Study Says Brain Trauma Can Mimic Lou Gehrig's Disease

In the 71 years since the Yankees slugger Lou Gehrig  declared himself
"the luckiest man on the face of the earth," despite dying from a
disease that would soon bear his name, he has stood as America's leading
icon of athletic valor struck down by random, inexplicable fate.

A peer-reviewed paper to be published Wednesday in a leading journal of
neuropathology, however, suggests that the demise of athletes like
Gehrig and soldiers given a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, might have been catalyzed by
injuries only now becoming understood: concussions and other brain

Although the paper does not discuss Gehrig specifically, its authors in
interviews acknowledged the clear implication: Lou Gehrig might not have
had Lou Gehrig's disease.

Doctors at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Bedford, Mass., and
the Boston University School of Medicine, the primary researchers of
brain damage among deceased National Football League players, said that
markings in the spinal cords of two players and one boxer who also
received a diagnosis of A.L.S. indicated that those men did not have
A.L.S. at all. They had a different fatal disease, doctors said, caused
by concussionlike trauma, that erodes the central nervous system in
similar ways.

The finding could prompt a redirection in the study of motor
degeneration in athletes and military veterans being given diagnoses of
A.L.S. at rates considerably higher than normal, said several experts in
A.L.S. who had seen early versions of the paper. Patients with
significant histories of brain trauma could be considered for different
types of treatment in the future, perhaps leading toward new pathways
for a cure.

"Most A.L.S. patients don't go to autopsy - there's no need to look at
your brain and spinal cord," said Dr. Brian Crum, an assistant professor
of neurology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. "But a disease can
look like A.L.S., it can look like Alzheimer's, and it's not when you
look at the actual tissue. This is something that needs to be paid
attention to."

The finding's relevance to Gehrig is less clear. But the Yankees legend
had a well-documented history of significant concussions on the baseball
field, and perhaps others sustained as a battering-ram football halfback
in high school and at Columbia University. Given that, it's possible
that Gehrig's renowned commitment to playing through injuries like
concussions, which resulted in his legendary streak of playing in 2,130
consecutive games over 14 years, could have led to his condition.

"Here he is, the face of his disease, and he may have had a different
disease as a result of his athletic experience," said Dr. Ann McKee, the
director of the neuropathology laboratory for the New England Veterans
Administration Medical Centers and the lead neuropathologist on the

Gehrig's name does not appear in the paper; his case was discussed in
interviews merely as an illustration of the new uncertainty surrounding
cases resembling his, said Dr. Robert Stern, who serves with Dr. McKee
as co-director of Boston University's Center for the Study of Traumatic
Encephalopathy. The cause of his disease will most likely never be
determined because his remains were cremated, and now lie in Kensico
Cemetery in Valhalla, N.Y.

More significantly, both doctors said, the finding solidifies a
long-suspected connection between A.L.S.-like motor disease and head
trauma experienced in collision sports and combat.

"People are being misdiagnosed clinically while they're alive as having
A.L.S. when in fact they have a different motor-neuron disease," Dr.
Stern said. He added, "Scientists will be able to get at a faster
understanding of the disease in general, and therefore effective
treatments, by knowing more about who's at risk and who's not."

According to the A.L.S. Association, up to 30,000 people in the United
States currently have A.L.S., an incurably fatal disease among primarily
40- to 70-year-old men that results in the swift and steady atrophy of
all voluntary muscle control. Gehrig was its first prominent victim,
dying two years after his 1939 diagnosis; some others, like the British
physicist Stephen Hawking, now 68, can live for decades with fully
functioning brains inside bodies that have wasted away.

The new finding could be double-edged for organizations fighting A.L.S.:
it sheds some light on possible causes and research avenues, but also
suggests that Gehrig might not have had it.

"It's extremely interesting - it builds a more interesting picture, but
what this all exactly means about how the disease plays out requires
further investigation," said Dr. Lucie Bruijn, the chief scientist for
the A.L.S. Association. Dr. Bruijn described Gehrig as "an important
fund-raising tool," similar to the actor Michael J. Fox having
Parkinson's disease.

"It's a name and a face that get people to understand what kind of a
disease this really is," she said. "It makes it more personal."

