Saya baru sadar saja, kalau salah satu kegiatan PPI di luar negeri adalah 
mengakomodasi putra-putri terpelajar Indonesia untuk berbakti bagi nusa dan 
bangsa lain, hahaha... Dilema setiap orang memang ada pada: Membangun Bangsa 
atau Membangun Diri dan Keluarga? Yang parah khan, mereka yang pergi belajar ke 
UK dan Eropa menggunakan uang negara, tapi setelah tamat, malah mengabdi untuk 
negara lain.
  Wassalam Indonesia,
  Shony - Pekanbaru

Faisal Akbaruddin Taqwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Dear ALL,

Mohon bantuannya untuk menyebarkan Info dibawah kepada semua orang yang 
terkait, entah melalui pribadi, milis-milis, maupun website yang sekiranya bisa 
sampai pada target yang diinginkan.

Thanks alot,

Oky Prakarsa
PPI UK 2006/2007
------------ --------- --------- --------- -----
Dear Comrades,

We are writing this to inform you that PPI UK in partnership with
British Council Indonesia and British Chambers of Commerce are planning
to hold a new event, Job Fair for Indonesian graduates in UK and
Europe Universities. This event is specific only for Indonesians who
study in UK and European countries.

The aims of this event is to accommodate the Indonesian UK students,
as well as the Indonesian students in Europe (e.g Netherlands,
Germany, France, Belgium, etc) to get a job after they have finished
their study from the institutions that they went to as well as alumni
who wishes to look for a
different challenge in their future career.

Moreover, it can develop partnership between PPI UK and Europe,
British Council Indonesia and the Multinational/ National companies and
build up a networking between Indonesian Alumni from UK and European

The event will take place in Ballroom, Intercontinental MidPlaza
Hotel, Jakarta on 4th November 2007.

The companies that have already confirmed to participate on this event are:
1. Astragraphia Technology
2. British American Tobacco (BAT)
3. Citibank
4. Ernest & Young
6. The Jakarta Post
7. Microsoft
8. PT. Mitra Adi Perkasa
9. Price Water House Coopers
10. Shell
11. Standard Chartered
12. Total E & P Indonesia

Additionally, in early October 2007, there will be a mandatory online
registration at www.educationuk. for all alumni who would like to
participate in
the fair. This is also useful to make sure that
everyone participate in the job fair are alumni from the UK or Europe.

We would be grateful if you could forward this email to your mailing
list and your website so that all the European Alumni could also
benefit this event. Feel free to contact me at +628129436810 should
you need any further information regarding the event.

Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward for your positive

Best wishes,

Deasy Sriayu
Project Manager PPI UK JobFair 2007

Oky Prakarsa
MA Corporate Strategy and Governance
University of Nottingham

  P : +62-916-23180 ; MOBILE : +6281387624225

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