Newspapers say Google, Yahoo tie hurts competition

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A deal by Google Inc (GOOG .O) and Yahoo Inc 
(YHOO .O) to share some advertising revenue will mean less money for 
newspapers and weaken Yahoo  in the long run, the World Association of 
Newspapers said on Monday.

The group, which represents 18,000 publications worldwide, criticized a 
deal struck in June in which Google will supply Yahoo with advertising 
services to run alongside Yahoo's own Web search system. Together the 
two companies have more than 80 percent of the search market.

"Competition between both these two search companies has provided a 
necessary check to any potential market abuses, and has helped to ensure 
that publishers and content generators are capable of earning an 
equitable and fair return on their content," the group said in a statement.

"W.A.N. strenuously opposes Google's attempt to take over a portion of 
Yahoo's content advertising and syndicated search business," the 
newspaper group said.

The newspaper association expressed concern the deal was announced as 
publishers battled Google over copyright issues.

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