18 September 2007 01:02  
It is the death of history 
Special investigation by Robert Fisk 
Published: 17 September 2007 
2,000-year-old Sumerian cities torn apart and plundered by robbers. The very 
walls of the mighty Ur of the Chaldees cracking under the strain of massive 
troop movements, the privatisation of looting as landlords buy up the remaining 
sites of ancient Mesopotamia to strip them of their artefacts and wealth. The 
near total destruction of Iraq's historic past - the very cradle of human 
civilisation - has emerged as one of the most shameful symbols of our 
disastrous occupation.

Evidence amassed by archaeologists shows that even those Iraqis who trained as 
archaeological workers in Saddam Hussein's regime are now using their knowledge 
to join the looters in digging through the ancient cities, destroying thousands 
of priceless jars, bottles and other artefacts in their search for gold and 
other treasures.

In the aftermath of the 1991 Gulf War, armies of looters moved in on the desert 
cities of southern Iraq and at least 13 Iraqi museums were plundered. Today, 
almost every archaeological site in southern Iraq is under the control of 

In a long and devastating appraisal to be published in December, Lebanese 
archaeologist Joanne Farchakh says that armies of looters have not spared "one 
metre of these Sumerian capitals that have been buried under the sand for 
thousands of years.

"They systematically destroyed the remains of this civilisation in their 
tireless search for sellable artefacts: ancient cities, covering an estimated 
surface area of 20 square kilometres, which - if properly excavated - could 
have provided extensive new information concerning the development of the human 

"Humankind is losing its past for a cuneiform tablet or a sculpture or piece of 
jewellery that the dealer buys and pays for in cash in a country devastated by 
war. Humankind is losing its history for the pleasure of private collectors 
living safely in their luxurious houses and ordering specific objects for their 

Ms Farchakh, who helped with the original investigation into stolen treasures 
from the Baghdad Archaeological Museum in the immediate aftermath of the 
invasion of Iraq, says Iraq may soon end up with no history.

"There are 10,000 archaeological sites in the country. In the Nassariyah area 
alone, there are about 840 Sumerian sites; they have all been systematically 
looted. Even when Alexander the Great destroyed a city, he would always build 
another. But now the robbers are destroying everything because they are going 
down to bedrock. What's new is that the looters are becoming more and more 
organised with, apparently, lots of money.

"Quite apart from this, military operations are damaging these sites forever. 
There's been a US base in Ur for five years and the walls are cracking because 
of the weight of military vehicles. It's like putting an archaeological site 
under a continuous earthquake."

Of all the ancient cities of present-day Iraq, Ur is regarded as the most 
important in the history of man-kind. Mentioned in the Old Testament - and 
believed by many to be the home of the Prophet Abraham - it also features in 
the works of Arab historians and geographers where its name is Qamirnah, The 
City of the Moon.

Founded in about 4,000 BC, its Sumerian people established the principles of 
irrigation, developed agriculture and metal-working. Fifteen hundred years 
later - in what has become known as "the age of the deluge" - Ur produced some 
of the first examples of writing, seal inscriptions and construction. In 
neighbouring Larsa, baked clay bricks were used as money orders - the world's 
first cheques - the depth of finger indentations in the clay marking the amount 
of money to be transferred. The royal tombs of Ur contained jewellery, daggers, 
gold, azurite cylindrical seals and sometimes the remains of slaves.

US officers have repeatedly said a large American base built at Babylon was to 
protect the site but Iraqi archaeologist Zainab Bah-rani, a professor of art 
history and archaeology at Columbia University, says this "beggars belief". In 
an analysis of the city, she says: "The damage done to Babylon is both 
extensive and irreparable, and even if US forces had wanted to protect it, 
placing guards round the site would have been far more sensible than bulldozing 
it and setting up the largest coalition military headquarters in the region."

Air strikes in 2003 left historical monuments undamaged, but Professor Bahrani, 
says: "The occupation has resulted in a tremendous destruction of history well 
beyond the museums and libraries looted and destroyed at the fall of Baghdad. 
At least seven historical sites have been used in this way by US and coalition 
forces since April 2003, one of them being the historical heart of Samarra, 
where the Askari shrine built by Nasr al Din Shah was bombed in 2006."

The use of heritage sites as military bases is a breach of the Hague Convention 
and Protocol of 1954 (chapter 1, article 5) which covers periods of occupation; 
although the US did not ratify the Convention, Italy, Poland, Australia and 
Holland, all of whom sent forces to Iraq, are contracting parties.

