statement promising not to harm 
her, he added.
  The father shot the girl four times in the head on Tuesday. On Wednesday, an 
autopsy was performed that again showed "she was still a virgin," the 
pathologist said.
  Authorities have not disclosed the names of the father or the daughter or 
even their hometown, saying only that they lived in a southern province.
  The crime is the first "honor killing" this year in Jordan, where many men 
consider sex out of wedlock to be an almost indelible stain on a family's 
reputation. On average, about 20 women in the country are killed by their 
relatives in such cases each year. Women have been killed for simply dating.
  Global human rights organizations have condemned such killings and appealed 
to King Abdullah II to put an end to them.
  In response, the government has abolished a section in the penal code that 
allowed for "honor" killers to get sentences as lenient as six months in 
prison. Instead, the government has told judges to consider honor killings on a 
par with other homicides, which in Jordan are punishable by up to 15 years in 
  But attempts to introduce harsher sentences have been blocked by conservative 
lawmakers who argue that tougher penalties would lead to promiscuity.
  Queen Rania also has called for harsher punishment for such killers.

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