FYI: Wolfowitz yang kita kenal baik, yang tampil simpatik sewaktu jadi
Dubes AS di Indonesia. Apakah ia juga memanipulasi info untuk pemerintah dan
intel Indonesia waktu itu?

Wolfowitz Emerges as Key Figure in Intel Manipulation
By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t | Report

Monday 12 February 2007

Paul Wolfowitz, former under secretary of defense, has been identified
in recently released grand jury transcripts as being involved in a White
House smear campaign against Joseph Wilson, the former US ambassador who
accused the Bush administration of manipulating intelligence in the run-up
to the Iraq War.

The previously undisclosed development comes on the heels of a scathing
report released last week by the Defense Department's Office of the
Inspector General that said Wolfowitz played a key role in the cooking of
intelligence related to Iraq's ties to al-Qaeda and its supposed cache of
chemical and biological weapons. That effort helped the White House lay the
groundwork for a US-led invasion.

Taken as a whole, the involvement of Wolfowitz in a full-scale effort to
undermine the credibility of an Iraq War critic, and his hands-on role in
knowingly providing the White House with the sort of dubious intelligence
that came under scrutiny by people like Wilson, shows how widespread the
issues surrounding manipulated intelligence truly were, and how crucial it
became for senior members of the Bush administration to discredit anyone who
threatened to expose their ruse.

The transcripts were released in conjunction with other documents in the
perjury and obstruction of justice trial of former vice presidential staffer
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. They state that Wolfowitz was chosen by Vice
President Dick Cheney in mid-July 2003 to leak a highly classified portion
of the National Intelligence Estimate to the Wall Street Journal as a way to
rebut Wilson's claims that the White House "twisted" intelligence related to
Iraq's attempts to build an atomic bomb. The section of the NIE that
Wolfowitz leaked to the Journal claimed Wilson's assertions were flat-out
wrong. However, it was later revealed that the section of the NIE that
Wilson called into question was based on crude forgeries.

The transcript detailing Wolfowitz's involvement in attacks against
Wilson's credibility would appear to support similar charges made by career
CIA analysts. The analysts told Democratic lawmakers four years ago that
they were pressured by Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz, and former defense
secretary Donald Rumsfeld to fix the intelligence on Iraq around the
administration's policy toward the country.

In September 2002, according to testimony given Friday by Thomas Gimble,
a briefing took place at the White House, attended by National Security
Adviser Stephen Hadley, Libby and others purporting a relationship between
Iraq and al-Qaeda that "was not supported by the available intelligence."
Gimble is the acting Defense Department inspector general who prepared the
report on pre-war Iraq intelligence,

The meeting took place seven months after Wilson was sent on a
fact-finding mission to Niger to investigate whether Iraq had attempted to
acquire uranium from the African country. Wilson reported back to the CIA
that the allegations were unfounded. But Libby, Cheney, Wolfowitz, President
Bush and other senior members of the White House ignored the findings of the
intelligence community that said Iraq was not an immediate threat, and they
pressured CIA analysts to cherry-pick intelligence that would help lay the
groundwork for a US-led invasion, according to the DoD report.

An executive summary of the report, released Friday, stated that Douglas
Feith, who headed the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy,
"was inappropriately performing intelligence activities of developing,
producing, and disseminating that should be performed by the intelligence

The report concluded that these "inappropriate" activities were
authorized by Donald Rumsfeld, former secretary of defense, or Paul
Wolfowitz, former deputy secretary of defense.

Furthermore, senior administration officials, including Vice President
Cheney, made numerous public statements that reflected the views of the
Feith alternative analysis, which were inconsistent with the analysis and
judgments of the intelligence community. Indeed, Vice President Cheney said
the principal Feith office assessment was the "best source of information"
on the alleged relationship between Iraq and al-Qaeda.

Those in the intelligence community who dissented found themselves
wholly discredited by Libby, Cheney and officials in the Office of the

That is exactly what happened to Wilson's wife, covert CIA operative
Valerie Plame Wilson, who worked in a division of the CIA that dealt with
issues related to weapons of mass destruction. When Wilson went public in
July 2003 with his criticism of the administration's use of pre-war
intelligence, his wife's identity and undercover status were compromised.

Still, Libby and Cheney continued to hammer away at Wilson, for reasons
unknown, days after Plame's name turned up in a newspaper column, and a week
after the White House had acknowledged that the intelligence related to
Iraq's attempts to acquire uranium from Niger was unreliable.

According to Libby's March 2004 grand jury transcripts, he said that
Vice President Cheney discussed with him getting Wolfowitz to contact the
Journal to leak the NIE as a way of undermining Wilson.

"After July 14, in that week, the Vice President thought we should still
try and get the [NIE] out. And so he asked me to talk to the Wall Street
Journal. I don't have as good a relationship with the Wall Street Journal as
Secretary Wolfowitz did, and so we talked to Secretary Wolfowitz about
trying to get that point across [to the Journal], and he undertook to do
so," Libby testified.

Wolfowitz faxed the Wall Street Journal a set of "talking points" about
the former ambassador that the paper's editors could use to discredit him in
print, according to Libby's grand jury testimony, and then leaked to the
paper a portion of the then-still-classified NIE that claimed Iraq did in
fact attempt to acquire uranium from Niger. The Journal printed, verbatim,
Wolfowitz's talking points in an editorial in its July 17, 2003, edition and
then misled its readers about the source of the information.

According to the editorial, "Yellowcake Remix," the Journal said the
data the newspaper received about Iraq's interest in uranium "does not come
from the White House," despite the fact that Libby testified that he
personally lobbied Wolfowitz to leak the NIE to the Journal, and that
arguably Wolfowitz's position as Undersecretary of Defense made him a senior
member of the Bush administration.

A spokeswoman for the Wall Street Journal said Saturday she was
unfamiliar with the issue and was not interested in responding.


Jason Leopold <> is a former Los
Angeles bureau chief for Dow Jones Newswire. He has written over 2,000
stories on the California energy crisis and received the Dow Jones
Journalist of the Year Award in 2001 for his coverage on the issue as well
as a Project Censored award in 2004. Leopold also reported extensively on
Enron's downfall and was the first journalist to land an interview with
former Enron president Jeffrey Skilling following Enron's bankruptcy filing
in December 2001. Leopold has appeared on CNBC and National Public Radio as
an expert on energy policy and has also been the keynote speaker at more
than two dozen energy industry conferences around the country


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