Ms Farchakh notes that as religious parties gain influence in all the Iraqi 
pro-vinces, archaeological sites are also falling under their control. She 
tells of Abdulamir Hamdani, the director of antiquities for Di Qar province in 
the south who desperately - but vainly - tried to prevent the destruction of 
the buried cities during the occupation. Dr Hamdani himself wrote that he can 
do little to prevent "the disaster we are all witnessing and observing".

In 2006, he says: "We recruited 200 police officers because we were trying to 
stop the looting by patrolling the sites as often as possible. Our equipment 
was not enough for this mission because we only had eight cars, some guns and 
other weapons and a few radio transmitters for the entire province where 800 
archaeological sites have been inventoried.

"Of course, this is not enough but we were trying to establish some order until 
money restrictions within the government meant that we could no longer pay for 
the fuel to patrol the sites. So we ended up in our offices trying to fight the 
looting, but that was also before the religious parties took over southern 

Last year, Dr Hamdani's antiquities department received notice from the local 
authorities, approving the creation of mud-brick factories in areas surrounding 
Sumerian archaeological sites. But it quickly became apparent that the factory 
owners intended to buy the land from the Iraqi government because it covered 
several Sumerian capitals and other archaeological sites. The new landlord 
would "dig" the archaeological site, dissolve the "old mud brick" to form the 
new one for the market and sell the unearthed finds to antiquity traders.

Dr Hamdani bravely refused to sign the dossier. Ms Farchakh says: "His 
rejection had rapid consequences. The religious parties controlling Nassariyah 
sent the police to see him with orders to jail him on corruption charges. He 
was imprisoned for three months, awaiting trial. The State Board of Antiquities 
and Heritage defended him during his trial, as did his powerful tribe. He was 
released and regained his position. The mud-brick factories are 'frozen 
projects', but reports have surfaced of a similar strategy being employed in 
other cities and in nearby archaeological sites such as the Aqarakouf Ziggarat 
near Baghdad. For how long can Iraqi archaeologists maintain order? This is a 
question only Iraqi politicians affiliated to the different religious parties 
can answer, since they approve these projects."

Police efforts to break the power of the looters, now with a well-organised 
support structure helped by tribal leaders, have proved lethal. In 2005, the 
Iraqi customs arrested - with the help of Western troops - several antiquities 
dealers in the town of Al Fajr, near Nasseriyah. They seized hundreds of 
artefacts and decided to take them to the museum in Baghdad. It was a fatal 

The convoy was stopped a few miles from Baghdad, eight of the customs agents 
were murdered, and their bodies burnt and left to rot in the desert. The 
artefacts disappeared. "It was a clear message from the antiquities dealers to 
the world," Ms Farchakh says.

The legions of antiquities looters work within a smooth mass-smuggling 
organisation. Trucks, cars, planes and boats take Iraq's historical plunder to 
Europe, the US, to the United Arab Emirates and to Japan. The archaeologists 
say an ever-growing number of internet websites offer Mesopotamian artefacts, 
objects anywhere up to 7,000 years old.

The farmers of southern Iraq are now professional looters, knowing how to 
outline the walls of buried buildings and able to break directly into rooms and 
tombs. The archaeologists' report says: "They have been trained in how to rob 
the world of its past and they have been making significant profit from it. 
They know the value of each object and it is difficult to see why they would 
stop looting."

After the 1991 Gulf War, archaeologists hired the previous looters as workers 
and promised them government salaries. This system worked as long as the 
archaeologists remained on the sites, but it was one of the main reasons for 
the later destruction; people now knew how to excavate and what they could find.

Ms Farchakh adds: "The longer Iraq finds itself in a state of war, the more the 
cradle of civilisation is threatened. It may not even last for our 
grandchildren to learn from."

A land with fields of ancient pottery

By Joanne Farchakh, archaeologist

Iraq's rural societies are very different to our own. Their concept of ancient 
civilisations and heritage does not match the standards set by our own 
scholars. History is limited to the stories and glories of your direct 
ancestors and your tribe. So for them, the "cradle of civilisation" is nothing 
more than desert land with "fields" of pottery that they have the right to take 
advantage of because, after all, they are the lords of the land and, as a 
result, the owners of its possessions. In the same way, if they had been able, 
these people would not have hesitated to take control of the oil fields, 
because this is "their land". Because life in the desert is hard and because 
they have been "forgotten" by all the governments, their "revenge" for this 
reality is to monitor, and take, every single money-making opportunity. A 
cylinder seal, a sculpture or a cuneiform tablet earns $50 (£25) and that's 
half the monthly salary of an average government employee in Iraq. The looters 
have been told by the traders that if an object is worth anything at all, it 
must have an inscription on it. In Iraq, the farmers consider their "looting" 
activities to be part of a normal working day. 




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