[Medianews] Larue Barnes: Turn the radio on

2009-08-04 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Part 1: http://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/features/local_story_208153402.html?keyword=secondarystory Part 2: http://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/features/local_story_215093723.html?keyword=topstory [The end of the story has a familiar limerick - Greg] Milton and Charlotte Ertelt of Cleburne Mi

[Medianews] Netgear To Make Consumption Meters 'Standard'

2009-08-04 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Netgear To Make Consumption Meters 'Standard' While such functionality has been embedded in third part custom router firmware for years, Netgear appears to be getting some attention for their announcement that they'll be embedding usage meters in future versions of their routers. According to the

[Medianews] New Microbe Strain Makes More Electricity, Faster

2009-08-03 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
ScienceDaily (Aug. 3, 2009) - In their most recent experiments with Geobacter, the sediment-loving microbe whose hairlike filaments help it to produce electric current from mud and wastewater, Derek Lovley and colleagues at the University of Massachusetts Amherst supervised the evolution of a ne

[Medianews] Venezuela begins shutdown of 34 radio stations

2009-08-03 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN0146551720090801?sp=true By Raymond Colitt and Ana Isabel Martinez CARACAS, Aug 1 (Reuters) - More than a dozen of 34 radio stations ordered shut by the Venezuelan government went off the air on Saturday, part of President Hugo Chavez's drive to exten

[Medianews] Skype could be cut off for good over dispute

2009-07-31 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Skype could be cut off for good over dispute http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/industry_sectors/technology/article6735381.ece Skype might have to shut down because of a dispute over the core technology used to make the internet telephone system work. EBay, which paid $2.6 billion (£

[Medianews] Europe's Mars rover slips to 2018

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Europe's flagship robotic rover mission to Mars now looks certain to leave Earth in 2018, two years later than recently proposed, the BBC understands. Europe's Mars rover slips to 2018 http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8168954.stm The ExoMars vehicle is intended to search the Red Planet f

[Medianews] New 'crisis satellites' launched

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
New 'crisis satellites' launched http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8171327.stm New 'crisis satellites' launched A rocket has been launched from Kazakhstan carrying two British-built satellites which will help monitor natural disasters. The UK-DMC2 and Deimos-1 spacecraft will join four p

[Medianews] Sharp view of 'Orion's shoulder'

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8174643.stm The Very Large Telescope (VLT) facility in Chile has taken the sharpest pictures yet of Betelgeuse. The star, which famously sits on the shoulder of Orion, is positioned some 640 light-years away and is one of the brightest objects in the nigh

[Medianews] Let private firms run space taxis, review panel told

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Let private firms run space taxis, review panel told http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN29280457 * U.S. urged to use private operators for space transport * NASA would focus on bigger space challenges * Shuttle Endeavour crew prepares for Friday homecoming By Irene Klotz CAPE CAN

[Medianews] Yahoo Drops on Disappointment Over Microsoft Accord

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aCMW.ijBF_DU July 29 (Bloomberg) -- Yahoo! Inc. fell 12 percent, the biggest drop since November, after terms of an Internet-search accord with Microsoft Corp. were less favorable than analysts predicted. Under the 10-year agreement, aimed at ch

[Medianews] Desperate Arizona may sell Capitol buildings, others

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Under GOP plan, government would pay to lease back most of the sites http://www.azcentral.com/news/election/azelections/articles/2009/07/29/2 0090729assets0729.html Call it a sign of desperate times: Legislators are considering selling the House and Senate buildings where they've conducted state b

[Medianews] Astronauts inspect space shuttle ahead of landing

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By MARCIA DUNN, AP Aerospace Writer Marcia Dunn, Ap Aerospace Writer - Wed Jul 29, 1:33 pm ET http://bit.ly/uHOct CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Space shuttle Endeavour's astronauts uncovered no noticeable flaws in the thermal shielding of their ship Wednesday following an in-depth inspection with laser

[Medianews] Stockholm's jumbo jet hostel put up for sale

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Published: 29 Jul 09 15:38 CET Online: http://www.thelocal.se/20986/20090729/ The world's first jumbo jet hostel at Stockholm Arlanda Airport has been put up for sale just seven months after its opening under the attendant gaze of the world's media. "We want to keep the concept alive and need t

[Medianews] Woman's Tweet Draws Landlord Lawsuit

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/social_network/showArticle. jhtml?articleID=218700245 The Chicago woman is being sued for $50,000 for making a negative remark about her apartment maintenance. By Antone Gonsalves InformationWeek July 29, 2009 08:00 AM A Chicago-area woman who critici

[Medianews] Is the ocean Florida's untapped energy source?

