4 Captivating Companies and What They Share

By James Ledbetter and Jacob Weisberg
Sunday, September 14, 2008; Page F01


Ask yourself this question: Aside from the company where you or members 
of your family work, how many companies do you actually care about? We 
think that for a lot of us, there are only four: Starbucks, Apple, 
Google and Amazon -- call them the SAGA companies. Of course, reducing 
what's exciting about American business to SAGA is an exaggeration, but 
stay with us for a bit while we make a case that these four corporations 
represent a distinctive and distinctively American contribution to 
21st-century capitalism.

The SAGA companies do very different things and are of hugely different 
sizes: Google's market capitalization is about $158 billion; Starbucks 
is down to about $12 billion. Yet they share some remarkable traits. At 
the most basic level, each has transformed not only a specific 
commercial marketplace but also some important aspect of contemporary 
life -- computing and music for Apple, information and advertising for 
Google, coffee for Starbucks, books for Amazon. In doing so, each has 
had an appreciable impact on our daily routines, taken on a looming 
presence in popular culture, and often engendered an intensity of 
feeling more often associated with tastes in entertainment or political 
views. Together, they have created a new model of business innovation, 
culture and values.

But what, really, do the SAGA companies have in common? Here's a start:
They have a ubiquitous presence. Ubiquity doesn't necessarily make SAGA 
companies global market leaders; the worldwide proportion of computer 
users who own Apples is small and will probably never catch up to the 
formidable PC. But in many countries, iPod usage is surging, and all the 
world wants an iPhone. As for the others, Yahoo retains a slight global 
edge over Google in Web traffic, but that will probably not last much 
longer, and it is Google whose name is synonymous with finding 
information on the Web. (We figure that between us, we perform 100 
Google searches a day and can easily go for weeks without using another 
search engine.) Amazon may not dominate e-commerce outside the United 
States as much as it does inside, but in few of the countries where 
Amazon operates Web sites is there a competitor that sells more books 
online. Starbucks manages to be everywhere and also across the street.

· They reflect the comparative advantage of today's America . . . Dial 
back to the Fortune 500 list of 1958, and there's no mistaking the 
difference: a half-century ago, the iconic U.S. companies were about 
making and moving stuff: General Motors, Ford and Chrysler were all in 
the top 15. Oil companies and steel manufacturers filled the other top 
slots, along with General Electric, Eastman Kodak and the company still 
widely called in those days International Business Machines. Granted, 
SAGA companies do not rank that high on today's list, although they are 
often more profitable than firms that bring in more revenue. 
Nonetheless, they represent the dramatic shift away from domestic 
manufacturing and toward an idea-driven, consumer-focused, value-added 
economy. It is also not coincidental that all four companies are based 
on the West Coast, reflecting the shift in America's demographics and 
centers of innovation.

· . . . yet they are genuinely global. Not very long ago, the undisputed 
symbols of American business abroad were Disney, McDonald's and 
Coca-Cola. Those brands remain tremendously powerful, but they have long 
felt as if they were monoliths imposed on other countries from abroad. 
(It's hardly surprising that McDonalds outlets are frequently the 
targets of anti-globalization protests.) By contrast, SAGA companies 
blend more easily into their environments by allowing international 
customers to explore their own tastes and preferences. Amazon could 
never get away with selling only American books and DVDs; an iPod has no 
obvious nationality, and despite some carping from European regulators, 
Google functions fairly seamlessly as an international Internet tool.

· They are restless innovators. None of these companies made its 
business by being the first to add any new physical thing to peoples' 
lives: Starbucks did not invent coffee or even the coffee house; with 
the exception of the Kindle, almost every item available on Amazon is 
conceived of and produced off the Amazon campus; Apple didn't invent the 
computer, the cellphone or the MP3 player; and Google invented neither 
the search engine nor the paid search model.

For the most part, SAGA companies don't invent; they perfect. The SAGA 
triumph is one of tweaks and packaging. That can sound lightweight, even 
derogatory, but it shouldn't be underestimated; remember that when 
Amazon started doing business in 1995, the vast majority of Americans 
had never bought anything online and had legitimate reasons to fear 
doing so. What SAGA companies have taught the world is that there is 
strong business sense in focusing maniacally on what customers want and 
then finding the most effective ways to deliver it.

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