
Songwriters, composers, and music publishers are making preparations to
one day collect performance fees from Apple and other e-tailers for not
just traditional music downloads but for downloads of films and TV shows
as well. Those downloads contain music after all. 

These groups even want compensation for iTunes' 30-second song samples. 

At a time when many iTunes shoppers are still fuming over Apple's
first-ever increase in song prices, the demands by the American Society
of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), Broadcast Music Inc.
(BMI), and other performing-rights groups, would likely lead to more
price hikes at iTunes. This would also undoubtedly confirm the
perception held by many that those overseeing the music industry are

For those reasons, composers and songwriters will struggle to sell their
case to the public. But these royalty-collection groups say they're at
the bottom of the music-sector food chain and aren't trying to gouge
anyone. They say their livelihoods are threatened and wonder why movie
studios, big recording companies, TV networks, and online retailers are
allowed to profit from their work but they aren't. 

"We make 9.1 cents off a song sale and that means a whole lot of pennies
have to add up before it becomes a bunch of money," said Rick Carnes,
president of the Songwriters' Guild of America. "Yesterday, I received a
check for 2 cents. I'm not kidding. People think we're making a fortune
off the Web, but it's a tiny amount. We need multiple revenue streams or
this isn't going to work." 

An Apple spokesman declined to comment. 

ASCAP and BMI have their sights set on collecting fees from three main
areas: downloads of music; downloads of films and TV shows, and
30-second song samples.

In case you don't know the lingo of music licensing, here are some
important definitions. When music is performed in public, say at radio
stations, restaurants, or sports stadiums, groups such as ASCAP and BMI
collect fees and pass it on to composers and songwriters. This is
different than a "mechanical" licensing fee, which is paid for the right
to record or distribute a song (ASCAP and BMI don't collect mechanical

"In the U.S. while we do get paid a mechanical (licensing fee) from
ITunes, we are not getting any performance income from Apple yet," David
Renzer, chairman and CEO of Universal Music Publishing Group, said in
interview late last month with entertainment-industry publication,
Encore. "(On iTunes) you can stream radio, and you can preview (tracks),
things that we should be getting paid performance income for. 

"Also, if you download a film or TV show," Renzer continued, "there's no
performance (payment) and typically there's no mechanical (payment)

Taking their case to Congress 
Apparently, the music industry can't obtain the fees through
negotiations. They have begun lobbying Congress to pass legislation that
require anyone selling a download to pay a performance fee, according to
David Israelite, president and CEO of the National Music Publishers

"If you watch a TV show on broadcast, cable or satellite TV there is a
performance fee collected," Israelite said. "But if that same TV show is
downloaded over iTunes, there's not. We're arguing that the law needs to
be clarified that regardless of the method by which a consumer watches
the show there is a performance right." 

Israelite acknowledges that the legislative efforts to this point have
produced little. And they won't produce a thing if Jonathan Potter gets
his way. 

Potter is executive director of the Digital Media Association (DiMA), a
trade group that represents Web music services and media companies, such
as RealNetworks, Pandora, and Apple. 

He stresses two points. 

First, publishers, composers and songwriters do get paid for music
inserted into TV shows and movies. A production company must pay a
"synchronization" fee for the right to include a song in any show or
film. Once the show airs or the film is screened, the music guys will
require payment from TV networks or the studios for performing the music
publicly. Israelite confirmed this. 

Critics argue this is most certainly double dipping. 

Israelite makes no apologies. He says that synchronization and
performance fees cover very different rights. To illustrate the point,
he says not all composers receive money from TV and films. Say, for
example, a TV show licenses a popular tune from singer Aimee Mann or the
rock band The Fray. Those acts would likely be paid both sync and
performance fees. But the person who writes the little-known background
music heard during a fight scene may not see any sync money. That's
because traditionally, composers of this kind of production music gave
away sync rights in the hope they would make money from performance

"This is really a fight about the future," Israelite said. "As more and
more people watch TV or movies over an Internet line as opposed to cable
or broadcast signal, then we're going to lose the income of the
performance. For people who do production and background music, that's
how they make their living."

Potter's is very sorry for those people, but if their income is drying
up, the second major point he wanted to make was that their troubles are
not the fault of iTunes, Amazon, or consumers. 

"These guys are afraid that the business model is shifting away from
public performances to a model of private performances," Potter said.
"This is a turf battle. They are saying, 'The songwriters aren't getting
paid.' Baloney. Songwriters are getting paid. They're paid sync rights
and (mechanical) rights. They aren't getting paid for the public
performance in a download because there is no public performance in a

Downloading count as a performance?
Whether downloading a song from the Web should be considered a
performance is much contested. So far, the courts have sided with
digital media companies. 

In 2005, ASCAP entered into a rate-court proceeding to set licensing
fees for the music services of Yahoo, AOL, and RealNetworks. A U.S.
district judge for the Southern District of New York delivered a blow to
composers and songwriters by ruling that downloading music from a Web
store was not a music performance. On the other hand, the judge found
that streaming music was subject to a performance fee. 

"The songwriter gets a performance fee if the song is streamed without
the video," Carnes noted. "But if it is downloaded within an
audio-visual work like a movie we don't get a performance fee--same
song, no money." 

ASCAP has appealed the decision and arguments in the case will be heard
later this year. 

Of all of the efforts to collect performing-rights fees, few will likely
be more controversial than trying to charge for 30-second samples. These
are the previews iTunes offers so users can test drive a song and hear
what they're buying. According to sources close to the company, iTunes
has acquired licenses to offer the previews but hasn't paid anything for
them. According to Renzer's comments, music publishers want that to

Potter from DiMA argues that copyright law protects Apple and music
stores from being charged performance fees for in-store sampling. 

"They are picking on Apple because they say Apple is making a bundle of
money," Potter said. "But these companies should be thrilled that Apple
and the other services are selling music and generating millions, maybe
tens of millions, in royalties."

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