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/07/27/ocean.turbines/index.html (CNN) -- The answer to easing the energy crunch in one of the nation's most populous states could lie underwater. Imagine if your utility company could harness the ocean's current to power your house, cool your office, even charge your

[Medianews] Space Shuttles May Have to Fly Beyond 2010, Panel Says

2009-07-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
This story was updated at 11:16 a.m. EDT. http://www.space.com/news/090729-nasa-shuttle-delay.html NASA will likely have to continue flying its aging space shuttle fleet beyond its planned 2010 retirement date in order to complete construction of the International Space Station, a presidential pan

[Medianews] MJ's burnt hair will be turned into diamonds

2009-07-28 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/weird/Michael-Jackson-Hair-Turned-Into-Di amonds-LifeGem-Five-Carat.html Michael Jackson's fans will remember the departed pop star through his music for years to come. Now, a Chicago diamond company plans to make another part of the musician last forever -- his hair

[Medianews] Verizon changes tune on Wi-Fi

2009-07-28 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/biztech/07/28/cnet.verizon.wifi/index.html (CNET) -- Verizon Communications has had a change of heart about using Wi-Fi to extend its wireless broadband offering as the company announces free access to Wi-Fi hot spots for its Fios and DSL Internet customers. Verizon ex

[Medianews] NBC executive Silverman exits for IAC venture

2009-07-27 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
NBC executive Silverman exits for IAC venture http://www.reuters.com/article/industryNews/idUSTRE56Q2TT20090727 NEW YORK (Reuters) - NBC Entertainment Co-Chairman Ben Silverman is leaving his job after two years atop the television broadcast network, having failed to resurrect its prime-time telev

[Medianews] Spacewalkers complete Japan's laboratory complex

2009-07-27 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSN27528036 * Astronauts install TV cameras on Japanese lab * Shuttle Endeavour to depart space station on Tuesday * Japanese astronaut returns home after several months By Irene Klotz CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla., July 27 (Reuters) - A pair of spacewalkin

[Medianews] AT&T's 4chan Block Raises Issue of Net Neutrality

2009-07-27 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.pcworld.com/printable/article/id,169100/printable.html Should ISPs get to decide how quickly you can reach a given site? Here's a recent example of how that's implemented. Ian Paul Monday, July 27, 2009 09:20 AM PDT It appears some of AT&T's broadband customers across the United States

[Medianews] Chinese authorities probe iPhone worker's death

2009-07-23 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
by Jim Dalrymple A Foxconn security official has been suspended and the case involving the apparent suicide of a worker who reportedly lost a prototype iPhone 4G has been handed over to Chinese authorities, according to a Bloomberg report Wednesday. Foxconn employee Sun Danyong, 25, apparently ki

[Medianews] Apple Gobbled up 91 Percent of Premium PC Market in June

2009-07-23 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Apple Gobbled up 91 Percent of Premium PC Market in June Apple may be a small player in terms of overall PC market share, but in the premium price segment, the Macintosh is king. In June, nine out of 10 dollars spent on computers costing $1,000 and up went to Apple in the U.S. market, according t

[Medianews] Canadian actor, broadcaster Les Lye dead at 84 (You Can't Do That on TV)

2009-07-23 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.ottawacitizen.com/entertainment/Canadian+actor+broadcaster+de ad/1817899/story.html OTTAWA - Les Lye's gift was the ability to create a host of funny, unforgettable characters for radio and television. Whether it was joking with his alter-ego Abercrombie on CFRA, doing comedy bits with

[Medianews] Adios, Chihuahua! Taco Bell dog dead at 15

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32085116/ns/today-today_pets/?h She charmed millions without ever saying a word - and managed to make fast-food tacos adorable. Gidget, the Chihuahua best known for her Taco Bell ad campaign (and her famous overdubbed tagline, "Yo quiero Taco Bell"), died from a stroke

[Medianews] Google's Wave of the future is genius, but will it work?

