September 23, 2009

Best Buy and Verizon Jump Into E-Reader Fray
NY Times

The budding market for electronic reading devices is about to get two 
powerful new entrants: Best Buy and Verizon.

On Wednesday, iRex Technologies, a spinoff of Royal Philips Electronics 
that already makes one of Europe’s best-known e-readers, plans to 
announce that it is entering the United States market with a $399 
touch-screen e-reader.

Owners of the new iRex DR800SG will be able to buy digital books and 
newspapers wirelessly over the 3G network of Verizon, which is joining 
AT&T and Sprint in supporting such devices. And by next month, the iRex 
will be sold at a few hundred Best Buy stores, along with the Sony 
Reader and similar products.

By all accounts, e-readers are set to have a breakout year. Slightly 
more than one million of them were sold globally in 2008, according to 
the market research firm iSuppli. The firm predicts that 5.2 million 
will be sold this year, more than half of them in North America, driven 
by the popularity and promotion of the Kindle, which is available only 
through Amazon’s Web site.

Best Buy’s involvement could give an additional lift to sales. Starting 
this week, Best Buy is training thousands of its employees in how to 
talk about and demonstrate devices like the Sony Reader and iRex, and 
adding a new area to its 1,048 stores to showcase the devices. Best Buy 
previously sold e-book devices only on its Web site and in limited tests 
in stores.

“The e-reader has high awareness, but most people have still not seen or 
touched or played with them,” said Chris Homeister, senior vice 
president for entertainment at Best Buy. “We feel that this is a 
technology that is beginning to emerge and that we can bring a unique 
experience to the marketplace.”

The biggest challenge for iRex, in particular, will be the unfamiliarity 
of its brand among American consumers. But in many respects, its 
black-and-gray device is similar to rivals like the Kindle DX, which has 
a 10-inch screen and costs $489, and the forthcoming Reader Daily 
Edition, with its 7-inch screen and $399 price tag, from Sony.

The iRex has an 8.1-inch touch screen and links directly to buy digital 
books in Barnes & Noble’s e-bookstore and periodicals from Newspapers 
Direct, a service that offers more than 1,100 papers and presents them 
onscreen largely as they appear in print form.

This year, iRex talked with Barnes & Noble about putting the 
bookseller’s brand, and not its own, on the new device. But they could 
not reach an agreement, said Kevin Hamilton, the chief executive of 
iRex’s North American division and president at Amerivon Retail Sales, a 
venture capital firm that led an $8 million investment in the company 
this year.

William Lynch, president of Barnes & Noble’s online business, declined 
to say whether the bookseller was working on its own reading device, but 
said it “planned to market digital books in really big and interesting 
ways” to the 77 million customers who walk into its stores every year. 
The Barnes & Noble e-bookstore will also be available through a 
large-screen device from the start-up Plastic Logic, which is expected 
next year.

IRex has taken a somewhat circuitous path to the consumer market. As a 
division within Philips, the Dutch electronics company, it was 
responsible for supplying the screen technology for the Sony Librie, one 
of the first devices to use so-called e-paper, which mimics the 
appearance of regular paper on a digital screen. As a separate company 
since 2004, it has developed large-screen devices for business 
professionals, doctors and pilots, mostly in Europe.

Its new consumer product offers some techie features that rivals do not. 
It contains a 3G Gobi radio from Qualcomm, the wireless component 
manufacturer, which will allow iRex owners to buy books wirelessly when 
they travel abroad. By contrast, the wireless modem in the Kindle works 
only on Sprint’s network in the United States. As with the Kindle, the 
price of the iRex includes unlimited wireless access.

The iRex can also handle the ePub file format, a widely accepted 
industry standard, which means that owners can buy books from other 
online bookstores that use ePub and transfer texts onto the iRex.

IRex says it is on track to have a color version of the device by 2011, 
something that other vendors, which rely on technology from eInk, a 
subsidiary of Prime View International of Taiwan, say is years away.

One challenge for the entire digital reading market is the price of 
these new devices. A recent report from Forrester Research suggests most 
consumers will buy a digital reading device only when they cost less 
than $100. One way this could ultimately happen is if wireless providers 
like Verizon subsidize the devices and sell them in their stores, as 
they do with the inexpensive laptops called netbooks.

Verizon says it has no plans to do this, but analysts think that could 
conceivably change if e-readers like the iRex sell well. “If this 
becomes a revenue stream for a company like Verizon, which actually gets 
paid for the bandwidth required to distribute content, then it is in 
Verizon’s benefit to promote these devices and in many cases underwrite 
them,” said Allen Weiner, an analyst at Gartner.

But Mr. Weiner also says that first, iRex, Amazon and the entire 
e-reading category have an even more significant problem: savvy 
consumers may hold off on buying devices to see whether Apple enters the 
market with a more general-purpose tablet computer.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204 
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu


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