Foreign Airlines Ahead of U.S. on Cellphone Use

September 29, 2009

Cellphone use on airplanes, it would seem, is on extended hold in the 
United States.

The national union representing flight attendants wants Congress to 
ban in-flight phone calls, and survey after survey of airline 
passengers shows strong opposition to allowing cellphones on planes.

So while domestic airlines rush to wire their cabins to provide 
in-flight Wi-Fi connectivity, there is no indication whether, or 
when, passengers in the United States might be able to make a 
cellphone call at 37,000 feet.

In much of the rest of the world, meanwhile, passengers on various 
foreign airlines are already routinely using cellphones and other 
personal wireless devices to make and receive calls in flight. 
Industry officials say cellphones can be used on more than 15,000 
flights a month.

Despite dire warnings that cellphone use on planes would unleash 
social turbulence and possibly even violence in the cabin, there have 
been remarkably few complaints so far, industry executives and 
passengers say.



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