
A Campaign Journal for Human Rights of All Ethnic Nationalities in Burma

Provisional Voting Results: Politician 2006 Burma

*,m,D rJpm&if; / 2006ck&Jh xdyfwef; edkifiHa&;orm; **(win Burmese1 font)***

*Provisional Results *

(approximated at two decimal points)

*last updated on 27.12.2006 **noon** **GMT***

¨       Ko Mya Aye (student leader) 18.66%

¨       Daw Aung San Suu Kyi  16.01%

¨       8888 students 10.00%

¨       Ko Min Ko Naing  8.67%

¨       Nurul Islam  4.65%

¨       Dr. Cynthia Maung  4.02%

¨       U Aye Thar Aung  3.33%

¨       Ko Jimmy  2.77%

¨       Su Su New  2.68%

¨       U Win Tin  2.67%

¨       Sao Yawd Serk  2.66%

¨       U Maung Maung (NCUB)  2.57%

¨       Nan Charm Tong  2.01%

¨       John Bolton  1.99%

¨       Ludu U Sein Win  1.34%

¨       Karen National Union  1.33%

¨       Ko Thet Win Aung  1.33%

¨       Snr. Gen. Than Shwe  1.32%

¨       Ko Ko Gyi  0.97%

¨       Ko Min Zeya  0.88%

¨       Ko Htay Kywe  0.86%

¨       Ko Aung Din  0.77%

¨       Dr. Thaung Htun  0.68%

¨       Zoya Phan  0.56%

¨       Gen. Maung Aye 0.37%

¨       Dr. Nay Win Maung  0.17%

*-----(In Win Burmese1 font)-----*

*,ckxd &&SdjyD; ,m,D rJpm&if; *

*(**27/12/2006** rGef;wnfhcsdefY wGuf,l&&Sdaom pm&if;)*

¨       udkjrat;  18.66%

¨       a':atmifqef;pk=unf  16.01*%*

¨       8888rsdK;qufausmif;om;rsm;  10.00%

¨       udkrif;udkedkif  8.67%

¨       el&l;tpPvrf  4.65*%*

¨       a'gufwmpifoD,marmif  4.02*%*

¨       OD;at;omatmif  3.33*%*

¨       udk*sifrD  2.77%

¨       rpkpkaEG;  2.68%

¨       OD;0if;wif 2.67*%*

¨       apma,mquf  2.66*%*

¨       OD;armifrmif (NCUB)  2.57*%*

¨       eef;csrfawmif;  2.01*%*

¨       *sGefbdkvfwef  1.99*%*

¨       vlxk OD;pdef0if; 1.34*%*

¨       u&iftrsdK;om;tpnf;t&Hk;  1.33*%*

¨       udkouf0if;atmif  1.33*%*

¨       AdkvfcsKyfoef;a&GS  1.32*%*

¨       udkudk=uD;  0.97*%*

¨       udkrif;aZ,s  0.88*%*

¨       udkaX;=uG,f  0.86*%*

¨       udkatmif'if  0.77*%*

¨       a'gufwmaomif;xGef;  0.68*%*

¨       Zdk,mzef*  *0.56*%*

¨       AdkvfcsKyfarmifat;  0.37*%*

¨       a'gufwmae0if;armif  0.17*%***

* *


The final result, the final choice by people's vote for "the most
interesting political personality 2006 for Burma" will be announced in
31.12.2006 issue of BURMA DIGEST.

In the mean time, before 31.12.2006, provisional approximate voting results
will be updated on this page at every alternate day.

So please vote; it's your vote that counts. It's your vote that can make

If you haven't voted, please vote on
www.tayzathuria.org.uk/politicianof2006.htm .

* *

*-----(In Win Burmese1 font)-----*

        aemufqHk;ydwf rJqEN &v'fudk 31/12/2006 aehxkyf bm;rm;'dkif*sufpf rSm

       rJay;jcif; jyD;qHk;onfh 31/12/2006 aeh rwdkifrD =um;umvwGif
,m,DrJpm&if;rsm;udk TpmrsufeSmay:wGif yHkrSef w&ufjcm; a=unm ay;oGm;ygrnf?

        oifh&Jh tonf;=um;u rJwpfjym;udk ay;jyD;/ 2006ck&Jh xdyfwef;
edkifiHa&;orm; wpfa,mufudk a&G;cs,fvdkufprf;yg?
www.tayzathuria.org.uk/politicianof2006.htm rSm rJay;yg?

Read BURMA DIGEST on http://www.tayzathuria.org.uk

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