Sedikit catatan saja Bung Radityo, 

Saya kurang menangkap yang Anda maksud di paragraf di bawah. Paskah
Kristen adalah perayaan Kebangkitan Kristus. Hari kematianNya dinamai
Jumat Agung (atau Jumat Suci atau lainnya terserah tradisi), 3 hari
sebelum hari Minggu Kebangkitan. 

Lalu 50 hari yang dimaksud adalah perayaan turunnya Roh Kudus

# The word comes from the Greek which means fifty. So, Pentecost was a
celebration on the fiftieth day after Passover. It was a culmination
of the feast of weeks (Exodus 34:22,23). Pentecost in the NT is the
arrival of the Holy Spirit for the church (Acts 2). At Pentecost the
disciples of Jesus were gathered and upon the filling of the Holy
Spirit, they heard a great wind and spoke in tongues as tongues of
fire that settled upon them. ...

# The commemoration of the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the
disciples of Jesus following his ascension, Pentecost is considered
the "birthday" of the Christian church. (Acts 2:1-11) It comes 50 days
after Easter (Pascha, Orthodox Easter). Roman Catholic and Protestant
Christians observe Pentecost on a different date than Orthodox Christians.

# This term originated in the Old Testament "Feast of Pentecost" which
was 50 days after Passover. The Christian Church adopted this term
when, on the Feast of Pentecost," the disciples and apostles of Jesus
were in an upper room waiting to be "clothed with power from on high"
(Luke 24:49). When the promised Holy Spirit descended upon them, they
were all filled and began to speak the word of God boldly. Many spoke
in tongues, prophesied and later performed healings. ...

Ida Khouw

--- In, radityo djadjoeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>   Upacara Korban ala Kristen
>   Menurut seorang teman yang pengamat agama-agama Samawi, umat
Kristen tidak 
> mementingkan Baitullah Sulaiman untuk peribadatan mereka. Mereka
juga meyakini, domba Paskah telah diganti dengan kematian Isa di kayu
salib. Sampai sekarang perayaan Paskah ke III Kristen dirayakan pada
hari yang berdekatan dengan Paskah II umat Yahudi dan orang Samaria.
>   Sementara Paskah I masih dirayakan umat Islam sebagai peringatan
> pengorbanan Ibrahim. Beberapa komunitas Kristen masih merayakan
'korban' 50 hari setelah Paskah, yang bertepatan dengan thanksgiving
Yahudi. Di daerah Mojowarno, mereka mempersembahkan hasil bumi seperti
padi, pepaya, kerajinan tangan, tas dan sebagainya. Di tempat lain
yang pola hidupnya tidak lagi bercocok tanam, mereka mempersembahkan
uang, hasil jahitan, kerajinan tangan lain. Namun  intinya tetap sama:
"Thanksgiving Day". Mirip seperti ritual bersih desa 
> di Jawa.

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