Satellite Dishes Make Lovely Snow Scoops … unless you think ahead and
protect them with these practical cold-weather tips

November 29, 2017

* By John Bisset <>*

If you use heaters on your satellite dishes, this is a good time to check
them to make sure they work.

New Hampshire Public Radio’s Steven Donnell, a frequent Workbench
contributor, has heaters on all of NHPR’s dishes. As a part of his fall
maintenance program, he checks the AC current the heater draws when the
heaters are on. This can be done easily at the heater controller or in the
AC disconnect box at the base of the dish.

In addition, NHPR has installed toroidal transformers that sample the AC
current draw in the mains feeding the heaters. This inexpensive technique
allows staff to monitor heater operation through one of the meter channels
on their Burk remote control equipment.

If the heater controller boxes are outside at the dish, Steven recommends a
close internal inspection to make sure there are no unexpected residents
living there.

In one instance, Steven had a heater fail because the controller box was
infested with hundreds of tiny ants. Apparently, the exoskeletons of ants
are fairly good insulators. After enough ants got squashed across the
contacts of the main relay for the heater, it was enough to block the
heaters from turning on.

Because National Public Radio still uses Galaxy 16, the NHPR dishes are at
a fairly low “look angle.” Check your dish. If it is pointing up, think of
it it as a snow scoop. Unless you add a dish cover and/or heaters, you’ll
be slogging through the elements this winter keeping the dish clear of snow.

Steven also poses a question for readers: Do you have experience with the
heaters used in Prodelin three meter dishes? Steven has a pair that are
four years old, and he has experienced issues with the wiring that
interconnects the heater pads. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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