Palm's Full Monty

MG Siegler
October 6, 2009

Easily the quote of the night at Palm's Developer gathering in San
Francisco came from Katie Mitic, Palm's senior vice president of
product marketing. "We want to leave it all out there. You know, 'The
Full Monty'," she emphatically said when noting that Palm's goal was
to be more open.

Anyone who has seen the 1997 British film of the same name will
realize that such an act would certainly more open. But will it work?

Open Apple

If there has ever been any question as to who Palm sees as its main
rival in the quest for next generation smartphone domination, just
look at its ranks. The company is filled with ex-Apple employees, all
the way up to the top with CEO Jon Rubinstein (who was in attendance
tonight), who is the man often credited for being instrumental in the
creation of the iPod for Apple. And if that's not enough, just listen
to the rhetoric:

"Open, open, open, open."

The reason Palm kept repeating that tonight is because it's the one
sure weakness it perceives in Apple's currently dominating mobile
application model. And Palm is hardly alone. Everyone from Microsoft
to Google have taken subtle, and some not-so-subtle, shots as Apple's

The problem with this, of course, is that Apple's system keeps 
growing at an ever-increasing pace. The number of apps in the App 
Store (85,000) is growing at a rapid rate, while the overall 
downloads (2 billion) are speeding up. Rubinstein announced tonight 
that Palm had somewhere around 125 or 127 apps available for webOS 
right now. And those apps have been downloaded some 7.5 million 
times. It's not exactly fair to compare the two stores since Palm's 
app store is much newer. But um, those are pretty big gaps regardless 
of start times.



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