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.suntimes.com/technology/ihnatko/1606282,ihnatko-google-wave-060309.article July 22, 2009 By ANDY IHNATKO a...@andyi.com Five days is an eon in Internet time. Given the huge amounts of discussion that Google Wave has earned online since the company unveiled it in an 80-minute live dem

[Medianews] RIM Warns Update Has Spyware

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124827172417172239.html?mod=googlenews_w sj BlackBerry users in the Mideast business centers of Dubai and Abu Dhabi who were directed by their wireless carrier to upgrade their phones were actually installing surveillance software, the device maker said. Research I

[Medianews] Microsoft Details Windows 7 RTM Plans: What You Need to Know

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.pcworld.com/article/168833/microsoft_details_windows_7_rtm_pl ans_what_you_need_to_know.html Microsoft still hasn't officially announced that Windows 7 has been "released to manufacturing" (RTM) for production and packaging in preparation for its Oct. 22 release to consumers. But the co

[Medianews] 'Incredible' new scar is spreading on Jupiter

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.latimes.com/news/science/la-sci-jupiter22-2009jul22,0,5215362.story An asteroid or comet plunged into the solar system's largest planet and left a mark that was first spotted Sunday. The event is the first of its kind in 15 years, JPL astronomers say. By John Johnson Jr. July 22, 200

[Medianews] All Eyepieces on Jupiter After a Big Impact

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By DENNIS OVERBYE Published: July 21, 2009 http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/22/science/space/22jupiter.html Anybody get the number of that truck? Astronomers were scrambling to get big telescopes turned to Jupiter on Tuesday to observe the remains of what looks like the biggest smashup in the solar

[Medianews] To the Moon - with extreme engineering

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Spontaneous, improvised - would it be allowed to happen now? By Andrew Orlowski (andrew.orlow...@theregister.co.uk) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/22/destination_moon/print.html It's a temptation, watching many of the 40th Anniversary retrospectives, to think of the Apollo space program as

[Medianews] Employee Kills Himself Over Missing iPhone Prototype

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
A worker at Chinese supplier committed suicide after being accused over a missing handset http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/content/jul2009/gb20090722_600955. htm A young employee of Chinese contract manufacturer Foxconn committed suicide after being accused over a missing iPhone prototype, a

[Medianews] A solar eclipse for the people

2009-07-22 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.csmonitor.com/2009/0722/p06s04-woap.html Not just devoted eclipse-chasers but millions of others were able to view the longest solar eclipse of the century as it passed over Asia Wednesday. By Jonathan Landreth | Contributor Beijing - The solar eclipse that passed over Asia Wednesday -

[Medianews] Apollo lunar mission was 'made in North Alabama'

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.timesdaily.com/article/20090720/ARTICLES/907205019/1011/NEWS? Title=Apollo-lunar-mission-was-made-in-North-Alabama- By Cody Wix, Staff Writer Published: Monday, July 20, 2009 at 3:30 a.m. Last Modified: Sunday, July 19, 2009 at 10:48 p.m. When Eugene Cagle sat in his Rogersville home

[Medianews] Apollo 9 crewman Rusty Schweickart, of Sonoma, would rather look ahead

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.mercurynews.com/breakingnews/ci_12867400?nclick_check=1 He was among the first to float untethered in space, taking in Earth's round fullness through nothing but a clear visor. Russell "Rusty" Schweickart piloted the lunar module on its first space flight, a crucial test run for the Ap

[Medianews] We Must Revive Apollo 11's Spirit of Adventure

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2009/07/17/peter-roff-apollo/ Will America return to the competition of being the best? In September of 1962, in a speech at Houston's Rice University, President John F. Kennedy set the tone for the decade. Reminding the nation of the words of William Bradford wh

[Medianews] Now in Cyberspace, Apollo 11 Flies Again

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/18/arts/18audio.html Many Americans alive today are too young to remember when Apollo 11 landed on the moon 40 years ago on Monday. But for the next several days a remarkable replay of the audio is allowing Internet users to experience the momentous 1969 space missio

[Medianews] A Generation Without a Moon Walk

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
by Joseph A. Rehyansky 07/20/2009 http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=32776 Arthur C. Clarke's epic 2001: A Space Odyssey was released shortly before I left for Vietnam. My wife and I saw it in New York City, and it mesmerized us. No, not the fantasy about the lunar monolith beeping towa

