(UKPA) - 55 minutes ago http://www.google.com/hostednews/ukpress/article/ALeqM5jOAZnBJBhhg35WZQz rtxSXgj3itg
A Surbiton woman who inspired the classic Beatles song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds has died, aged 46. John Lennon's elder son Julian said the song was inspired by a picture he drew of his classmate Lucy Vodden, nee O'Donnell. They were at a Weybridge nursery school in 1966. Mrs Vodden had become ill with lupus, a disease of the immune system. *********************************** * POST TO MEDIANEWS@ETSKYWARN.NET * *********************************** Medianews mailing list Medianews@etskywarn.net http://lists.etskywarn.net/mailman/listinfo/medianews