Apple's Jobs Explains His Weight Loss

The New York Times
January 6, 2009

SAN FRANCISCO - Steven P. Jobs, the chief executive of Apple, sought 
to put to rest persistent speculation about his health on Monday, 
disclosing in a public letter that a hormone problem - and not a 
recurrence of cancer - had contributed to his very visible weight 
loss over the last year.

Mr. Jobs lamented that his decision not to give his usual keynote 
address at the annual Macworld Expo this week in San Francisco "set 
off another flurry of rumors about my health, with some even 
publishing stories of me on my deathbed."

But Mr. Jobs, 53, said that doctors had recently diagnosed a "hormone 
imbalance" that was depleting proteins in his body as the cause of 
his weight loss. The remedy, he said, "is relatively simple and 
straightforward, and I've already begun treatment."

Mr. Jobs said he would continue as chief executive while being 
treated. Investors sent Apple shares up more than 4 percent, to 
$94.80 on Monday. "That the stock is up on his announcement that he's 
sick tells you something," said Shaw Wu, an analyst at Kaufman 
Brothers. "I think expectations were that it would be worse, that he 
would have to step down."

Investors punished the stock last month after rumors about Mr. Jobs's 
health circulated in the wake of his withdrawal from the Macworld 
Expo. Apple said at the time that Philip W. Schiller, the company's 
senior vice president for worldwide marketing, would deliver the 
keynote address on Tuesday at the conference, usually a high-profile 
platform for Mr. Jobs to announce new products.



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