[Medianews] Apollo 11: Untold Stories of the Moon Race

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Things You Never Knew About the Moonwalk, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin By NED POTTER http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/Apollo11MoonLanding/story?id=810903 8&page=1 July 20, 2009 - "That's one small step for a man" said Neil Armstrong -- but depending on whom you ask, they may not have been

[Medianews] The 10-year-old who helped Apollo 11, 40 years later

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/space/07/20/apollo11.irpt/index.html (CNN) -- On July 23, 1969, as Apollo 11 hurtled back towards Earth, there was a problem -- a problem only a kid could solve. It sounds like something out of a movie, but that's what it came down to as Apollo 11 sped back towards Ea

[Medianews] What we didn't know about the moonwalk

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
After 40 years, get the back story behind that 'one small step' By Jay Barbree Correspondent updated 7:54 p.m. ET, Sun., July 19, 2009 CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Neil Armstrong moved slowly down the ladder. Getting to the moon had been a long time coming. He was an Ohio pilot who came from the same

[Medianews] How Did Moon Travel Change Astronauts?

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
For Some, Going to the Moon Became a Spiritual, Philosophical Event By KI MAE HEUSSNER http://www.abcnews.go.com/Technology/Apollo11MoonLanding/story?id=812426 7&page=1 July 20, 2009 - In the history of humanity, only 24 men have shared the experience. Forty years ago today, the first of the two

[Medianews] Shuttle Crew Marks Apollo 11 With Spacewalk

2009-07-20 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Shuttle Crew Marks Apollo 11 With Spacewalk A pair of Endeavour astronauts will commemorate the 40th anniversary of the first moon landing with a 6.5 hour space jaunt. http://www.informationweek.com/news/government/federal/showArticle.jhtml ?articleID=218501316 By Paul McDougall InformationWeek J

[Medianews] Verizon to Limit Exclusive Handset Deals

2009-07-17 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124784449136358501.html Verizon Wireless said it will allow small wireless carriers to use the popular cellphone models Verizon offers exclusively more quickly. The wireless phone giant announced the change in a letter to key lawmakers on Capitol Hill who have been

[Medianews] Some final words coming from George Carlin

2009-07-14 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090714/ap_en_ot/books_george_carlin NEW YORK - Some final thoughts are coming from George Carlin. Free Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, said Tuesday that the comedian's book "Last Words" will be published in November. Carlin died in June 2008 at age 71 and work

[Medianews] Fliers get advice on Internet etiquette

2009-07-14 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Charisse Jones, USA TODAY http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/2009-07-13-etiquette-flying-inter net_N.htm?loc=interstitialskip Now that it has become the first major airline to outfit its entire fleet with wireless Internet service, AirTran Airways is offering passengers a few do's and don't

[Medianews] SpaceX Launch Successfully Delivers Satellite Into Orbit

2009-07-14 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/07/spacexlaunch/ SpaceX launched a Malaysian satellite into orbit late Monday night, the second successful launch for the private space exploration company, which aims to cut the cost of orbital transport tenfold. After a series of costly failures, SpaceX ha

[Medianews] A Morse Code typo lights Pittsburgh skyline

2009-07-13 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
A Morse Code typo lights city skyline Sunday, July 12, 2009 By Dan Majors, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Darrell Sapp/Post-Gazette http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09193/983408-53.stm An evening view of the city's Downtown skyline offers more than just a beautiful blend of old and new architecture toweri

[Medianews] Weird Al Yankovic Owes Michael Jackson For His Career

2009-07-13 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Weird Al Yankovic Owes Michael Jackson For His Career July 13th, 2009 9:02am EDT http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/13/weird_al_yankovic_owe s_michael_jackson_f Comedy singer 'Weird' Al Yankovic has heaped praise on Michael Jackson, insisting the late King of Pop helped turn him in

[Medianews] LANL scientist makes radio waves

2009-07-10 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.santafenewmexican.com/HealthandScience/LANL_scientist_makes_r adio_waves_travel_faster_than_light LANL scientist makes radio waves travel faster than light Sue Vorenberg | The New Mexican 1/18/2008 - 1/19/08 Scientist John Singleton insists that Albert Einstein wouldn't be mad at him

[Medianews] Microsoft CEO: Computers will figure you out

2009-07-10 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.charlotteobserver.com/597/story/789108.html In the next 10 years, computers as flexible as a sheet of paper will replace notepads and newspapers, while others will be able to intuit what you're trying to find online, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said Friday to a group of Charlotte techno

