My Dream Was Not Finished Yet!
  By Gola Gong
  Translated by Diday Tea!
  Am I satisfied with the development of Rumah Dunia now? Four years not yet 
anything. This was not yet finished.Still was long his trip.It is hoped Allah 
gave me the health. I have to support these volunteers continually, although 
now I have chosen to be non active as the chairman. I would be focusing to 
manage the site,helped by Andre Birowo and Noval Y Ramsis as 
web the master and Ibnu as the executive's editorial staff. I will spread the 
virus of Rumah Dunia through the site. I wanted the contents rubriksasi Rumah 
Dunia in two languages; Indonesia – England.Only relied on Ibnu, poored also 
him.It is hoped later will have new volunteers who could speak England was as 
good as Ibnu.The Alangalang forest actually went to class in Tarbiyah Iain 
Serang, the English vocational......
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