[Medianews] How the reporter who found Mitt Romney’s secret Twitter has turned online sleuthing into a beat

2019-12-25 Thread Monty Solomon
How the reporter who found Mitt Romney’s secret Twitter has turned online sleuthing into a beat Journalist Ashley Feinberg's most recent project delved into an avid editor of Pete Buttigieg's Wikipedia presence. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/12/24/how-reporter-who-found-mitt-rom

[Medianews] Colleges are turning students’ phones into surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of thousands

2019-12-25 Thread Monty Solomon
Colleges are turning students’ phones into surveillance machines, tracking the locations of hundreds of thousands The systems highlight how widespread surveillance has increasingly become a fact of life: Students “should have all the rights, responsibilities and privileges that an adult has. S

[Medianews] Report: Apple is developing satellites so the iPhone can skip wireless carriers

2019-12-25 Thread Monty Solomon
https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/12/report-apple-is-developing-satellites-so-the-iphone-can-skip-wireless-carriers/ ___ Medianews mailing list Medianews@etskywarn.net http://etskywarn.net/mailman/listinfo/medianews_etskywarn.net