A.L.S. in the N.F.L.

A link between professional football and A.L.S. follows recent
discoveries of on-field brain trauma leading to dementia and other
cognitive decline in some N.F.L. veterans. Dr. McKee and her group
identified 14 former N.F.L. players since 1960 as having been given
diagnoses of A.L.S., a total about eight times higher than what would be
expected among men in the United States of similar ages.

However, the doctors cautioned, the existence of the increased number of
A.L.S.-like cases should not create the same level of public alarm as
the cognitive effects of brain trauma, which affect hundreds of former
professionals and perhaps thousands of boys and girls across many youth

Recent epidemiological studies have suggested that brain trauma in
sports can be a risk factor for A.L.S.; for example, a 2005 paper found
that Italian professional soccer players had developed the disease at
rates about six times higher than normal. Studies have also linked
service in the United States military to higher risk for A.L.S.,
possibly because of battlefield collisions and blast injuries.

The study to be published Wednesday, on the Web site of the Journal of
Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology, represents the first firm
pathological indications that brain trauma results in motor-neuron
degeneration, and that the resulting disease (at least in the three men
studied) is actually not A.L.S. It is a different disorder with
different markings, specifically a pattern of two proteins in the spinal
cord that compromise nerve function.

Dr. McKee had already diagnosed 12 deceased N.F.L. veterans with chronic
traumatic encephalopathy, a progressive disease in brain tissue that
results in cognitive impairment and eventually dementia. Two of those
men - Wally Hilgenberg, a longtime linebacker for the Minnesota Vikings
in the 1970s, and Eric Scoggins, who played only three games at
linebacker for the 1982 San Francisco 49ers - also had A.L.S. diagnosed
by their physicians.

When Dr. McKee examined the spinal-cord tissue of those men, as well as
a former boxer diagnosed with A.L.S.-like symptoms, she found
dramatically high levels of tau and TDP-43, two proteins known to cause
motor-neuron degeneration. She said that they would appear in the cord
as a result of blows to the brain, with the proteins probably traveling
down the spinal cord, rather than direct injury to the spinal cord

Dr. McKee said that because she has never seen that protein pattern in
A.L.S. victims without significant histories of brain trauma, she and
her team were confident the three athletes did not have A.L.S., but a
disorder that erodes its victims' nervous system in similar ways. McKee
added that finding the distinctive pattern in all three men with A.L.S.
symptoms was more than enough pathological evidence to make her

"If we can create this in laboratory mice, which are easily genetically
altered and breed quickly, we can learn about the pathogenesis of this
disorder, and then providing treatment," Dr. McKee said. The consensus
among experts is that brain trauma is almost certainly not solely
responsible for diseases like this.

Those afflicted probably have genetic factors leading to susceptibility,
with concussions serving as catalyst. In that regard, some doctors said,
years from now athletes could be tested for the gene that leaves them
vulnerable, not unlike how some today check for sickle-cell trait.

The Gehrig Mystery

More than any other American athlete, perhaps even the player who
eventually broke his consecutive games streak, Cal Ripken Jr., Lou
Gehrig has come to symbolize a commitment to playing every day,
especially through injuries. That renown partly derives from
well-documented incidents in which he sustained significant concussions
but continued to play in ways now known to be dangerous.

The most notable came in June 1934, when, in an exhibition game, Gehrig
was hit with a pitch just above the right eye and was knocked
unconscious for what was described in news reports as five minutes. (He
was not wearing a batting helmet; such protection was not meaningfully
introduced in the major leagues until the 1940s or required until 1958.)
He was removed from the game.

Despite a headache, a doctor's recommendation that he sit out and a bump
on his head so large that he had to wear one of Babe Ruth's larger caps,
Gehrig played the next day against the Washington Senators to continue
his streak at 1,415 games. "A little thing like that can't stop us
Dutchmen," Gehrig told a reporter, according to Jonathan Eig's
definitive biography of Gehrig, "Luckiest Man."