[Medianews] PCs Could Be Hit Next in Web Attack: South Korea

2009-07-10 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Jon Herskovitz Reuters http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=8047535 SEOUL Cyber attacks slowing U.S. and South Korean websites could enter a new phase on Friday by attacking personal computers and wiping out hard disks, a South Korean government agency and web security firm said. North Kore

[Medianews] SKorea says attackers use IP address in 16 nations

2009-07-10 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090710/D99BH9U00.html SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Cyber attacks that caused a wave of Web site outages in the U.S. and South Korea used 86 IP addresses in 16 countries, South Korea's spy agency told lawmakers Friday, amid suspicions North Korea was behind the effort

[Medianews] US State Department under cyberattack for fourth day

2009-07-10 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.a6c27e3843e8f645f9e395649a3a 85e5.c51&show_article=1 The US State Department said Thursday its website came under cyberattack for a fourth day running as it tried to prevent further attacks. "I'm just going to speak about our website, the state.gov webs

[Medianews] Has a guy been stuck in the Paris airport since 1988 for lack of the right papers?

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.straightdope.com/columns/read/981/has-a-guy-been-stuck-in-the -paris-airport-since-1988-for-lack-of-the-right-papers August 20, 1999 Dear Cecil: The following appeared in Chuck Shepherd's "News of the Weird" feature. Can this really be? Fill me in, please! - Suzette, via the Interne

[Medianews] Palin's Twitter Impersonators Show Challenge of Tweet Control

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601109&sid=ac4IFvs6eWDY By Brian Womack and Ian King July 8 (Bloomberg) -- Sarah Palin's clash with people impersonating her on Twitter has spotlighted the challenge celebrities face in managing what's Tweeted about them. Palin, after resigning as govern

[Medianews] Dead cat on a hot tin roof cancels news bulletins (Cyprus)

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Stefanos Evripidou http://www.cyprus-mail.com/news/main.php?id=46665&cat_id=1 THE STATE BROADCASTER skipped a number of hourly radio news bulletins yesterday after the stench of a dead cat on the roof proved too much for the studio staff. As a result of nasty smells coming through the broadca

[Medianews] Stormy weather could stall weekend shuttle launch

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5g8gpZRl3t8mV2RxsVjIuPU 75dJeAD99ACUH81 By MARCIA DUNN - 4 hours ago CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) - Stormy weather could stall this weekend's launch of space shuttle Endeavour. NASA will try to launch Endeavour on Saturday night, following a pair of

[Medianews] Internet radio sites, music industry reach agreement over royalties

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-webcaster8-2009jul08,0,963519.stor y Deal with SoundExchange allows webcasters such as Pandora to pay lower per-song royalties or a percentage of their revenue. By Jim Puzzanghera July 8, 2009 Reporting from Washington -- The music won't stop for Internet ra

[Medianews] Internet Radio Saved for Now, But is the Deal Fair?

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.pcworld.com/article/168049/internet_radio_saved_for_now_but_i s_the_deal_fair.html Ian Paul Jul 8, 2009 1:10 pm After almost two years of back and forth, there is finally a deal in place that will guarantee the future health of Internet radio. If you haven't heard, Internet radio serv

[Medianews] Smashed guitar, YouTube song - United is listening now

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://travel.latimes.com/daily-deal-blog/index.php/smashed-guitar-youtu -4850/ Here, without rhythm, harmony or rhyme, is Dave Carroll's problem: Last year, while he was flying from Nova Scotia to Nebraska on United Airlines, somebody broke his $3,500 guitar. Big deal, you're thinking. Who has t

[Medianews] RIAA Wants Harvard Prof to Take Case Recordings Off the Web

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Posted Jul 6, 2009, 03:25 pm CDT By Sarah Randag http://www.abajournal.com/news/riaa_wants_harvard_prof_to_take_case_reco rdings_off_the_web/ The Recording Industry Association of America says that Harvard Law Professor Charles Nesson is violating court orders and privacy laws by posting recordi

[Medianews] Man arrested for threat on Twitter post

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.sheboyganpress.com/article/20090708/SHE0101/90708025/1062/SHE 01/Man-arrested-for-threat-on-Twitter-post Computer technician threatened to reveal customer database Sheboygan Press staff * July 8, 2009 A computer technician was arrested this week after allegedly threatening to sell a c

