isn't free; you want

By Michelle Singletary
Washington Post

Thursday, March 4, 2010; A18

Beginning April 1, when you go online to view your federally mandated 
free annual credit reports, you'll get exactly what you came for. Hopefully.

The Credit CARD Act of 2009, which has eliminated a number of unfair 
credit card practices, also requires the Federal Trade Commission to 
issue new rules to prevent deceptive marketing of the free reports 
generated by each of the three national credit bureaus -- Equifax, 
Experian and TransUnion. Those free reports are available through, the site authorized by the government.

But since the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act was signed into 
law in 2003, there has been a lot of confusion among consumers about 
which Web site provides the official reports. The ubiquitous commercials 
for an unrelated site,, featuring the curly-haired, 
guitar-playing guy haven't helped.

Heck, even until April 1, people still have to go through a gantlet of 
advertising before being allowed to click their way to their reports on

When you first get to the official site, you must read carefully, lest 
you be diverted to the Web sites for the bureaus. On the site, there is 
bold red lettering that says: "Start here to view and print your credit 
report now." You then have to select the state you live in to begin the 
free-credit-report process.

But some people assume they should click on the credit-bureau links 
below that wording. Once on the sites for TransUnion, Experian or 
Equifax, viewers are hit with marketing pitches for various products or 
services, including monitoring of credit reports or the ability to buy 
credit-score access. Credit scores differ from credit reports, which 
contain consumers' credit history. The scores are used to determine how 
creditworthy people are. There is no requirement for the bureaus to 
provide free credit scores.

Even setting aside the possible detours on the centralized free site, 
there's another opportunity to get misdirected. After you've entered 
personal information on, you'll still encounter 
sales pitches from the credit bureaus. The law doesn't prohibit the 
credit-reporting agencies from advertising their proprietary products 
and services through the centralized source. People have to decline the 
offers one by one before being allowed to get their free reports.

But next month, the advertising has to be moved to the end of the 
process. This is better -- but not ideal.

I understand why the credit bureaus want to advertise. They have stuff 
they want to sell. However, the centralized site should be an 
advertising-free zone. This would eliminate any chance that somebody 
might still think they have to pay to get a look at their credit files.

In the Federal Register notice about the rule changes, the Federal Trade 
Commission said that a ban would be more restrictive than necessary but 
that it would monitor the required disclosures. If the commission finds 
that the delayed advertising still results in significant consumer 
confusion, the FTC says, it will revisit the issue.

At least after the new rule becomes effective, the hyperlinks on the 
home page for will be taken down. This will go a 
long way to keep people on the right site.

On another front, in an effort to help keep people from ending up on 
fake sites or falling for certain promotions, the FTC will require 
prominent disclosures on Web sites pitching free credit reports. Many 
companies claim to offer a free credit report, but to get it you have to 
buy a product or service.

Let's look at one site that often confuses people:

The last time I visited, I saw this notice at the 
top of the home page -- "Free credit reports are available under Federal 
law at:"

That wording isn't going to be good enough under the new rule.

Any commercial Web site offering free credit reports must include a 
specific disclosure across the top of every page that includes the 
following language: "THIS NOTICE IS REQUIRED BY LAW. Read more at You have the right to a free credit report from or 877-322-8228, the ONLY authorized source under 
federal law."

The amended rule won't immediately apply to the wording of disclosures 
for television and radio advertisements. Companies have until Sept. 1 to 
add clearer language in those ads.

Here's a direct link -- -- to file a 
complaint if you paid for what you thought was your free annual credit 
report. If you get your credit reports after the new rules apply and 
encounter a problem, let the FTC know.

George Antunes, Political Science Dept
University of Houston; Houston, TX 77204
Voice: 713-743-3923  Fax: 713-743-3927
Mail: antunes at uh dot edu

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