In 1924, during a postgame brawl with the Detroit Tigers, Gehrig swung
at Ty Cobb and fell, hit his head on concrete, and was briefly knocked
out. While playing first base against the Tigers in September 1930,
Gehrig was hit in the face and knocked unconscious by a ground ball. He
was knocked out again by an oncoming runner in 1935.

Those are the four incidents in which Gehrig's being knocked unconscious
was notable enough to be reported in newspapers. He most likely
sustained other concussions that were never noticed or considered
meaningful - for example, when he was hit in the head with a pitch
during a 1933 game against Washington but continued playing - either in
baseball or while serving as a halfback for Commerce High School in New
York and later Columbia University.

"Obviously he played in the days before helmets, and he led with his
head and with his shoulders, certainly on the football field," said Mr.
Eig, adding that he found no record of brain injuries in news reports of
Gehrig's football career. "On the baseball field he got knocked around a
bit because he could be klutzy. Given the barnstorming he did in the
off-season and his football career and style, there's no telling how
many additional shots to the head he took."

Gehrig's handling of injuries inspired reverence among fans and the news
media. Concussions then almost resembled cigarette smoking, in that what
is now known to be harmful was in Gehrig's time considered benign, even
charming. An advertisement for Camel cigarettes that filled the back
page of Life magazine included various testimonials to "Larruping Lou's"
playing through injuries, including the 1934 incident.

"Another time, he was knocked out by a 'bean ball,' yet next day
walloped 3 triples in 5 innings," the ad reads. "Gehrig's 'Iron-Man'
record is proof of his splendid physical condition. As Lou says: 'All
the years I've been playing, I've been careful about my physical
condition. Smoke? I smoke and enjoy it. My cigarette is Camel.'"

The End, and Legacy

Gehrig showed the first signs of degenerative motor disease in 1938,
when his hands began to ache and his legs and shoulders gradually
weakened. Gehrig's rickety spring training in 1939 indicated to even
casual observers that something was quite wrong; after a poor April, on
May 2, Gehrig told Yankees Manager Joe McCarthy that he would not play
that day against Detroit, ending his streak at 2,130 games, dating back
14 seasons. He rested for a month before seeking some answers at the
Mayo Clinic in June.

The diagnosis was amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, then a virtually
unknown disease that doctors explained to the public as a form of
"infantile paralysis" resembling polio. It had no known cause, and was
not described as fatal. Gehrig's baseball career was immediately over,
and two weeks later, on July 4, he was honored at Yankee Stadium in an
on-field ceremony between games of a doubleheader.

Speaking through microphones to more than 60,000 hushed fans , Gehrig
took the scene and called himself "the luckiest man on the face of the
earth" - a remark that quickly symbolized his humility and, of course,
just how unlucky the slugger truly was. Gehrig's once muscular frame, so
seemingly perfect that only a few years before he had auditioned to play
Tarzan in the movies, quickly deteriorated.

By the time Gehrig died the next year, A.L.S. was already commonly
referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease, a disorder known as much for the
player as for the seemingly arbitrary way in which he was chosen to die
from it.

The Mayo Clinic retains Gehrig's medical records but has never disclosed
them per institutional policy, a spokesman said. A neurologist who was
allowed to inspect them years ago, Dr. Jay Van Gerpen of the Mayo Clinic
in Jacksonville, Fla., was not permitted by the clinic to be interviewed
for this article.

In considering how Gehrig's disease could be pinpointed, Dr. McKee of
the Boston University group said that if Gehrig had been embalmed,
rather than cremated, she theoretically could examine remaining tissue.
He might have had A.L.S., like the more than hundreds of thousands of
Americans who have had it since, and who have perhaps taken some solace
in how such a famous and admirable man as Gehrig had it, too. Or, given
his history of brain injuries, Gehrig might have been like Wally
Hilgenberg and the growing number of athletes who, as science evolves,
stand with increasing company as testimony to concussions' shocking

"Lou Gehrig wanted to know everything possible about his own illness -
he got to know his doctors, talked with scientists with obscure
approaches, and volunteered himself as a guinea pig to find any way to
combat the disease," Mr. Eig said. "He wouldn't stick his head in the
sand and not want to hear about this. If he were around today, he would
continue to have that same curiosity, and that burning desire, to help
his situation, or to help others."
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