
CBS has got to dump David Letterman. Right now.

If the Tiffany Network continues to coddle the crotchety king of late
night, it will rightly be known as the destination of choice for any
girl who jiggles, giggles and puts out repeatedly for a man old enough
to be her father.

Dave must go. If not, CBS will have lost any remaining shred of
credibility, not to mention common decency.

By his own admission, the married Letterman has bedded any number of
women working under His Highness. Problem is, he doesn't seem to know
precisely how many. And brass has long looked the other way.

Letterman's dream life came crashing to earth when an ex-boyfriend of
one of his conquests allegedly attempted to extort him for $2 million to
keep the affairs quiet. This development certainly makes Dave a victim
-- a victim of his own recklessness.

The very livelihoods of the young women who caught Dave's fancy depend
on making Letterman happy. But Letterman, 62, certainly knew what he was

This is a full-grown adult who made a grown-up choice. And he chose to
sleep with junior staffers rather than take the standard route and walk
to the corner bar to conduct a sad, ordinary affair. Instead, he's
working out some twisted Freudian issues on dewy-eyed underlings.

Letterman is guilty of cheating on the woman he eventually married after
a 20-year relationship and trashing the trust of their 6-year-old son,
Harry. This was not one little slip-up, but a deviant pattern. And when
Letterman got lazy, egotistical and sloppy, he became a ticking time
bomb -- a walking, breathing, sexual-harassment lawsuit waiting to

The man who has been famously stalked in the past intentionally made
himself into stalker-bait. Worse, he became the punch line in one of his
own Monica Lewinsky jokes, which Dave told with such glee not so long

A former staffer at "Late Show" described to me a "toxic" atmosphere in
the studio. She said women flirt mightily with the man. Sometimes, it
works in their favor.

Everyone inside the program knows what it takes to get ahead.

In recent years, Dave's comedic chops have taken on a mean streak, as
well. He has shown a wicked hatred of Republicans, which reached a
climax when he joked about Sarah Palin's 14-year-old daughter, Willow,
getting "knocked up" in the seventh inning of a Yankee game by Alex

CBS brass could have taken that gag as a sign that Letterman was
slipping. Instead, bosses chose to ignore it.

The network rescued Letterman from a future of obscurity in 1993, when
NBC denied him his dream promotion as host of the "Tonight" show. CBS
dusted off the Ed Sullivan Theater in Midtown for Dave and made him rich
beyond his wildest dreams.

But Letterman became the ratings champ of his 11:35 p.m. time slot this
year only by default -- after NBC stupidly replaced Jay Leno with the
dreadful Conan O'Brien. Who knows if Dave will remain a winner?

Dave has repeatedly whined publicly about CBS's failure to bow down to
him. Now, the network has a chance to strike back at this ungrateful

Americans would not stand for this kind of behavior from a government
official. Should a jock act in a like manner, his morals clause would
likely kick in.

Letterman's contract expires at the end of next year. I count on CBS to
pull Letterman off the air, then kick him to the curb.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

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