titution-into-three-bataknese-toba-karo-and-simalungun/> Workshop of
Translating The 1945 Constitution Into Three Bataknese: Toba, Karo and

Not many people know that Batak ethnic comprises six sub-ethnics, namely
Batak Toba, Batak Karo, Batak Simalungun, Batak Pakpak Dairi, Batak
Mandailing, and Batak Angkola having and using different languages.

Knowing the fact, the Court (MK) disregards it as obstacle in the attempt to
disseminate the 1945 Constitution; whereas translating the Constitution into
local languages is one of the supporting programs. Pursuing the agenda, on
January 12, 2007, Chief Justice Jimly Asshiddiqie officially opens the
workshop of translating the 1945 constitution into three Bataknese: Toba,
Karo, and Simalungun. This event is held by MK in cooperation with Center of
Language and Culture of the University of HKBP Nomensen of North Sumatera.

The translation documents are expected to be the result of the event. One of
the examples is the translation of Article 18B (2) of the 1945 Constitution
saying " The state admits and respects the entities of tribal law society
along with their traditional rights provided that they prevails and are in
lined with the people development and the principles of the Unitary States
of the Republic of Indonesia regulated by law" translated into Karonese in
such a way: "Negara ngakuken ras ngeregai ngawan-ngawan masarakat hukum adat
ras hak-hak tradisonalna segedang-gedangnya geluhna ras sesua ras
perkembangen masyarakat ras prinsip Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia".

Meanwhile a different translation of Tobanese says: "Negara mangokku jala
marparsangapi satuan-satuan masyarakat hukum adat dohot hak-hak
tradisionalna saleleng saleleng i tong diulahon, jala hombar dohot tu
perkembangan ni masyarakat dohot prinsip Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia,
na diatur dibagasan undang-undang".

The other kind of Bataknes Simalungun also translates dissimilarly: "Negara
jahu-jahu janah mansangapi hasadaon-hasadaon masyarakat hukum adat pakon
hak-hak tradisionilni sadokah manggoluh janah hombar pakon hubani
perkembangan ni masyarakat pakon prinsip Negara Hasadaon Republik Indonesia,
na i atur undang-undang"

Conveying the opening speech, the Chief Justice of MK says that the 1945
Constitution has undergone four-time amendments yielding changes as much as
300 percent out of the original script. Consequently, Indonesians ought to
understand more issues. Being misunderstood often poses gap between the
written constitution and the cognitive comprehension as well as the one
between the cognitive comprehension of ideal practice and the daily
practice. In accordance, the attempt of creating a living constitution must
not discontinue after the constitution is written. "People must know the
content and the meaning of the 1945 Constitution. Instead of regarding it
merely as political document, people should take part in its dissemination",
Jimly says.

Jimly further continues that the translation of Indonesian Constitution into
some local languages should not be seen as step backwards but a means of
getting people closer to the 1945 Constitution. Needless to say that
translating the 1945 Constitution into several local languages such as
Javanese, Balinese, Sundanese, and Bataknese is expected to fulfill the

Sumber : (mrs.hrs) Mahkamah Konstitusi RI
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