The Cost of the Gender

Heleen Mees


Working women throughout the world have long complained of
the unfairness implied by lower pay than what men receive. But the wage
disparity between men and women is more than unjust. It is also economically

Economists at the International Monetary Fund have
calculated that the “gender gap” costs the world billions of dollars in
economic growth each year. A cross section of 40 poor and rich countries shows
that there is a strong relationship between women’s economic and social status
and overall economic growth. Women’s lack of education, health care, and
economic and social opportunities – both absolutely and relative to men –
inhibits economic growth. By contrast, economic growth ameliorates women’s
subordinated condition.

In The State Of The World’s Children 2007 , UNICEF reports
that gender equality renders a double dividend: healthy, educated women rear
healthy, educated children. According to UNICEF, women feel greater
responsibility than men for the household, and they spend more money on food,
medicine, and educating children. But what UNICEF suggests as the solution for
developing nations – that women be made responsible for the household and
childrearing – is in fact the cause of the problem.

Indeed, the “double dividend” is a curse rather than a
blessing, because it confines women to the home. Policy measures that cultivate
traditional role patterns should be abolished. Instead, one must promote the
economic empowerment of women to help generate economic growth.

Evidence for this can be found in Western
 Europe. According to the Dutch historians Tine de Moor and Jan
Luyten van Zanden, the early break with patriarchy in Europe
in the late Middle-Ages (1200-1500) accounts for the rise of capitalism and 
prosperity in the Western World. Girls were no longer married off, but selected
their own spouses. As a result, it became worthwhile for parents to invest in
girls’ education and wellbeing.

As a result, Europe’s economy
advanced much more than China’s
over the next five centuries. However, the tables have turned. As The Economist
pointed out last year, women have become the engine of global growth,
especially in China
and other Asian countries. The Asian economies seem to make much better use of
the resources that women have to offer than Europeans do.

In Asia, more women work, they work
more hours, and they advance on the corporate ladder much faster than European
women. In the Philippines,
89% of companies have women in senior management positions. China,
Hong Kong, Indonesia,
Taiwan, and Singapore
follow closely in terms of women in top jobs. Even in India,
where more than half of girls and women are illiterate, more women hold senior
management positions than in countries like Germany
and the Netherlands.

In Europe, women long ago bridged
the education gap with their male peers. Still, they occupy a mere 8.5% of
corporate boardroom seats. Except for Scandinavia, the
number of women on Europe’s top company boards is

In part, this is a classic insider-outsider tale. Male
dominance in the marketplace works like a cartel, barring talented women from
top jobs. On average, women’s take-home pay is half that of men.

But European women are to blame as well. In European
countries like Germany
and the Netherlands,
college-educated women often choose to be stay-at-home mothers or work
part-time. Only one of 10 female professionals with children works full-time in
the Netherlands,
compared to nine of 10 male professionals with children. So it should not come
as a surprise that employers don’t take women seriously.

Women’s contribution to the Dutch economy is around 27%. A
raw estimate shows that if women would work a bit more outside the home and
thus increase their contribution to the Dutch economy to, say, 35%, this would
generate an additional 11% in GDP growth, some €60 billion per year. Women
would still be working only half as much as men outside the home. With the
extra money women would generate, the government could take care of the aging
population and still have billions to spend on education and childcare.

What is true in the Netherlands
and Europe is true all over the world: reducing the
inequalities that exist between men and women is not only a matter of justice;
it also makes economic sense.

** Heleen Mees is an
economist and lawyer living in New York.

Copyright: Project
Syndicate, 2007.


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