[Medianews] Netflix CEO Considering Streaming-Only Option in U.S.

2010-09-24 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2369642,00.asp Netflix is considering the launch of a streaming-only U.S. subscription option in the next few months, chief executive Reed Hastings said Thursday. On Friday, Netflix also expand its licensing agreement with NBC Universal to allow members to

[Medianews] Eddie Fisher, Singer And Ex Of Elizabeth Taylor, Dies

2010-09-24 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1648615/20100924/story.jhtml Eddie Fisher, Singer And Ex Of Elizabeth Taylor, Dies 82-year-old was the father of 'Star Wars' actress Carrie Fisher. Eddie Fisher, one of Hollywood's original bad boys, died on Wednesday at the age of 82. Fisher, as well known

[Medianews] Glitch delays space station crew's return to Earth

2010-09-24 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5g9y8S88sR2gY5r7jgLcsQ _USt-BQ (AFP) - 1 hour ago MOSCOW - The Soyuz capsule failed Friday to undock for the first time in a decade of flights to the International Space Station, forcing three crew members to remain an extra day in orbit. The

[Medianews] Warning over 'Stuxnet' computer worm

2010-09-24 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/web/09/24/stuxnet.worm.ft/index.html?hp t=T2 San Francisco, California and London, England (FT.com) -- A piece of highly sophisticated malicious software that has infected an unknown number of power plants, pipelines and factories over the past year is the first

[Medianews] FCC Opens Unused TV Airwaves to Broadband

2010-09-24 Thread George Antunes
September 23, 2010 F.C.C. Opens Unused TV Airwaves to Broadband By EDWARD WYATT NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/24/business/24fcc.html?_r=1ref=businesspagewanted=print WASHINGTON — The Federal Communications Commission approved a proposal on Thursday that would open vast amounts of

[Medianews] Huge Wind Farm Opens Off Coast of Southeast England

2010-09-24 Thread George Antunes
September 23, 2010 Huge Wind Turbine Farm Opens Off Coast of Southeast England By JULIA WERDIGIER NY Times http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/24/business/energy-environment/24wind.html?ref=businesspagewanted=print LONDON — The world’s largest offshore wind turbine farm, with a capacity to power