[Amazingly, nowhere in the story does it talk about watching TV for free 
via an antenna. What were they thinking?]

March 10, 2010

Can a Mouse Cut the Cable?
NY Times


THERE are certain timeless truths about people who don’t own a 
television, chief among them that they love to tell you they don’t own a 

These days, they are still out there, but they have rivals in the realm 
of zealotry: people who do watch television — sometimes plenty of it — 
but don’t own a cable box.

Those who belong to this crowd are only too happy to remind you that 
they can watch most of what you watch, but don’t pay $60 a month or more 
for the privilege. They will explain gleefully how they (legally, for 
the most part) circumvent the cable companies. And they are becoming 
more voluble, as cable bills rise and technology improves.

“I tell everybody at my workplace about it all the time,” said Sundance 
McClure, a Web developer from Lakeside, Calif., who canceled his cable 
service nine months ago when the cost inched toward $100 a month.

Whenever colleagues talk about what they watch on TV, he said, “I always 
tell them, ‘Yeah, well, you know, we don’t have to pay for any of that.’ ”

Whether this makes Mr. McClure popular at the office does not seem to be 
the point. He gains pleasure from watching hours of television a day 
with the help of PlayOn, a $40 software download that aggregates 
Internet content and streams it to his Xbox 360, a game console attached 
to his TV.

It’s impossible to quantify how many people have ditched their cable 
service, and the cable providers are eager to paint them as a minority 
fringe. But with devices like Xbox and Apple TV and software like Boxee 
making it easy to stream Internet content to a television, mention the 
phenomenon in just about any gathering, and someone is likely to pipe up 
about his or her way of watching cable free. And, yes, by and large they 
do enjoy making other people jealous.

“The two questions I get asked most often are, one, ‘Do you really save 
that kind of money?’ and two, ‘Can you really see everything that you 
want?’ ” said Gerald Ortega, who has been proudly documenting his 
divorce from cable since July 2008 on his blog, Replace Television. “And 
the answer to both of those is yes.”

And no. Though you shouldn’t expect a cable-cord cutter to volunteer 
this information, a monthly bill is not the only thing you must do 
without. Because they command hefty advertising rates, few sporting 
events are streamed live. Premium channels like HBO and Showtime also 
keep their original programming behind a pay wall, since they rely 
largely on subscriber revenue. So a rabid football or “True Blood” fan 
who decides to dump cable had better have some very hospitable neighbors 
(preferably, ones with a premium package).

There are various and baffling reasons that some shows are available 
online and some are not (it has everything to do with contracts and 
money and nothing to do with technology). A show’s Web site will usually 
indicate whether episodes are available online or on DVD.

Charles Redell, a magazine reporter in Seattle, learned this the hard 
way when he invited friends over last year for an annual book swap on 
what turned out to be Super Bowl Sunday. Suddenly he wasn’t bragging 
about how he uses DVDs and Hulu.com to watch “Dexter” and “The Office” 
on his laptop.

“A couple of our friends are really into football, and we had no idea it 
was on,” he said. Fortunately, before any friendships were severed, an 
Internet search turned up a live, illegal feed of the game from China on 
Justin.TV, a video streaming site.

Nonsubscribers may also find themselves playing catch-up when news 
breaks. Although there are plenty of places to find the latest news 
online, it’s hard to find the sort of narrated news program that people 
expect when they turn on the television. “The election last November was 
a bit of a nail biter,” said Mr. Ortega, the blogger, “and Michael 
Jackson’s death kind of came out of nowhere.”

But it’s precisely this off-the-grid lifestyle that some people find so 
alluring. Lauren Reinhold, a stay-at-home mother in Lawrence, Kan., 
canceled her cable service largely to reduce the amount of advertising 
her children saw. She started a Facebook group for cord cutters to share 
tips and cheer one another on.

“We’re kind of pioneers,” she said. “The easy thing to do is to have 
cable, so you’ve got to do things a little bit differently and be a 
little bit tech-savvy.”

Social media can actually pose a problem for people without cable: 
because they must wait for shows to be available on the Web or DVD, they 
sometimes must avoid sites like Twitter and Facebook, which are 
minefields of episode spoilers.

“For certain things, like the ‘Mad Men’ finale, I just had to stay 
offline completely till I was able to watch it,” said Laura Barganier, a 
24-year-old publicist on the Upper East Side who has gone without cable 
since January 2008. Still, she never misses an episode of “Gossip Girl” 
and has lately gotten into MTV’s “Jersey Shore,” both of which she 
watches on her computer anytime after the shows first appear on television.

Cable executives say they are not worried. Setting up a cable-free life 
is still too daunting for most people, since most of the work-arounds 
involve a lot more than just grabbing the remote (assuming you can find 
it under the sofa cushions).

“We don’t consider it a threat to our business,” said Maureen Huff, a 
spokeswoman for Time Warner Cable. “Being able to watch TV on the 
Internet is not new.”

Without question, the cost of watching television is going up: The 
average household cable bill in the United States hit $64 a month in 
2009, up from $47.50 in 2004, according to Leichtman Research Group, 
which specializes in media research.

Even so, most cord cutters are “really just a bizarre breed of people, 
usually in New York or San Francisco, who don’t watch a lot of 
television in the first place,” said Bruce Leichtman, the president of 
the New Hampshire-based group.

The numbers back him up. The multichannel video industry, which includes 
cable and satellite providers, added 1.7 million new subscribers in the 
last three quarters of 2009 — not exactly boom times for discretionary 
income among Americans.

Some cord cutters think of themselves as taking power away from cable 
companies, much the way people without land lines have upended the 
telecommunications industry. But Alan Wurtzel, the president of research 
at NBC Universal, rejects the analogy.

“You can do everything you need to with a cellphone,” he said. “But the 
fact is you can’t duplicate a conventional television experience online.”

Mr. Ortega concedes that the life is not for everyone. “As an American, 
you grow very accustomed to sitting on the sofa and grabbing the remote 
and just flipping through channels,” he said. “And you can’t really do 
that when you’re Net-based.”

For some people, life without cable proves too difficult. Baratunde 
Thurston, a comedian and editor at The Onion, got rid of his cable 
service in 2008 to save money but resubscribed after he started hosting 
“Popular Science’s Future Of” on the Science Channel — a show that is 
not available online.

“I literally got cable again to watch myself on television,” he said, 
adding, “I feel like I’ve let the movement down.”

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu

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