[Medianews] Officials: N. Korea believed behind cyber attacks

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://bit.ly/mYDnU SEOUL, South Korea - South Korean intelligence officials believe North Korea or pro-Pyongyang forces committed cyber attacks that paralyzed major South Korean and U.S. government Web sites, aides to two lawmakers said Wednesday. The sites of 11 South Korean organizations, incl

[Medianews] Google's new operating system to take on Microsoft

2009-07-08 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/20090708/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_google_operati ng_system SUN VALLEY, Idaho - Google Inc. is working on a new operating system for inexpensive computers in a daring attempt to wrest away Microsoft Corp.'s long-running control over people's computing experience. The new op

[Medianews] Web braces for Michael Jackson onslaught

2009-07-07 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Digital Biz http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/07/07/michael.jackson.web.traffic/index.htm l LONDON, England (CNN) -- His death nearly brought the Web to a standstill with several sites buckling under the sheer weight of traffic. A fan signs a Michael Jackson poster covered in messages outside the Stap

[Medianews] Goodbye, CompuServe! (We thought you already died)

2009-07-06 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://arstechnica.com/telecom/news/2009/07/goodbye-compuserve-we-though t-you-had-already-died.ars Remember CompuServe? While many of us thought it had already died years ago, it turns out that AOL was keeping it on life support-up until this month. With the decision to finally shut the 30-year-o

[Medianews] Recording Industry Wants Woman Banned From Downloading Music

2009-07-06 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Jammie Thomas Rasset of Minnesota fined $1.92 million for illegally downloading and sharing RIAA-protected music files By Amy Forliti The Associated Press July 6, 2009 http://www.fox40.com/news/headlines/ktxl-news-illegaldownloads0706,0,345 7737.story NEW YORK - Just weeks after a federal jury ru

[Medianews] The Sun Has Spots, Finally

2009-07-06 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Robert Roy Britt Editorial Director posted: 06 July 2009 10:08 am ET http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/090706-sunspot-activity.html After one of the longest sunspot droughts in modern times, solar activity picked up quickly over the weekend. A new group of sunspots developed, and while no

[Medianews] Holiday fireworks accidents kill 5 workers

2009-07-06 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D998JQE80&show_article=1 OCRACOKE, N.C. (AP) - Five people working on Independence Day fireworks shows were killed by explosions, four of them by a single blast that rocked this remote village on the Outer Banks. The fifth died after an explosion at a fire

[Medianews] Tears turn to tweets for Jackson memorial tickets

2009-07-06 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090706/D998UBU00.html Jul 6, 7:54 AM (ET) By DAISY NGUYEN LOS ANGELES (AP) - Thousands of fans shouted, posted and tweeted with celebration as they learned they were receiving the hottest ticket in the nation to Tuesday's Michael Jackson memorial at Staples Cent

[Medianews] Ariane-Launched Satellite Thwarts Cell Dead Zones

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
The Channel Wire July 02, 2009 http://www.crn.com/mobile/218400232;jsessionid=XGPKHIZTRTEDIQSNDLPCKH0CJ UNN2JVN Cell phone users experiencing dead zone coverage may soon get a fix thanks in part to an Ariane Rocket. TerreStar Networks, which bills itself as the nation's first all IP-mobile cell p

[Medianews] Google finally sued by makers of Finally Fast

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Google finally sued by makers of Finally Fast by Tom Krazit http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-10278274-2.html?tag=mncol;posts Google has been sued again by a company mad over the use of its trademarks as keywords, but this one comes with a twist. Ascentive, the company behind those incessant "

[Medianews] Apple Planning Fix For iPhone SMS Flaw

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.informationweek.com/news/security/vulnerabilities/showArticle .jhtml?articleID=218400245 An SMS vulnerability in Apple's iPhone is slated for disclosure at the Black Hat conference later this month. Apple is reportedly rushing to get a fix ready. By Thomas Claburn InformationWeek July

[Medianews] Macs Sales Growing Faster Than PCs

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Macs Sales Growing Faster Than PCs http://www.informationweek.com/news/hardware/mac/showArticle.jhtml?artic leID=218400056&subSection=All+Stories Apple Mac sales growth outstripped PCs even before Apple cut prices and introduced new MacBooks last month. By Antone Gonsalves InformationWeek July 2,

