
By Silla Brush
Posted: 05/19/09 06:13 PM [ET]

High-ranking House Democrats are urging the Treasury Department to prop
up minority-owned broadcasters suffering from a lack of capital and lost
advertising revenue amid the economic slump.

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) is leading an effort to
convince Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner to take "decisive action"
by extending credit to this sector of the broadcasting industry.

Clyburn and other senior members, including House Financial Services
Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) and Ways and Means Committee
Chairman Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), argue that minority-owned broadcasters
are sound businesses, but that the recession could undermine the
government's efforts to diversify the airwaves.

A number of members from the Congressional Black Caucus signed the
letter, too.

"While many jobs are at stake, a more important principle - the
government's fundamental interest in promoting a diversity of voices,
including service to underserved communities - is severely threatened,"
the members write in a draft of a letter that was scheduled to be sent

The letter comes as some of the biggest recipients of government bailout
money, including JPMorgan Chase & Co., Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley,
jockey to repay government bailout money. As banks seek a way out from
the government's restrictions, other industries struggle and seek
government support. Some firms seeking to repay the government argue
that the government's restrictions have burdened their businesses.

 The congressmen suggest the Treasury Department could provide access to
capital to minority-owned broadcasters, which they say represent less
than 7 percent of full-power radio stations and a "negligible" ownership
of television stations.

"They are looking for continued access to capital to continue their
otherwise fundamentally sound operations," the members write.

The letter suggests Treasury could set up a credit facility specific to
the industry, similar to the government's efforts to support auto
suppliers, or possibly set up a program for bridge financing and
government-backed loans until the economy improves.

"In addition to the credit crisis, also weighing heavily on minority
broadcasters is a significant decline in advertising revenues,
particularly the loss of automobile advertising," the congressmen write.

The members are asking for a meeting with the Treasury Department and
minority-owned broadcast entities and representatives from the National
Association of Black Owned Broadcasters.

Other members signing the letter are Democratic Reps. Bobby Rush (Ill.),
Edolphus Towns (N.Y.), Maurice Hinchey (N.Y.), Carolyn Maloney (N.Y.),
Maxine Waters (Calif.), Gregory Meeks (N.Y.), G.K. Butterfield (N.C.),
Barbara Lee (Calif.), Lynn Woolsey (Calif.) and Bennie Thompson (Miss.)

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