Phone Smart
Better Calling for Less, by Skipping the Cell Network

The New York Times
February 11, 2010

Few people care whether their calls are carried over a data network, 
a voice network, copper wires or a piece of string tied to two Dixie 
cups. Unless, of course, the method doesn't really work.

Like a cell network.

To take a completely hypothetical situation, let's say you own, oh, 
an iPhone, and you live, oh, in a metropolis that fairly bristles 
with cell towers. And you adore apps like Shazam and Gilt and 
Pandora, but you're considerably less sweet on AT&T because it can't 
carry a simple phone call for more than five minutes.

For the millions of people who might fit into this purely 
hypothetical situation, there are options that don't involve 
switching carriers and turning your iPhone into the equivalent of a 
very costly iPod. All you have to do is find a Wi-Fi hot spot, or 
create one at home, and simply open up one of the handful of apps 
that will almost never drop your calls, and will charge you less to 
boot (especially if you have friends or business overseas).

And if those friends have Fring or iCall or Skype or Gizmo5, too, the 
calls are free.

A year ago, these services were either tough to download or they 
didn't work on the iPhone. And even if you could get one onto your 
phone, the calling experience was sketchy at best. Now these apps are 
generally easy to find and to download on iPhones and Android 
devices, and they offer solid user experiences.

For the handful of people who downloaded Gizmo5 last year before 
Google bought the company and blocked new subscriptions, the service 
can offer a glimpse into the possible future of phone calling. But 
even short of that, the apps are a great alternative to cell networks.



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