[Medianews] Prevent your search default from being changed

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
by Dennis O'Reilly http://news.cnet.com/8301-13880_3-10277784-68.html The first thing I saw when I booted my PC yesterday evening was a notice that Google had prevented my default search setting from being changed. I certainly didn't want to switch from searching via Google by default. I hadn't ev

[Medianews] Space Shuttle to Launch July 11 After Successful Leak Test

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529824,00.html Thursday , July 02, 2009 By Tariq Malik NASA will try to launch the space shuttle Endeavour on July 11, nearly a month late, after plugging a potentially dangerous hydrogen gas leak, top mission managers said Wednesday. Endeavour successfully pa

[Medianews] Mozilla slates first Firefox 3.5 patch

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Plans to patch bugs this month that went unfixed in final version By Gregg Keizer July 2, 2009 07:26 AM ET http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&; taxonomyName=networking_and_internet&articleId=9135091&taxonomyId=16&int src=kc_top Computerworld - Mozilla will pat

[Medianews] Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Users Clamoring For Bug Fix

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.crn.com/software/218400171;jsessionid=2UFVRYDFMUSNAQSNDLPCKH0 CJUNN2JVN The blogosphere is burning up with Firefox 3.5 users clamoring for a bug fix release from Mozilla that is expected in the next several weeks. "It's seriously bugged is what it is," posted Jeremy in a July 1 post on

[Medianews] Astronomers sniff intermediate mass black hole

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/02/middleweight_black_hole/ X-rays point to 500 solar mass 'middleweight' By Lester Haines * Get more from this author Posted in Space, 2nd July 2009 08:31 GMT Astronomers from the University of Leicester and the CESR astrophysics lab in Toulouse reckon they'

[Medianews] Jackson's death sparks wave of spam

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/43078/108/ Los Angeles, CA - Spam scams relating to Michael Jackson's death are spreading like wildfire across the internet. Within eight hours of the star's death, the first were appearing, with spammers claiming that they have vital information about the deat

[Medianews] NASA Shuttle Program Manager Proposes Cheaper Moon Travel

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.dailytech.com/NASA+Shuttle+Program+Manager+Proposes+Cheaper+M oon+Travel+/article15569.htm A NASA shuttle program manager recently proposed a new plan which would allow NASA to cut costs on moon travel. The plan revolves around a "shuttleless shuttle" concept that has been around NASA f

[Medianews] Firefox 3.5 downloaded 5 million times in first 24 hours

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/07/firefox-35-downloaded-5- million-times-in-first-24-hours.ars Mozilla officially released Firefox 3.5 on Tuesday. The new version of the popular open source web browser has attracted considerable attention and is already seeing rapid adoption. It was

[Medianews] New Facebook Privacy Controls Take On Twitter

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/167770/new_facebook_privac y_controls_take_on_twitter.html New Facebook Privacy Controls Take On Twitter In a move that may actually pass without a huge uproar, Facebook has begun testing new privacy options that will make the service pretty much just

[Medianews] Bing Adds Twitter Searches

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Bing Adds Twitter Searches http://www.informationweek.com/news/internet/search/showArticle.jhtml?ar ticleID=218400125 Microsoft's new search engine looks to capture the real-time Web. By Paul McDougall InformationWeek July 2, 2009 08:42 AM Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) has added a feature to Bing that

[Medianews] Jay Leno wins Web fight with cyber squatter

2009-07-02 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/front/6508038.html GENEVA - Television host Jay Leno has won control of a Web address using the name of his new show. The U.N.'s World Intellectual Property Organization says current owner Guadalupe Javier Zambrano, 51, of Katy will have to transfer the domain

[Medianews] Solar orbiter Ulysses ends mission after 18 years

2009-07-01 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090701/sc_nm/us_space_solar_1 LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The interplanetary space probe Ulysses officially ceased operations on Tuesday after an 18-year voyage of roughly 5.5 billion miles (8.85 billion km) and nearly three complete orbits around the sun, NASA said. Radi

[Medianews] Volcano's Eruption Creates Colorful U.S. Sunsets

2009-07-01 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20090701/sc_livescience/volcanoserup tioncreatescolorfulussunsets Many people in the United States and Europe are seeing gorgeous lavender sunsets lately thanks to the eruption more than two weeks ago of Russia's Sarychev Peak volcano. The volcano blew its top

