[Medianews] Comcast offers tantalizing hint of a future with upload speeds above 35Mbps

2021-04-23 Thread Monty Solomon
Comcast offers tantalizing hint of a future with upload speeds above 35Mbps Lab test produces 4Gbps upload speeds but actual uploads are still 3 to 35Mbps. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/04/comcast-touts-4gbps-cable-uploads-in-lab-test-still-limits-users-to-35mbps/ ___

[Medianews] Apple sued for terminating account with $25, 000 worth of apps and videos

2021-04-23 Thread Monty Solomon
Apple sued for terminating account with $25,000 worth of apps and videos Lawsuits claim people don’t truly own content they purchase on digital platforms. Apple is facing two class-action lawsuits over the meaning of the words “rent” and “buy.” In the first suit, lead plaintiff David Andino arg