Op-Ed Contributor
Chrome vs. Bing vs. You and Me

The New York Times
July 13, 2009

THE battle between Microsoft and Google entered a new phase last week 
with the announcement of Google's Chrome Operating System - a direct 
attack on Microsoft Windows.

This isn't the first salvo in a war that has already seen Google lob 
its Chrome Web browser against Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Google 
pit its Android smart-phone operating system against Microsoft's 
Windows Mobile, and Microsoft, in turn, aim its new search 
technology, Bing, against Google's very heart - the Google search 

This is all heady stuff and good for lots of press, but in the end 
none of this is likely to make a real difference for either company 
or, indeed, for consumers. It's just noise - a form of mutually 
assured destruction intended to keep each company in check.

Microsoft makes most of its money from two products, Microsoft 
Windows and Microsoft Office. Nearly everything else it makes loses 
money, sometimes deliberately. Google makes most of its money from 
selling Internet ads next to search results. Nearly everything else 
it does loses money, too.

Neither company really cares because both make so much from their 
core products that it simply doesn't matter. But companies, like 
people, strive and dream and in this case both dream, at least 
sometimes, of destroying the other. Only they can't - or won't - do 
it in the end, because it is against the interests of either company 
to do so.

The vast majority of Google searches are, of course, done on PCs 
running Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer. It is not in 
Google's real interest to displace these products, which have 
facilitated so much of its success. Chrome products are given away, 
so they bring in no revenue for Google, and they don't even provide a 
better search or advertising experience for their users, the company 
admits. So why does Google even bother?

To keep Microsoft on its toes.




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