[Medianews] Syfy's Two-Pronged Rebrand Strategy

2009-06-30 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Syfy's Two-Pronged Rebrand Strategy Plans big marketing push; buys up negative domain names By Marisa Guthrie -- Broadcasting & Cable, 6/22/2009 2:00:00 AM EDT NBC Universal's Sci Fi is giving away the Internet to promote its July 7 rebrand to Syfy, but is also taking away a few choice domain nam

[Medianews] PHP 5.3 Accelerates PHP

2009-06-30 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Sean Michael Kerner June 30, 2009 http://www.internetnews.com/dev-news/article.php/3827756/PHP%2053%20Acce lerates%20PHP.htm The open source PHP language is seeing its first major update in two years courtesy of today's release of PHP 5.3, along with a long list of new features designed to expa

[Medianews] Vibe Magazine To Close Down Immediately

2009-06-30 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://mediadecoder.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/30/vibe-magazine-to-close- down-immediately/?hp Vibe Magazine To Close Down Immediately By Richard Perez-Pena Vibe, one of the nation's leading popular music magazines, is closing immediately, a spokeswoman said Tuesday. Word was broken early this af

[Medianews] NASA manager pitches a cheaper return-to-moon plan

2009-06-30 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
NASA manager pitches a cheaper return-to-moon plan By SETH BORENSTEIN http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_SCI_MOON_ROCKET?SITE=AP&SECTIO N=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2009-06-30-15-53-31 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Like a car salesman pushing a luxury vehicle that the customer no longer can afford,

[Medianews] Ageing solar probe to be taken off life support

2009-06-29 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17392-ageing-solar-probe-to-be-tak en-off-life-support.html Ground controllers will pull the plug on the solar probe Ulysses on Tuesday, ending an epic mission that has lasted more than 18 years. Ulysses launched in October 1990 and swung past Jupiter in 1992

[Medianews] Gosselin Split May Be Announced

2009-06-18 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.myfoxphilly.com/dpp/news/local_news/061809_Gosselins_divorce TLC is now promoting a "big announcement" by Jon and Kate Gosselin Monday about a life-changing decision. The cable network has reportedly scrapped a Mother's Day show for next Monday for anothe special one-hour edition of th

[Medianews] GPS Satellite Glitches Fuel Concern on Next Generation

2009-06-17 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB124520702464422059.html Technical problems are degrading the accuracy of signals from the last GPS satellite launched by the Pentagon, sparking concerns among U.S. military and aerospace industry officials that the next generation of the widely used satellites could

[Medianews] Opera lets browser be used as a server

2009-06-17 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
Opera lets browser be used as a server http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2009/06/17/BUDV18876M.D TL (06-16) 18:10 PDT -- A Norwegian firm has created technology that allows a Web browser to also function as a Web server, allowing individuals to share their files or communicate with

[Medianews] How to Avoid Paying the iPhone 3GS Upgrade Tax

2009-06-17 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/06/iphone-3gs-tax/ Gadget Lab Hardware News and Reviews Those tears of joy shed by iPhone loyalists are turning into cries of grief with the announcement by AT&T that it will impose a $200 fee to upgrade to the next-generation iPhone, which lands in stores Frid

[Medianews] Gas Leak Prevents Space Shuttle Launch Again

2009-06-17 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Clara Moskowitz Staff Writer posted: 17 June 2009 02:00 am ET http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/090617-sts127-launch-day2.html This story was updated at 4:35 a.m. EDT. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The space shuttle Endeavour's launch plans were thwarted again early Wednesday when a hydrogen gas l

[Medianews] NASA Hopes to Launch Shuttle Endeavour on Wednesday

2009-06-15 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
By Clara Moskowitz Staff Writer posted: 14 June 2009 06:57 pm ET http://www.space.com/missionlaunches/090614-sts127-launch-update.html This story was updated at 8:00 p.m. EDT. NASA will try to squeeze in a launch attempt for the space shuttle Endeavour on Wednesday, just days ahead of a different

[Medianews] Complaint says top musician dissed over royalties

2009-06-15 Thread Williams, Gregory S. (Oak Ridge)
WASHINGTON (AP) -- A top-selling artist purportedly had his new single yanked from some radio stations playlists in retaliation for supporting royalties for musicians. No one involved will name the artist, but his no-play treatment by several radio stations is alleged in a complaint filed with the

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