(irn/ Translated-Edited by Inda&Johan Pitkanen) 
    "I didnt know the story about Prophet Daud until Nenek told it to me. Here 
at RD I learned drawing, poem writing, and did some story-telling. Now, I'm 
recalling the moment when I read about prophet Daud's rebellious son. I enjoy 
reading at the RD library so much because it has broadened my horizons and has 
filled my mind more and more."
    The short-paragraph above was written four years ago by Istianah, a      in 
the fourth grade (SD/ Elementary School). At the moment, in Ciloang--a dusty 
and dry village that has no asphalt yet, there was a new public library 
established by a husband and wife--Gola Gong and Tyas Tatanka-- called 
Pustakaloka Rumah Dunia. Istianah was one of its first visitors who enjoyed 
reading and gained many benefits from it. Then, she could satisfy her hunger 
for knowledge.....

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