Malicious Software Infects Computers

The New York Times
February 19, 2010

A malicious software program has infected the computers of more than 
2,500 corporations around the world, according to NetWitness, a 
computer network security firm.

The malicious program, or botnet, can commandeer the operating 
systems of both residential and corporate computing systems via the 
Internet. Such botnets are used by computer criminals for a range of 
illicit activities, including sending e-mail spam and stealing 
digital documents and passwords from infected computers. In many 
cases they install so-called keystroke loggers to capture personal 

The current infection is modest compared with some of the largest 
known botnets. For example, a system known as Conficker, created in 
late 2008, infected as many as 15 million computers at its peak and 
continues to contaminate more than seven million systems globally.

Botnet attacks are not unusual. Currently Shadowserver, an 
organization that tracks botnet activity, is monitoring 5,900 
separate botnets.

Several computer security specialists also disputed the company's 
assertion that the botnet was a novel discovery. This type of 
infection is well known to the computer security research community 
and is routinely tracked by a monitoring system that has identified 
more than 1,300 botnets of this design.



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